Chapter 27

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"Surprise, It's Jordan! If you were wondering why Hayes wasn't answering your texts here's why" she says and sends a video.
I watch the video and it's of her and Hayes kissing! This had to of been taken recent because he's wearing the bracelet I gave him that has the day we started dating.
I'm shocked and heartbroken. Why Jordan of all people?
"Told you he didn't really like her" I hear a girl say
Destiny comes over to me with her group of friends.
"Aweee poor baby" she says
"What do you want" I say
"I told you Hayes didn't really love you. I mean who would love someone like you. You're pathetic. You're only famous because of your brother." She says
They bash me for several more minutes.
I tuck my phone in my jeans. And go to the teachers desk.
"Can I go to the bathroom please?" I ask trying not to cry
"Yes" she says
I go into the bathroom and lean against the wall. I call JJ.
"Hey" he says
"JJ" I say on the verge of tears
"What's wrong?!" He says worried
"Where are you?" I ask
"The studio, why?" He asks clearly getting more worried
JJ is one of the main people I go to to talk with. He's helped me through some rough things. We're pretty close. All the guys are like my brother but I'm still closer to him.
"Can you come get me please?" I ask feeling a tear fall down my cheek
"What's wrong hailey" he says
"Just come get me please" I say
"Is cameron okay with it?" He asks
"JJ, please. I can't stay here anymore. Please" I say crying
"I'll be their in 10 minutes" he says
"Thank you" I say and put the phone back in my jeans.
I go to the mirror and wipe my face. I go back to class and sit down. Of course destiny and her friends come back and continue on.
"Did you call mommy? Oh wait mommy didn't like you." She says
I roll my eyes.
"Mrs. Parker, can we have Hailey Dallas for a check out?" Someone says on the intercom
"Sure." She says
"You got your brother to rescue you. How cute" she says
"Actually I got jack to come get me" I say
"Poor baby so heartbroken that Hayes never really liked her" she says as I put my booksack on my shoulder.
I'm trying not to lose it right here. I leave and go to the office. I see JJ and jack standing their. When JJ sees me he comes to me and hugs me.
"What's wrong?!" He asks
"I can't take this school anymore" I say trying not to cry
"What happened?!" Jack asks
"Miss Dallas, are you okay?" The principal asks coming to me
"No ma'am" I say
"What's wrong?" She asks
"This school. These people." I say
"What happened?" Jack asks
"Can we just leave?" I say
"Yeah. Let's go" jack says putting his arm around me
"Do you want us to drop you off at home?" JJ asks
"Are y'all going back to the studio?" I ask
"Yeah. Wanna come?" Jack asks
"Yeah" I say when we get their I get out and we go inside
I go and sit on the couch and JJ comes and sits next to me
"So what happened?" JJ asks
"They were all so mean. I never got a break their" I say
I watch JJ and jack record songs. I told Cameron that I had to check out. He was in a meeting so he said that we'll talk about it when I get home.
At like 5 I get a text from Hayes:
"I just want to set things straight. I never liked you, I just felt bad so I dated you out of pity. Why would I ever date you, I'm surprised you never found out. Jordan and I have a thing that me and you will never have. Sorry. I'd like my ring back"
I sit their speechless. I can feel the tears forming in my eyes. I grab my booksack and go into the sound booth where Jason is recording the songs.
"Hey jay" I say
"What's up hay?" He asks
"Can you tell them that I said bye" I say trying to not break down
"You're leaving?" He asks
"Yeah. I don't want to interrupt them" I say
"Are you okay?" He says
"I'm fine" I say and leave
I go outside.

*JJ pov*

"Hey guys" Jason says on the intercom
"Was that bad?" Jack asks and I see Hailey walking towards the exit
"Hailey wanted me to tell y'all that's she's leaving. But I think something is wrong. She looked like she was about to cry." He says
"Can we just end here for the night?" I ask
"Of course" Jason says
Jack and I quickly grab our things and run to the parking lot.
"Hailey!" I yell and we catch up to her
She's full on crying.
"Hay, what's wrong?" I ask
"I can't have a normal life ever. I will never be happy. Every time I'm happy something always happens. Sometimes I wish the accident never happened and no one found out the truth. Cause then my parents might have actually killed me by now instead of almost killing me." She says
I've never seen her like this.
"Don't say that hails!" Jack says and hugs her
"H-Hayes" she says into his chest
"What about Hayes?" I ask
She hands me her phone and it's on a text message. Of course it's from Jordan. Jack and I read the text and watch the video.
"Awe hails" I say
"That's not it" she says and goes to Hayes's texts
Jack and I read what Hayes said.
I would beat that child right now if he was here.
"That can't be Hayes" jack says
"I don't care anymore. I gave him so many chances and I'm freaking done" she says
She pulls her ring off her finger and drops it
"What are you doing?" Jack asks
"I don't need it anymore" she says
walking away
"Where are you going?" I say walking over to her
"Home" she says
"We'll bring you home" jack says
"I'm not going to Cameron's. I'm going home, to my home, to my friends. I can't take it anymore here. I just can't do this anymore" she says
"Stop saying that hailey!" I say
We get her to let us bring her home.
When she gets out I grab her booksack. She goes to the front door and opens it and walks in.
"What's wrong?" Cameron asks when hailey walks by him but she just goes upstairs
"What happened?" He asks and we tell him everything.

*cameron pov*

When the jacks left I go upstairs. That couldn't of been Hayes that said that.
I go into Hailey's room and she's not in their, I put her ring on her nightstand. Her bathroom door is closed and I can hear her crying.
"Hailey!" I said knocking
"Leave me alone!" She says and I hear medicine bottles
"Open this door, right now!" I yell
"Please leave me alone" she says and I hear the faucet turn on
I get an uneasy filling in my stomach. I try opening the door. I run into the door and I get it to open.
I see hailey right as she puts a handful of pills in her mouth.
"Hailey stop!" I yell and run to her

I grab her cheeks and squeeze them until she spits them out
"Are you nuts!" I say pouring the pills down the drain
"What are you doing?! Stop!" She yells trying to get the pills
"Stop!" I yell turning off the water as all the pills go down the drain
"You idiot! You always ruin my life!" She yells
"Hailey calm down. I heard what happened" I say grabbing her arm so she will stop fidgeting and listen to me
"He cheated on me! We need to go to North Carolina right now!" She yells and goes into her closet and gets her suitcase
"We can't go right now" I say
"Yes we can." She says
"Hailey! Calm down!" I say
"Why didn't you let me take those pills? You had to ruin everything!" She says grabbing her laptop
"I would never let you hurt yourself. You mean way to much to me!" I say
"Obviously not to Hayes" She says
In three hours we are on a plane to North Carolina this needs to be fixed. Hailey is a wreck.

*Hailey pov*

I'm so mad! I want to beat Hayes. When we arrive we get an uber and go to the house. When we arrive Nash opens the door.
"Where's Hayes?" I ask
"Woah now little one" Nash says
"Where is Hayes?!" I ask, I'm bout to fight him.

This chapter is ehhhhhh

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