Chapter 19

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How dare Cameron come in here and take my stuff away. He's not my dad.
I go into my bathroom and change into jeans and a blue long sleeved Hayes Grier shirt. I put on my blue vans and go downstairs.
"Hey hey hey" matt says
"MATTCHEW!" I yell and run to him and jump into him
He spins me around and then puts me down
"How's baby magcon?" He asks
"We aren't even in magcon anymore" I say
"You'll always be baby magcon" he says
"Noooo" I say grabbing a water
"Sorry Charlie" he says
I roll my eyes.
"At-titude" he says sassy
"You know it" I say
"Better watch it matt, she's been real pissy lately" Cameron says and I glare at him
"You don't know me" I say to him
"Baby magcon having an attitude. She never catches an attitude unless she's messing around. She's the sweet one" matt says
"Thank you!" I say
"Not lately" Cameron says
"Whatever" I say

*that night*

"Bye mattchew" I say giving matt a hug
"Bye baby magcon" he says and I roll my eyes
When Matt leaves I go upstairs and take a shower. I then change into maroon joggers and a long sleeved, black Taylor caniff shirt.
Cameron surprisingly allows me to upload a YouTube video.
I really need all my stuff back. When my YouTube video uploads cameron takes my laptop.
I'm getting it back, tonight.
At like 11 cameron goes to bed. Now we wait. I go upstairs and quietly open Cameron's door. I hear him snoring. I open the door all the way.
"What are you doing?" Nash asks startling me
"Jesus Nash!" I whisper/yell while holding my heart
"What are you going" he laughs
"None of your beeswax" I say
"You're just gonna get in more trouble" he says
"No way" I say
"Mmkay" he says and goes into his room
I tip toe into Cameron's room. I know all the places cameron hides my stuff at. I go over to his dresser and open the top drawer.
I grab my phone and laptop. I tip toe fastly out the room and close the door.
"Haha sucka" I say
I go into my room and close the door. Hayes texted me like 20 times. I text him back saying:
"I'm sorry babe, Cameron took away my phone and laptop"

I go on snapchat and take a picture of the darkness and say:
"You suck at hiding my stuff when I'm grounded"

Hayes facetimes me so I am on FaceTime with Hayes for like 4 hours.
"I guess I should get some sleep"
He says
"Aweeee nooo" I say
"I'm coming to Cali in two days" he says
"Come now" I say
"I wish" he says
"Love you" I say
"Love you too" he says
I put my phone down and fiddle with the ring he gave me when I was like dying.
I tried to fall asleep but my mind was just playing the car accident and flashback of my parents beating me. I put on my shoes and open my window. I got out on the roof and sit down. I look up at the stars.
"I hope y'all are happy. Yall broke me. It takes so much strength to be happy and pretend like nothing is wrong. It's been 2 months and I'm still suffering. Every time I try to sleep or do anything, flashbacks of y'all yelling at me or beating me pop into my mind. I can't go a day without having a panic attack, I hope y'all are happy. I'm weak and vulnerable now. My mental state is slowly decreasing everyday. My brother doesn't even know what's going on. I'm glad y'all are dead" I say and wipe the tears from my cheeks.
"Hailey?" Nash says
I turn around and his window is open and he's coming to sit by me.
Oh no, how much did he hear?!
"What's wrong?" He asks putting his arm around me
"Nothing" I say wiping the tears from my eyes
"If nothing is wrong then why are you crying?" He asks
"I'm not crying" I say
"Don't lie to me" he says
"I'm fine!" I say
"Talk to me, please. I can tell something is wrong. You haven't been acting the same since you moved out here. You seem like you are trying to act normal but I know you well enough" he says
"You don't even know the half of it" I say out loud to myself
"What?" He asks
"There's nothing wrong with me" I say
"Hailey" he says
"Nash! I am fine! Please leave me alone!" I yell getting mad
Since my parents died, I've had some anger issues.
"Hailey calm down" he says
"Don't tell me how to live my life" I say and stand up
"Hailey!" He says grabbing my arm
"Leave me alone, please!" I yell and go into my room
"Something is obviously wrong!" Nash says
"No one would understand. I can't tell anyone" I say not meaning too
"What can't we know?" Nash asks
"Like I'd tell you" I say putting on my shoes
"You're not leaving" he says
"Why" I say grabbing my phone
"Because it's dark outside and I don't need you getting hurt" he says
"Why do you care. No one cares about me" I say to myself
"What?" He asks
"I can take care of myself" I say
grabbing my phone from the charger
"Hailey, please you're overreacting" he says
"Just please let me be." I say on the verge of tears as I go into the hallway and down the stairs
"Hailey!" He yells and runs to me
"What?!" I yell
"What is your problem. All I did was ask you what was wrong and you got defensive!" He says
"Because everyone always asks me what's wrong! Maybe I don't want to talk about it! Maybe I can't talk about it!" I yell
"What is going on?!" I hear and I see Cameron coming down the stairs with jaxx by his side
"Something is wrong with Hailey and she won't tell us" Nash says
"You're mature" I say
"What's wrong?" Cameron asks coming to me
"Nothing!" I yell and open the door
"Don't you dare step out of this house!" Cameron yells
"Please just leave me alone!" I say about to lose it
My mind is racing and I need peace and quiet. All I can think of is my parents and how they hated me. Every name they called me is racing in my mind. I need to leave, right now.
Cameron grabs my arm as I step outside. I pull it out of his grip.
"Hailey, please talk to me. Something is obviously wrong with you. You can tell me" he says
"No I can't!" I yell and walk outside. I make it into the sidewalk before cameron grabs my arm
"Come back inside. And we can talk" he says
"Maybe I don't want to talk!" I yell "maybe I want everyone to stop asking me what's wrong! Maybe I can't tell you what's wrong because it would ruin everything! Maybe everyone can just stop asking me questions that I don't want to answer! Maybe everyone can just leave me alone for a bit!" I yell
"Let's just go inside. We don't have to talk. We can just go inside." he says trying to calm me down
"Everybody just keeps asking me what's wrong. No one understands what I'm going through" I say walking slowly with Cameron
"It's okay, I understand" he says
I pull away.
"No you don't! No one will ever understand what I've had to deal with! You left me for two years cameron! Two freaking years! You used to come home all the time, then you just stopped! You don't know what I had to deal with! Mom and dad changed. No one will ever know what I went through! Stop saying you understand. You don't know how messed up I am right now. I can't think straight. I can't do anything. They ruined me and you'll never understand!" I yell and walk away, my eyes filled with tears

