Chapter 10

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"Are you okay?" He asks
"Yeah just a little sick. But it's not contagious" I say
"Good. So I can do this" he says and kisses me.
I felt the best sparks ever. I missed those so much the past few months. When we stop he holds my face in his hands and we kiss more and more and more.
"What are you guys doing?" Shawn asks
"Nothing." We say and pull apart
Everyone laughs.
"Hailey your forehead is burning up!" He whispers to me
"I'm okay Hayes. I promise" I say

September 28

"Hails wake up" Cameron says
"Ugh. Why?!" I say
"Meet and greet" he says
I get up and he leaves. I almost pass out for some reason. I slowly go to the bathroom and change into maroon jeans and a Tyler Oakley sweatshirt. I did my makeup and once I was about to start flat ironing Hayes comes in and sits on the counter.
"Hey" he says and gives me a kiss on the cheek
"Hi" I say and smile
"Hailey you look kinda sick" he says
"I'm okay baby" I say and flat iron my hair.
"Smile" he says
I stick my tongue out. I get a notification from Instagram and open it. Hayes posted that picture of me saying:
"Da princess"

I finish flat ironing my hair. Hayes brings me my Dalmatian vans.
"I like these" he says
I put them up and head into the hall with him.
"Everyone ready?" Chad asks
"Yep" we all say
Hayes grabs my hand and we walk down the hall and we all get into the elevator.
I am vlogging the show so I have a video to put up on my channel.

*skip meet and greet at show*

Chad goes onstage and everyone is yelling
"Hailey you wanna do a song?" Shawn asks
"Duh!" I say
"Whatcha wanna do?" He asks
"Air" I say
"Okay" he says
Chad starts calling the guys out.
"Taylor!!" He yells and Taylor runs out and you can hear the fans screaming
I have my vlogging camera out and Matt waves to it
"Hello mattchew" I say and he gives me a side hug
"Matthew!!" Chad yells
He runs out and everyone yells.
Chad does this until it's just me and Cameron
"Ready hails?" Cameron asks
"I hope" I say
It's the first time I'm going on stage since the accident.
"Last but definitely not least... Hailey and Cameron!!" Chad yells and we run out on stage
The crowd cheers and when they finally start dying down we do a few dances and we answered a lot of questions. After like and hour we went back stage so jack and jack can preform.
"You doing okay?" Cam asks
"Yeah" I say and he hugs me
Me and shawn sing air and the guys all come out once were done and we stay up there for like 30 more minutes. We say bye then go backstage.
I feel so sick. I go to the bathroom and throw up. Ugh I don't wanna be sick. I clean my face and rinse my mouth out with water and go back out.

*at home*

When we get home I change and go to bed.

*cameron pov*

It's like 8pm and Nash went and got pizza. I go into mine, Nash, Hayes, and haileys room.
"Hailey dinner" I say
"Not hungry" she says
""Please come eat" I say
"Later" she says
"Okay. If you need us we are in Shawn and Matts room." I say
"Okay" she says and falls asleep.
When I leave I go into Shawn and matts room.
"Where is Hailey" Matt asks
"She's still sleeping" I say
"Oh" he says
"I don't think she feels good" I say
"Neither do I" Nash says
"Worries me" I say
"It will be okay" he says
"I hope so" I say
We all finish eating and we watch 21 jump street. When the movie finishes I grab some pizza and go to our room. I slide the key and open the door. I go over to the bed.
"Hails it's time to get up baby" I say
"no" she wines

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