Chapter 29

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*the next day*

I wake up at around 8 and get ready for the day. I need to tell Cameron about how Sarah is wanting me to get this book done in a week so I've gotta go to california.
I was about to open his door when I hear him talking to someone. I'm nosey and I can't help but listen.
"I'm coming home soon baby" cameron says
Baby? Who's this baby?
"I want to tell her about you, I really do, but she's not gonna take it well" he says
"I'm coming home tomorrow. I'll find an excuse and I'll spend the whole day with you, I promise Jess." He says
The frick is going on. Does my brother have a girlfriend? Why wouldn't he tell me.
"I got to go before hailey wakes up, I love you" he says
I open the door right as he hangs up. He jumps when he sees me.
"You scared me" he says
"Why would I scare you? Do you have anything to hide?" I say trying to make him nervous
"What, why would I have anything to hide. I would tell you if you had anything to hide" he says
"Mmkay, tell jess I said hi" I say leaving the room
"Okay" he says and I wait a second and he comes running after me
"How'd you know?!" He says
"I overheard you" I say
"You were spying on me?!" He says
"Yep" I say
He tells me all about Jessica. They've been dating for a couple of months, she's really pretty, and she lives by us.
I'm kinda hurt he never told her about me but it's whatever.

*the next day*

We landed back in California and Jessica is picking us up from the airport. Im excited to meet her.
"Hey jess!" Cameron says giving her a kiss when he gets into her car.
Cameron doesn't want the fans to know yet, I think he should tell them before they find out but he doesn't listen to me. No surprise.
We all go to a restaurant.
"I've heard a lot about you" Jessica says to me
"Prolly wasn't all good things" I say as I take a sip of my drink
"All I've heard was how proud cam is of you" she says
"Awee cammy" I say looking at him
After we go eat we go to a few stores.
All I heard from Jessica was "omg I love this can you get it for me" or
"I forgot my money can you buy this and I'll pay you back?"
Literally that's all she said. Cameron bought her more stuff in that one shopping trip than he's ever bought me in my lifetime. I'm being dead serious.
Cameron goes to the bathroom and Jessica and I are standing there. She accidentally drops her purse and everything spills out. I help her pick it up and I see plenty of cash.
"I thought you didn't have any money?" I say handing it back to her
"Back off twerp. If you tell Cameron about this I'll ruin your life" she says and it shocks me
"Woah now. No need to get feisty. Why would you lie to my brother and make him pay for all your stuff?" I ask getting kind of angry that she would use my brother
"You guys are rich. Why wouldn't I ask" she says
"You can't keep doing that. We work hard for our money. If you keep asking him for money I'll tell." I say crossing my arms
"You don't work hard for anything. You're only famous because of Cameron." She says
"You're not the person I thought you were. You and Cameron aren't gonna last very long." I say as Cameron comes out
"Cam" Jessica says putting on a sad face
"What's wrong?" Cameron asks hugging her and she whispers something into his ear
Cameron looks at me with his "I'm gonna kill you look"
"Why would you tell jess that you were gonna break us up?!" He asks clearly mad
"I never said that!" I say
"Yes you did! You said that cam is spending way to much time with me and that you aren't gonna keep allowing this!" Jessica says
"No I didn't!" I say raising my voice
"I can't believe you hailey" Cameron says walking to the car with Jessica
You've got to be kidding me.

*the next week*

This has been the worst week of my life. Cameron has been ignoring me he's been staying with Jessica at her place. I've tried calling and texting him a million times. I get a text from an unknown number.
"He doesn't love you. He hates you. He's told me how he wishes that you would have died in that crash with your parents. Leave him alone. Leave me and him alone. I need him. He gives me money and presents. He's caught into my trap. He thinks I love him, but I really love his money. Leave us alone or I'll ruin your life"

I get mad. I go on Instagram and there's a picture of Cameron and Jessica. The caption says
"Friends or more than friends"
I comment
"They're dating and she's a freaking jerk"

Within ten minutes everybody in the world knows that cameron and Jessica are dating.
"Hailey!" Nash says coming into my room
"Yes?" I ask
"Why'd you tell everyone that Cameron and Jessica are dating?" He asks
"Because why not. Maybe Cameron should talk to me" I say
"He's gonna be pissed, hailey. You shouldn't of done that" he says
"Well Jessica is a gold digger and I don't like her" I say
"Hailey you didn't have to do it like this" he says
"All I wanted was a call from him. I want to talk to my brother again." I say
"All you did was have to call him" he says
"Don't you think I've tried that Nash!!" I say "I've tried it a million times. He never answered!"
I get a call from Cameron.
"See it worked" I say and answer it
"Hi cammy!" I say
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" He yells definitely mad
"I just wanted a call. I wanted to hear from you again. We haven't spoken in over a week" I say
"You didn't have to do it like this!" He yells
"Can we go eat?" I ask
"Fine" he says and he hangs up
He texts me the address and I get ready
"It worked Nash!" I say and get ready

*at restaurant*

I get a table and sit down. I finally see Cameron and get excited then I see Jessica walk in right after him.
"Why'd you bring her?!" I ask
"Because she's my girlfriend" he says
We all talk and it's mostly awkward silence. At the end cameron goes to the bathroom.
"Look what you did you dumbass!" Jessica says
"I didn't do anything!" I say
"You're just a selfish twerp. You're jealous your brother is giving someone else attention" she says
"No im not. I was glad he found someone but then I found out you were a gold digger" I say
"I'm gonna keep your brother wrapped around my fingers till he runs out of money. He'll never believe you. He doesn't even like you. You're just a sad story and he needs to take care of you or he'd look bad." She says
My anger takes over me and I pick up my coke and dump it over her head.
"Hailey!" I hear Cameron yell
"What the hell is wrong with you?! You've taken it way to far!" He yells.
"But-" I try and say
"Just no hailey. Go outside. We're bringing you home." He says while helping Jessica wipe off all the drink
"Don't worry I'll walk" I say grabbing my phone and leaving
"Hailey stop!" Cameron says
"Leave me alone! I wish mom and dad were alive" I yell and start running
I run and run and run.
"I wish mom and dad didn't die!" I yell
"Hailey stop!" I hear
I stop and turn around.
"What?!" I yell
All I hear is honking and tires screeching.
"Hailey!" I hear
I look and see a car. I can't move. Then bam!
"Mom and dad. Mom and dad. Mom and dad" keeps replaying in mind

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