Chapter 42

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*one year later*

"I can't believe this" I say to myself while holding the white plastic stick with the two little bit bold red lines.
I'm 16 years old. I just turned 16 less than a month ago. Hayes is 16. We are so young. This can't be happening to us.
"Hailey are you ready?" I hear Cameron say knocking on the bathroom door
"Uh. Yeah" I say grabbing the tests and hiding them in the cabinet
I wipe the tears from under my eyes and open the bathroom door
"You okay?" He asks as I grab my camera and phone
"I'm fine" I lie and we go to the meet and greet.
When we get there I see Hayes. He sees me and runs over to me.
"Ready for the show babe?" He asks
I look at him. Our lives are about to change. Could this be really happening to us. We are so dumb, so very dumb.
"Are you okay?" He asks
"Um. Yeah. Of course" I say feeling nauseous
"Are you okay for real. You don't look so good." He says
"I-I'm fine" I say and start heading to the bathroom
"Hailey tell me the truth" Hayes says following me
"I'm fine!" I yell and run to the bathroom
I go inside and run into a stall. I kneel and everything I ate last night comes up.
"You are not fine" Hayes says coming behind me and grabbing my hair from my face.
I stand up and flush the toilet. I go to the sink and rinse my mouth out.
"What's wrong?" He asks
"I am fine Hayes." I say wiping my face off
He puts his hand to my forehead.
"You don't have a fever" he says
"I'm fine Hayes. I think I ate something bad last night" I say throwing away the paper towel.
"We ate the same thing" he says making me frustrated
"Let's go" I say and we walk out the bathroom
"There you two are. Come on, the meet and greet is about to start" he says
We walk out and cameron smiles at me and I return the smile. I meet so many fans. They were all saying how nice I am and how I am their role model. I can only hope they think the same way when I tell them the news later. After the meet and greet I go back stage and call Brittani.
"Hey hails!" She says
"Brittani" I say seriously
"Whats wrong?" She asks
I can tell by her voice that she knows something is up.
I walk into a private room and close the door.
"I don't know how to say this" I say
"Tell me" she says
"I haven't told anyone and you got to promise me you don't tell anyone" I say
"I promise Hailey. You're scaring me!" She says getting worried
"I'm pregnant Brittani." I say
"What" she asks in complete shock
"We did it one time last month. One time that's it. I have been feeling sick so I took a text out of curiosity and they came up positive" I say on the verge of tears
"Is this a prank because it isn't very nice Hailey!" She says
"I promise you it's not" I say
"Are you filming a video Hailey?" She asks not believing me
"No!" I say "here hold on!"
I send her the picture I took of the tests.
"Oh my gosh Hailey" she says a moment later
"Please don't be mad at me" I say and start crying
"I'm just disappointed but kind of happy. I mean I'm going to be an aunt!" She says madly and excitedly at the same time
"How do I tell him?" I ask
"Just sit him down and tell him hails. You have to tell him. Their is no way around it. Me and you both know that he's going to be excited. Y'all both love kids. Yes its a bump in the road but it's a precious bump in the road." She says cheering me up
"I love you so much" I say.
"I love you too! I can't wait to see my little niece or nephew" she says
My phone beeps and it's a call from Hayes.
"I gotta go Brit. I'll call you later" I say
"Okay. Love you" she says
"Love you too" I say and answer Hayes's call
"Hey" I say
"Are you crying?" He asks
"No" I say
"Ok. Where are you?" He asks
"I was talking to Brittani" I say
"Come on. We are going back to the hotel" he says
"I'm coming." I say and hang up.
I go up front and get in the car. I know Hayes knows something is wrong with me.

*at the hotel*

When we arrive I get out.
"Hailey you going to come watch a movie in Jacobs room later?" Cameron asks
"Maybe. I need to upload my YouTube video" I say
"Okay" he says kissing my head and giving me the key
I'm ready to go back to California tomorrow.
I upload my vlog and pack. I hide the pregnancy tests in my suitcase. I think I may take more when we get home just to make sure.

*in California the next day*

When we finally get home I go up to my room and call Madison. Madison is jacks girlfriend. I used to hate her so much but then I realized we actually had some things in common. I called Madison and told her everything.
"I'll be right over with some tests. The jacks are coming over to your place later today so I'll just come with them." She says
"Thank you mad" I say
"Everything is going to be okay hay" she says
"I hope so" I say and put my phone down
I unpack and hide the tests in my bathroom
I sit on my bed and edit a YouTube video.
"Hailey!" I hear and almost jump out of my skin
"Madison! You scared me half to death!" I say
"I'm sorry babe" she says

I'm sorry for skipping so far ahead but I had zero ideas for the book. I am trying to make it more interesting. Much love💕💕

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