Chapter 14

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He walks away leaving me stunned. This can't be happening!!
"Cameron!" Nash says
I turn around and Nash, Chad, and Hayes run to me.
"Is she okay?!" Chad asks
"They said it doesn't look good" I say
"What?" Nash asks
"She can't go! She just can't!" I say
"It's all gonna be okay Cameron" Nash says
We go and sit in the waiting room and we are all quiet. I go on Twitter and tweet:
"Hailey was just rushed into surgery about an hour ago cause her appendix bursted. They said it doesn't look good so until she gets better we can't do any meet and greets"

We sit in the waiting room for what feels like days but it was only 6 hours. I finally see the doctor and he comes to us. We stand up and go to him.
"How is she?" I ask
"The surgery was a success and she is resting up. She should be able to go home in about a week." He says

October 7

Hailey is doing great! She is healing fastly and not in that much pain anymore. I'm so happy she is okay cause without her I wouldn't know what to do!

October 12

Hailey is getting out today and I'm excited. We have to go on a plane because Hailey said she wanted to go to meet and greets as soon as possible so we gave out the new meet and greet schedule to fans and we have one in three days.

October 13

*hailey pov*

We are in Kansas right now and my record just got released!!! I just uploaded a YouTube video and a lot of people have already bought the album on ITunes!! I feel a lot better after being out the hospital. I'm ready to meet fans and get back to my normal life!!!

October 15

I woke up this morning and Hayes was laying next to me. I rolled over and pecked him on the lips. He smiled and opened his eyes.
"Hey baby" he says
"Hi" I say
Nash and Cameron are in chads room discussing the show today.
My album is number one on the charts right now and I'm so happy!!
Hayes sits up and brings me to him and leans in and kisses me. We kiss hard. So many sparks going everywhere!
We break the kiss when the door opens.
"Guys get ready" Chad says
"I guess I will go get ready" I say
"Me first" Hayes says
We look at each other and I run to the bathroom and so does he but I tripped him and locked the door. He starts banging on the door.
"Ohh Ima get you back for that Hailey!" He says
"Try me" I say.
I pick out a maroon long sleeve shirt with a blue collar and a blue skater skirt. I curl my hair and do my makeup. I go out and am immediately grabbed and pushed up against the wall.
"Hayes what are you doing?" I ask
"Nothing" he says
I get lost in his bright blue eyes and he crashed his lips into mine and starts kissing me. It turns into a make out session till we once again stop when we hear the door open. I grab my maroon vans and put them on. Hayes is ready with in like 5 minutes. I grab my phone and we head to the meet and greet.
*skip meet and greet*

We are on stage and I just finished singing. When we were meeting fans they were all nice to me.
I start feeling alittle dizzy and sick. Cameron lets me finish early. I go back stage and watch the rest. When they finish I really don't feel good.
"Hailey what's wrong?" Cameron asks
"The room is spinning" I say
"Here sit" Nash says trying to get me to sit
"No" I say
"Hailey stop" Cameron says
"I-I don't feel good." I say and the room goes dark

*cameron pov*

"I-I don't feel good" Hailey says and falls to the ground
"Hailey!!" I yell and get down beside her
"What do we do?" Nash asks
"Call an ambulance! Now!" I yell
"Hailey wake up!" I say and shake her
She isn't moving or waking up!
"Wake up Hailey!!!" I yell and start crying.
I put her in my lap and start rocking her.
The ambulance comes within 5 minutes. Chad goes and shows them were we are and they race in.
"Please help her" I beg
"We will sir" he says
They do a lot of things and one runs out and grabs and oxygen masks. They put Hailey on a stretcher and start bringing her to the ambulance.
"Can I ride?" I ask
"Yes" one of the ambulance guys says
I get in the ambulance after they put her in. We start going and they are hooking up to a lot of things.
"We are on route to hospital. 5 minutes away." One of the guys say in a walkie talkie thingy.
"State of patient" someone says in the walkie talkie
"Female, 14 years old. Possible head trauma. Passed out and hit her head-" he says and before he can finish a machine starts beeping
"What's that?" I ask
"She is gonna be on oxygen." He says "code red"
He grabs a mask and puts it to her mouth and starts a machine right as we get to the hospital.
I'm so confused. She was fine an hour ago!! What's going on?! When we get to the hospital I jump out and get out the way and like 3 nurses and a doctor rush out.
"Code red guys! Head to surgery" the doctor says
"What's going on?!" I ask and follow them until they get to an elevator.
"Sir you can't go any farther right now. Let me show you were the waiting room is." One of the nurses says
She brings me up and elevator and to a waiting room.
"What's wrong with my sister?!" I ask on the verge of tears
"Someone will be out to update you very shortly mr. Dallas" she says
I sit down and the guys come over a short time later.
"What's wrong with Hailey?!" Hayes asks looking like he is on the verge of tears
"I-I don't know" I say
"It's all gonna be okay" Chad says
"I can't lose her. I can't. I almost lost her a few days ago why is it happening again?!" I ask and a tear falls and Nash hugs me
"It's gonna be alright. She is strong" Nash says
"Dallas family?" The doctor says
We go over to him and he doesn't have a smile on his face.
"Is she okay?" I ask
"Um. We don't like to tell this to people to give their hopes up" he says
"Tell us!" Nash demands.
"Okay. Well I understand Hailey had a major surgery a week or so ago, right." He says
"Yes" I say
"Well there was a complication that happened during the healing time that couldn't have possibly been detected before she blacked out. Some major arteries have been clogged and it caused her to go into cardiac arrest" he says
Cardiac arrest?! That doesn't sound good!
"Is she gonna be okay?" I ask
He looks down.
"Is she gonna be okay?!" Nash yells furiously
Hailey is like a sister to Nash. Nash has known her for like ever and does anything he can to protect her.
"The activity in her brain stopped for a little bit while on the way here and her heart stopped also. She is in a coma." He says
At this moment I knew my life was gonna change and I don't want it to.
I start breathing a little heavy.
"S-she's in a c-coma?" I ask
"Yes sir" he says
"When will she wake up?" Chad asks
"We don't know if it when" he says
"Is she gonna be okay?!" Hayes asks
"All I can say is that it doesn't look good" he says and I feel like dying.

Is this even good? I don't know but this part sucks but it is gonna get WAY better like way better!!!

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