Chapter 15

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*hailey pov*

I slowly open my eyes and they adjust with the brightness. I don't remember falling asleep. I sit up and realize that I'm in a hospital. Great. I stand up and open the door. I hear my brother and I follow his voice.
"Is she gonna be okay?" He asks the doctor standing in front of him
"Is who gonna be okay?" I ask and no one answers me
"It doesn't look good" the doctor says and I can see the color drain from Cameron's face
"Cameron?" I ask and go up to him
"I'm sorry" the doctor says
"Cameron are you okay?!" I ask standing in front of him
He doesn't even look at me.
"It's gonna be okay. Hailey is strong, everyone is praying" Nash says
"I am right here!" I say trying to get their attention
"I need to go see her" Cameron says
"Cmon" Nash says and they walk down the hall
I of course follow.
They go into the room I just came out of.
"I'm not in their you idiots" I say and enter the room
I stop dead in my tracks when I see myself laying in that hospital bed.
"What's going on?" I ask
"She can't die Nash! She can't!" Cameron says
"What's going on?!" I yell trying to wrap my mind around this
"She's not going to die Cameron. She's strong" Nash says
"That's me?" I say to myself and go over to my body laying lifelessly on the bed
I look so bad. I've got wires everywhere and a machine breathing for me.
"This can't be happening. I can't be dying" I say on the verge of tears
"Where's hailey?! I need to see her!" I hear someone yelling
I know that voice anywhere.

*hayes pov*

I got Chad to bring me to the hospital. When we got their I run inside. I run to the front desk.
"How may I help you?" A lady asks
"My girlfriend" is all I can manage to get out
"What's her name?" The lady asks
"Hailey Dallas" I say trying to catch my breath
"I'm sorry sir but we are only allowing immediate family to see her" she says
I get mad
"Where's hailey?! I need to see her!" I yell
"I'm sorry sir but you can't right now" the lady says
"No! I will see her! That's my girlfriend in their and you will not tell me I can't see her! Now tell me what room she's in!" I yell
"Hayes!" Nash yells
I run to him
"Where's hailey?!" I say frantic
"She's in her room, cmon" he says and we walk back in their.
When we get in their I see Cameron sitting by her bed holding her hand. He's looks rough.
When I walk inside he looks at me.
"How's she doing?" I ask moving the hairs out of her face
"Not good" he says looking at the ground
"What do you mean?" I ask
"They say she may die" he says
"What?!" I say shocked "she can't die!" I say/yell
"Calm down" Nash says
"She can't die Nash!" I say
"It's going to all be okay" Nash says calming me down
I start calming down until I hear a machine start making beeping noise.
"What's going on?" I ask
Then all of a sudden doctors rush in.
"What's happening?!" Cameron says
"We need for you to all leave, right now please" a nurse says and makes us leave
"What's going on?!" Cameron says
"We will come talk to you shortly" the doctor says
All I could do was go sit in the waiting room.
I end up falling asleep.
"What?! This can't be happening!" I hear and open my eyes
I look around and see all the guys are crying and Cameron is sitting on the ground with his hands covering his face.
"Where's hailey?" I ask and everyone looks at me
"What's going on?" I ask and look at Nash who just shakes his head and tears fall down his cheek

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