*cameron pov*

I walk over to hailey
"Hailey I-" I try and say
"You what?! You understand! You're sorry?! I don't need your pity. I need someone to understand me! I have no one cameron! No one! Everybody thinks I'm fine and that I'm the same girl I was during magcon. Everyone expects me to be the same since I'm so happy on my YouTube videos. It's not that way cameron. I can't do anything!" She yells
"Hailey" I say trying to calm her down
Something is definitely wrong with Hailey. It's like she is having a mental breakdown
"No. I need to leave!" She yells
Hailey tries to walk away but I grab her arms
"Let me go!" She yells
"Calm down hailey" I say calmly
"I need to leave. I need to think!" She says
"Hailey! Calm down!" I yell
"Let. Me. Go" She says
I look in her eyes and I don't see the normal sparkle that is usually there
"Not until you calm down, now let's go inside" I say backing up while still holding her arms
She then snaps.
"No! Let me go!" She says and starts hitting my chest trying to get free of my grip
"I need to leave. I need to think. Let me go, please." She says while hitting me
"You're okay hailey!" I say trying to get her to stop
"I can't do this anymore!" She says
"Hailey! You're okay!" I yell and shake her to get her attention
"They hurt me. You left me and they hurt me! It's all your fault!" She says and she starts hitting a lot slower
"They hurt me. I can't do this anymore." She says
She then stops hitting me and cries into my chest.
"You're okay. It's all okay now." I say trying to comfort her while rubbing her back
I look at Nash and he looks shocked.
Same Nash, same.
"My mind won't stop racing" hailey says and I feel her sinking to the ground
She sinks to the ground and puts her hands in her hair.
"My mind keeps replaying it over and over and over again. It won't stop! Over and over again! It never stops. From the crash to them hurting me. It won't stop!" She yells looks at the ground
I can tell she's suffering. I've never seen her this desperate before. She's so fragile and broken. I need to know why.
I squat down infront of her. She looks at me and tears are cascading off her face.
"Make it stop, Cameron. Make it stop!" She begs
I can see the helplessness in her eyes.
"Tell me what's wrong" I say softly
"They hurt me! You left me and they hurt me. They hit me and called me bad names cameron. Bad bad names." She says looking at me, her eyes are full of helplessness
This isn't my hailey. This hailey is helpless and fragile. My Hailey has never acted this way ever.
"Who hurt you hails?" I ask on the verge of tears
"Stupid. Pathetic. Loser. Just leave. He's way better than you'll ever be. You're nothing. Go kill yourself. I hope you die. You're just a waste of air." She says to herself while looking down at the ground
"Who hurt you hails. Please tell me" I beg
"Cameron can't know" she says looking at me
Her eyes are like black. She's not in the right mental state.
"Why not?" I ask
"Cause it'll ruin everything" she says
"Who hurt you" I say pleadingly
"I'm glad they're dead" she says looking up at me
"Hail you need to tell me so I can stop you from hurting" I say
"Please don't tell Cameron or anyone of the guys." She says
"I promise I won't" I say and look at Nash who is standing in the grass far enough behind hailey so she doesn't see him and freak out. He looks worried. We make eye contact before hailey starts talking.
"My parents" hailey says
I feel the color drain from my face.
"They drank everyday. They beat me. They called me names. They hurt me. Now the memories won't get out of my head. Sometimes when I wake up they are standing by my bed and they call me bad names, very very bad names. Please help me." She begs
"Mom and dad abused you?" I say on the verge of tears and anger rising
"Parents aren't supposed to do that. Parents are supposed to protect you and love you. They aren't supposed to be the thing you need to be protected from" she says
"How long?" I ask feeling the tears fall
"A couple of months after Cameron left" she says
I stand up and run my fingers through my hair. I wipe the tears from my cheeks. If they were still alive I'd kill them.
"Are you going to tell Cameron?" Hailey asks looking up at me
"No, of course not. Now let's get you in bed" I say and help her stand up
I walk her into the house and Nash opens the door. I bring her to her room and put her in bed.
"Don't tell Cameron" she says
"I won't. I promise" I say and close the window
I close her door and go downstairs.
"I can't believe this" Nash says
"Nash, if they were still alive I'd beat them. How dare they touch my sister. How could parents do that to their own daughter?!" I say as the tears fall and Nash gives me a hug
"We need to focus on getting her better" he says
"You're right" I say
I end up hardly getting any sleep that night.

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