Chapter 4

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"Cameron?!" I ask
"Hey hails" he says
"Cameron!" I yell and run to him and jump onto him and he catches me.
I bury my head into his shoulder.

*cameron pov*

I am gonna surprise Hailey. After she called me early this morning I felt so bad. I realized I've been gone for a month and she is getting worse and worse each time I talk to her. I called Aaron since he lives in Louisiana to go get her. Nash came with me. Aaron texted me saying they are in the neighborhood.
"There almost here!" I say excitedly
"Cameron calm down" Nash laughs
"I'm ready to see her" I say
I hear the door unlock and I'm standing in the kitchen. I see Nash take out his phone. The door opens and I see Hailey.
She looks up and sees me
"Cameron?!" She says
"Hey hails" I say smiling
"Cameron!!" She yells and runs to me and I catch her.
She buries her head in my neck. I rub her back. Nash comes up to us still videoing
"I missed you so much." She cries
"I missed you too" I say
"It's been so hard Cameron. So much stress, it's been way to hard Cameron" she cries
"Hey I'm here now don't worry anymore" I say
"I love you" she says
"I love you" I say
I put her down and wipe away her tears and she hugs me and I hug her tightly. She lets go.
"No hug for me?" Nash asks
"Hey Nash" she says and hugs him
She goes upstairs for a bit and after a few hours I go up too her room.
"Hails you okay?" I ask knocking on her door
She doesn't answer. Weird
"Hails?" I ask
I hear noise
"Hold on" she says

*hailey pov*

I go upstairs and change into sweat pants and a vans sweatshirt. I had a flashback and when I came to I have 5 cuts on my arm. I clean up and change into a Cameron Dallas sweatshirt. I go into my closet and find where I hide the pills and alcohol. I take some pain pills and wash down the pills with some champagne that was left over from a party. I take the bottle and go and sit in the roof.
"Hails you okay?" I hear
Crap!! I get up
"Hails?" I hear Cameron say
"Hold on" I say and put the bottle back in my closet and hide it.
"Hails I'm coming in" cam says
He comes in and I close the closet.
"What were you doing?" He asks
"Um nothing" I was getting dress
He comes up to me
"Hails what is this!" He asks madly and at this point I knew I messed up.

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