Chapter 5

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He is holding up an empty bottle of tequila that I forgot to clean up.
"Umm I don't know" I say
"Hailey Paige Dallas!" He says
"Don't gotta be mad!" I say
"Why shouldn't I?! You are drinking!! You're only fourteen!" He yells
"Stop yelling!" I yell
"Why are you drinking!!!" He yells
"It was one time and it was like a few months ago!" I say
"Stop lying!!" He says
"I'm not!" I yell
"Yes you are. Your breathe smells like alcohol!" He yells
"I'm sorry" I say
"Why are you doing this!!"he asks
"I don't know?!" I yell
"Your doing it just to do it?!" He yells
He is very mad.
"I don't know" I yell
"You have to have a reason. No one just drinks just cause! Especially at 14!!" He yells
"I. Don't. Know." I yell
"Do you not understand how mad I am!! How do you think mom and dad would feel if they found out you were drinking?!" He yells
"I don't know?!" I yell
"You don't know?! Do you know anything?!" He yells
"I don't know!!!" I yell almost breaking down
"Pathetic. This is so pathetic. I thought you were better than this. Just think of what mom and dad feel like knowing this is going on" he says
I look down and a tear falls
"Hails I didn't mean it like that. You need to talk to me" he says
"No. Just let me be. I can do whatever I want!" I yell
"No you can't! I am in charge of
You now tell!!" He yells
"Screw you!" I yell
"Stop it! Why are you doing this?! You need help!!" He says and I break
"I can't take it any more!" I cry

*cameron pov*

"Stop it! Why are you doing this?! You need help!!" I say
Hailey starts crying like full on crying.
"I can't take it any more!" She cries
"Hailey calm down" I say
"To much pressure. I can't do this no more. I just can't." She cries and falls to the ground crying
I put down the bottle and sit next to her on the floor.
"What's wrong hails. Please talk to me" I beg
"I don't know to be honest. I feel so stressed and my anxiety is up and my mental state is down and I don't know." She cries
I put her in my lap and she hugs me.
"It's gonna be okay. Everything is gonna be okay now." I say
I leave her alone and go into my room and sit on the edge of my bed. I run my hands through my hair.
"What's going on?" Nash asks
"Hailey is drinking to relieve herself of stress that's she is having and I'm not to happy about that." I say
"Hailey is drinking?!" Nash asks surprised
"Hard to believe but yes" I say
"What are you gonna do?" He asks
"She is coming with us on tour. Ima get her into online school." I say
"She isn't gonna be too happy about that" he says
"Yeah but I feel it has too be done for her safety and well being." I say
"I agree dude" Nash says
"Guess I should go tell her" I say
"Yeah" Nash says "want me to come along?"
"Nah I got it dude" I say and go into her room.
"Hailey?" I say
I don't see her. I finally see that her window is open.

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