Chapter 32

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I am woken up by a door slamming. I'm still in this hell hole. My arms are throbbing in pain.
"Maybe I'm in a dream" I say and start pinching myself
"Wake up hailey, wake up" I say but I'm still stuck here with no hope
"Hailey!" I hear my dad yell
Uh oh. He sounds mad. Great.
"Sir?!" I say nervously
"Get down here right this instance!" He yells
"Y-Yes sir" I say and I prepare myself for what is about to happen.
I go downstairs and see my mom and dad standing their.
"Why did you wake your mother up this morning?" He asks
I look at my mom in shock.
"I-I thought you weren't gonna tell him?" I say
"You thought wrong sweetie" she says
"Answer me!" My dad yells
"I don't know. I didn't mean to. It was an accident and I'm sorry" I say
My dad throws me up against the wall.
"Sorry isn't good enough!" He yells and he repeatedly bangs my head against the wall over and over and over again.
When he stops I can barely stand up straight. I can hardly see anything, everything won't stop spinning. Then I'm knocked to the ground. I start crying in pain while my dad kicks me over and over and over again.
"Please stop. Please." I beg
"Why should I huh. Give me one good reason!" He yells
"Because I'm your daughter! You're supposed to love me and protect me from the bad guys. Y'all aren't supposed to be the ones inflicting pain and making me suffer" I cry
"That was so touching, wasn't it darling." He says to my mom
"So very heart touching" she says
"Just because you make that wonderful speech I'll let you go" he says
I cautiously stand up and walk up the stairs nervously. They can't be through with me this isn't how it works.
All of a sudden I'm pulled down the stairs and am thrown against the ground.
"Little girl thought we were really going to let you off the hook. Awe poor baby is crying" he says as the tears fall down my eyes
"Please just kill me now. Please." I beg
"We can't kill you. Who would we beat up if you're dead. We don't have another child." He says
He starts kicking me over and over and over again. He punched me in the face a few times and then he leaves for a second.
I am left crying in a pool of my own blood. I can barely breath or think. Someone please help me.
I see my dad come in with the bat.
"Please don't do it. Please!" I yell
"Shut up! You are gonna get the neighbors attention!" He yells
He starts pounding me with the bat.
"Someone help me! Someone please help me!" I yell like my life depends on it.
It's time for me to stand up for my self.
"Shut up you ungrateful twerp!" My mom yells and try's to cover my face with a pillow.
Jessica. Jessica called me that. She caused this whole mess. I'm going to stand up for myself.
I use all the strength I have left in my body and push the pillow off my face. I manage to stand up.
"Come back here young lady!" Dad yells holding the baseball bat
I dart upstairs and push through the pain. I go into my room and slam it shut and quickly lock the door. I spot my phone on my bed and grab it. I have 2 missed calls from Hayes. I click on Hayes's name and call him.
"Hey." He says
"Hayes I was telling the truth. They hurt me and we got into the accident. Cameron got custody of me. I almost died because of a surgery complication one time. Please Hayes believe me" I say
"Hailey calm down. What is going on?" He asks
"They beat me" I say frantically
"Hailey open this door if you know what is good for you!" My dad yells while pounding on the door.
I see the window and I open it just in case I need to escape.
"Who beats you hailey?" He asks
"Them!" I yell
"Who is them?" Hayes says trying to keep me calm
"My parents!" I yell
"They beat you?" He asks
"Everyday, every night. They try and kill me. Sometimes I just want to die. It hurts so bad." I cry
"Hailey calm down" he says
"I can't! They are gonna kill me!" I yell
"No they are not. I will not allow it!" Hayes says
"Hayes. Please help me" I beg and plead
"Can you get out?" He asks
"I opened the window. I can climb out" I say
"Hailey open up!" My dad yells
"Please climb out hailey" he says
I can hear the fear in his voice. He still cares about me.
I climb onto the roof.
I hear a loud bang and I see my dad in my room.
"He's in the room Hayes! He's in the room! Help me! Please!" I yell frantically
"Jump hailey jump!" Hayes says
I follow Hayes's instructions and I jump down.
"Okay I did" I say
"Run hailey run!" He yells
I'm in so much pain but I run as fast as I can.
I look behind me and see my dad closely behind me.
"He's behind me Hayes! He's gonna kill me! I don't want to die yet!" I yell
"Just run hailey run please." He says frantically
I run and run. I go onto a street and hear horns. Uh oh not again. I scream and then bam.
All of a sudden everything stops. I get up from the rode and see a bright white light. It's so pretty. I go over to it and see all of my happy moments. I stick my hand in it and feel a tingling sensation.
"Woah" I say
"Not yet hailey" I hear and the light gets smaller and smaller
"Yes now. Please I can't keep living like this!" I cry
"Please not yet for us" I hear and turn around and see my brother and all the guys
Cameron comes and hugs me then Hayes gives me a kiss followed by all the other guys hugging me. I hear noises and I look at my phone laying in the street. I pick it up and listen.
"Hailey?! Hailey?! Please be okay. I love you so much. Please answer me! What happened!" Hayes says frantically and I can tell he's crying
"I'm alright" I say and the world starts spinning.
I close my eyes and fall to the ground.

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