Chapter 13

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Cameron looks down at me and my vision is kinda blurry.
"Hang in there baby" he says
"Dad hurry!" Nash and Hayes say
"We're almost there baby" cam says
He looks scared and worried.
"Stay awake baby" he says
My eye lids are too heavy and I fall asleep.
I open my eyes and I am in a hospital room. It's dark outside and Cameron is siting in a chair next to my bed. His hands are covering his face his elbows on his knees. I move a little and he looks up.
"Hailey!" He says
"What's going on?" I ask very weakly
"No one knows yet" he says
"Am I in the hospital?" I ask confused
"Yes baby" he says
My whole body hurts and my stomach is killing me!!
"What's wrong with me?" I ask the pain killing me
"They don't know" he says
"How do they not know?!" I ask trying not to scream from the pain
"They are running a whole bunch of tests but right now the tests are all coming back negative." He says
"What are they going to do?" I ask
"They are gonna keep doing tests and try as hard as they can to find out what's wrong" he says
"Oh." I say
"Don't worry hails everything is gonna be okay." He says
"Can you lay with me?" I ask
He comes and lays next to me as I fall asleep.

October 2

I open my eyes and Nash, Hayes, and Cameron are in the room. Hayes is sitting next to me in the chair hold my hand. He looks so scared. He looks up and sees me.
"Baby!" He says and smiles
I smile.
"H-hi" I say in pain
"Your finally up! You've been asleep for 2 days!" He says
My stomach is killing me! I'm in so much pain
"What's wrong?" He asks
"N-nothing" I say wanting to yell out in pain
He comes and sits next to me and when I try and sit up. But my stomach is killing me!!
"Hailey what's wrong?" Cameron asks
"Nothing" I say and fight through the pain and put my head on Hayes's chest.

October 4

I've been in so much pain!! It hurts so much worse!! The doctors still don't know what's wrong with me.
I made the guys go to the meet and greet and they came back about 10 minutes ago.
"Hayes cmon lets go" Nash says
"Nooo" he says
"Hayes visiting hours are up" he says
"Don't goooo" I say weakly
"Cmon Hayes" Nash says
"Bye baby" Hayes says giving me a kiss
"Bye" I say and smile
Nash comes over and kisses my forehead.
"Hurry up and get better Hailey!" He says jokingly
"Thanks Nash" I say and roll my eyes
"No problem" he says
"Bye guys" cam says
"Cameron text me if they find out what's going on" Nash says
"Will do." He says

October 5

I fell asleep a little after they left. I woke up at 11pm in pain but somehow fell back asleep.
I start waking up and I feel pain! ALOT of pain. It's unbearable!!

*cameron pov*

Hailey is still in bad shape in the hospital so we have held back meet and greets till she gets better.
She fell asleep a little after the guys left and I fell asleep on the couch alittle after her.
I woke up to screaming like painful screaming.
I shot up realizing it's coming from the room and I see Hailey curled up into a ball screaming and crying out in pain.
I run over to her
"Hailey what's wrong?!" I ask worried
"My stomach" she cries holding onto her stomach
I try moving her alittle and she screams out in pain. I run to the door and open it.
"Something is wrong with my sister!" I yell
I hear Hailey scream again and the nurses rush in.
They run to her bed and I can tell she is in enormous pain.
"Help me" she cries.
The doctor runs in and the nurses say words I can't understand. Stupid medical words.
The doctor feels her stomach and around it. He then says something to the nurse I can hear and they all have serious looks on there faces.
"We need to get her to surgery!" He says and they get a stretcher in the film and put her on it.
"Cameron what's going on?!" Sh asks scared
"I don't know babygirl" I say
They start wheeling away with her.
"Cameron!" She yells
I walk right by her.
"Sir you aren't allowed in here" a nurse says
"Cameron don't leave me!" She says
"She needs me!" I say
"We are gonna take good care of her" she says
"What's wrong with her?" I ask
"The doctor is gonna come see you in a few seconds" she says
I text Nash what happened and he is heading over right away.
"Mr. Dallas" the doctor says
I wipe a tear off my face. I'm really worried.
I stand up.
"What's wrong with her?" I ask
"Her appendix bursted" he says
"Is she gonna be okay?" I ask
He looks at me with not such a happy face.
"So her appendix bursted like a week ago and when the appendix bursts it's basically releasing poison into the body. The longer it's undetected the worse the case is. Hers is really bad. Poison has gone throughout her body and we are gonna try to get all the poison out" he says
"What if you don't?" I ask
"We don't like to think about that" he says
"Is she gonna die?" I ask tears falling
"We are going to do the best we can" he says
"What's her chances doctor please tell me!" I say
"Sir all I can say is that we are doing everything we can." He says
It's obvious that he thinks she may die.

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