Chapter 17

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I open my eyes and see Nash standing above me. I'm back in the hospital. It was all a dream. Thank god.
"What's wrong?" I ask
"We're going to the hotel" he says
"I'm not leaving" I say
"Hailey just got out of surgery. She's not waking up anytime soon" he says
"I don't care Nash. She's my girlfriend and I'm always going to be by her side" I say
"Are you sure?" He asks
"Yes Nash" I say
"Okay" Nash says and leaves with everyone except Cameron
I sit up and pop my back. Those chairs aren't really made for sleeping on. Cameron is asleep so I go to the front desk.
"Hi, how may I help you?" The lady asks
"Can you please update me on hailey Dallas?" I ask and she starts typing on her computer
"Umm she just got out of surgery and is back in the icu" she says
"Can I go see her?" I ask
"Visiting hours are over, I'm sorry" she says
"Please. She's my girlfriend. I plan on marrying her. I've been with her through thick and thin for over 2 years. Please" I beg
"I'm just going to do this paperwork. I'm going to be distracted for a few minutes and won't be able to see anyone go into the icu. So don't try anything" she says and smiles
"Thank you" I say and walk back there
I find Hailey's room and walk inside. I go and sit in the chair next to her. I just break down and cry like I've never cried before.

*hailey pov*

I am sitting against the wall by the bed where my "body" is. Hayes is sleeping and all the guys just left. How long am I going to be like this for? I need to wake up? But how?
All of a sudden the door opens and Hayes walks in.
"Hayes!" I say and stand up
He walks over to the chair by the bed and sits down. He covers his face with his hands.
"I'm so glad to see you. If only you could see me too, that'd be great" I say
I hear muffled cries coming from him.
"Hayes?" I say and beside him
He moves his hand and I can see the tears fall.
"No please don't cry" I say
He scoots up to the edge of my bed and moves the hair in my face to behind my ears.
"Baby, please don't die. I need you here. You're my first love and my only love. You're the one I'm going to marry. I need you here with me. Please" he cries and pulls something out his pocket
It's a ring.
"I was gonna give you this at dinner last night but this situation occurred. So I figured this is a now or never time." He says
He takes my ring he gave me for our 1 year anniversary off and slides this new one on.
"I love you so much" he says and tears fall
"I love you more than you'll ever know" I say as tears fall
I've never seen him cry this much.
He stands up and looks out the window in my room. He then leans against the wall and slides to the ground. He plays with my old ring in his hands.
I go over to him and sit next to him. I lay my head on his shoulder.
"I just want to wake up" I cry
I end up falling asleep.

*cameron pov*

I guess I fell asleep. I wonder how long I've been out for? I look around and I don't see Hayes. I know all the other guys left but Hayes. I go up to the front desk.
"Hi, how may I help you?" The lady asks
"Can you update me on my sister?" I ask
"Name?" She asks
"Hailey Dallas" I say
"She's been out of surgery for an hour and a half, she's back in icu" she says
"Can I go see her please?" I beg
"Yes, but don't tell anyone I said yes" she says
"Thank you so much" I say and go to Hailey's room
When I go inside I see Hayes sleeping against the wall.
I take a picture of him and send it to Nash saying "you may wanna come get him"
Nash: "I told him he should've came, I'm on my way"

*the next night*

"Visiting hours are almost over" a nurse saying coming in
"Okay" I say
"We'll be in the waiting room" matt says
The guys all flew out to see Hailey.
Everyone leaves and it's just Hayes, Nash, Bryant, and me.
We talk for a bit and I talk to hailey for a minute.
"Visiting hours are up" the nurse says
"Cmon Hayes" I say and I give hailey a kiss on the cheek
"I love you" I say

*hailey pov*

"No please don't go" I cry.
"I love you" Cameron says and kisses my cheek
"I love you too" I say
"I need her cameron" Hayes says while holding her hand
Tears are quickly falling down Hayes's face.
"We all need her" Cameron says
"Let's have a prayer circle" Nash says and runs to get the guys
Everyone comes in and we get in a circle and grab each other's hands.
They all pray and have a moment of silence.
"Amen" they all say at once and leave
Cameron goes to close the door and see he sees Hayes holding onto my hand.
"Hayes" Cameron says
"When will she wake up?" He asks
"I don't know bud" cam says
"Come on! Wake up! I cry! Please!! I need to help them! I need them to stop crying!" I yell
I immediately get dizzy and everything goes white.

*cameron pov*

"Cmon let's go" I say grabbing Hayes's shoulder and we start to walk out the room
"Beep....beep....beep" I hear and turn around
A doctor comes running in.
"What's going on?" I ask
He listens to her heart.
I then see Hailey's fingers move.
"She's waking up!" I say and run to her side and so does Hayes.
Within 30 seconds Hailey's eyes slowly open.
"Cameron?" Hailey says
"Hailey" I say and start crying tears of joy
"Wh-what's going on? Where am I?" She asks
"The hospital. You had complications with your surgery" the doctor said
"Am I okay?" She asks
"You're just fine. You're going to be alright" I say

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