Chapter 41

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I go upstairs. Cameron and I have a love hate relationship obviously. We argue over the littlest things in life. Sometimes we just made smart remarks at one another when we aren't actually being serious or care but then other times we fight to the death. We will scream and yell at each other for hours. We are both are stubborn as all get out.
I go to my room and Hayes follows. I need to upload a video. I grab my laptop and sit criss crossed on my bed with the laptop in my lap. Hayes lays down next to me and plays on his phone while he watches me edit. I edit for about 30 minutes and upload a video. I then edit the vlog I made of our date. I look next to me at Hayes and he's sound asleep. We went to bed late last night, we watched the stars all night long then watched the sunrise. I quietly and carefully get his phone from it laying on his chest. I go on his snap chat and take a picture of him saying:
"Sleepy baby"
I send the picture to me and go on his twitter and say:
"Vlog of our secret date on Hailey's channel! Go check it out!!"
I close my laptop as Cameron comes in my room to take it from me. I hand him the laptop and roll my eyes at him.
"Sass isn't going to fix anything" he says
"Being a douche isn't going to solve anything either" I say
"Shut up Hailey" he says
"Lol no" I say and he rolls his eyes and closes the door as he leaves.
Cameron trusts Hayes and I, he has no reason to not trust us. I mean we are pretty good kids most of the time.
I get up and go into the bathroom. My anxiety is worsening. I hate having so many things wrong with me. I need a new head or mind. I go into my closet and grab the shoebox that's hidden within the pile of empty shoeboxes. I open it and their is a medicine heaven in their. I grab a bottle and take 5 small circular blue pills from it. I put the shoebox back and go to the sink. I swallow all the pills and go and take a shower. When I finish I dry off and change into greyish joggers and one of Hayes's long sleeved supreme shirts. I dry my hair and put it up in a messy bun. I have an award show to go to next week. I was nominated as the best female up incoming artist so I'm excited to go. Shawn is also nominated and I can't wait to see him there. Then in two weeks I am going to go to the teen choice awards. I'm nominated for YouTube of the year and young female of the year. I'm so excited. I need to start getting my outfits ready though. My stylist (lauren) is coming over tomorrow morning to help me pick out an outfit.

*the next day*

"Hailey wake up!" I hear and open my eyes.
I see Cameron opening the curtains.
"Cameron what are you doing?" I ask being blinded by the lights
"Lauren is going to be here in 10 minutes" he say.
I jump up.
"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?!" I ask pulling the covers off of me
"I thought you set an alarm" he says
"Yeah I did.... on my phone. Which I don't have" I say
"Too bad Hailey. Get up and get ready." He says
I roll my eyes and he leaves. I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth. Lauren is doing my hair and makeup today to see what I want to do for the awards. I brush my hair out and go back into my room. Hayes is still passed out on my bed.
"Hayes wake up" I say and he doesn't move
"Hayes" I say and he turns over and pulls the covers over his head
"Hayes!" I yell in his ear and he pops right up
He looks at me with the "I hate you very much right now" look.
"I hate you sometimes" he says
"Sorry buddy" I say
"Why'd you wake me up?" He whines
I hear the door bell ring and jaxx barking
"Lauren's here" I say
"Just let me sleep" he says and falls back
"I've got to try on dresses" I say
"So you have a bathroom for a reason." He says pulling the cover over his head
"You're lucky I love you" I say
"Hailey" Lauren says knocking on the door
I go over to the door and open it.
"Lauren!" I say and hug her
She has a bunch and I mean a bunch of dresses with her.
"How have you been?" She asks rolling the cart the dresses are hanging on
"Good and how about yourself?" I ask grabbing the dresses from her hands and putting them on my bed
"I've been good" she says "is that Hayes?"
"Yep. He won't get up so I'm just going to let him stay." I say
"He's always been the lazy one" she says
"You are definitely right" I say
"I can hear y'all" he says and I smile at Lauren
"Ready to try on?" She asks and I nod
I try on so many dresses. I made sure she knew that I wanted a long sleeved one. It's getting cold at night here and the award shows are at night.
"Woah baby" Hayes says as I come out in a maroon long sleeved off the shoulder dress.
"I love this one laur!" I say looking in the mirror.
It's so gorgeous. It's got gorgeous detailing on it. Its a two piece dress with the top maroon and the bottom maroon with black flower type things.
"This is it laur" I say smiling in the mirror.
I end up picking a blue dress for the first award show that is gorgeous but not as gorgeous as the first one.

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