Chapter 3

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"Can I go to the bathroom?" I ask
"Yes" coach duhe says
I put my phone in my sleeve and walk outside and to the bathroom. I am on the verge of a breakdown so I call Cameron:
"Hello" he says
"Cameron" I say
"Hails what's wrong?" He asks
"Why are people being so mean to me?! I didn't do anything to them and I get all this hate?!" I say
"Awe baby it's gonna be okay." He says
"No it's not" I say
"Yes it is" he says
"Stop it! It's not going to be okay so stop saying that it will! Mom and dad are gone and I'm breaking!" I yell
"Hailey I will be home soon." He says
"Hurry" I say
"Hailey I promise I will. Look hails I got to go. I love you and I will see you soon" he says
"Love you too" I say and end the call.
I put my phone back in my sleeve and go to class. I sit down in my seat.
"Hailey what's wrong?" Emily asks
"Life" I say
"Wanna talk about it?" Dylan asks
"Nah I'm good guys" I say
"You sure?" Emily asks
"Yeah" I say
Like ten minutes later a student worker goes over the intercom:
"Coach duhe can we have Hailey Dallas to the office for a check out?"
"Sure" he says
"Whose checking you out?" Emily asks
"I don't know" I say
"Well bye" mason and Emily say
"Bye guys" I say
I go to the office and scan my id at the office and go into the front and I see Aaron.
"Aaron? What are you going here?" I ask
"Cameron called and said you weren't doing to good and asked if I could bring you home" he says
"Oh" I say
He brings me home and I get out the car and put my book sack on. I grab my key and unlock the door and go inside and he follows. When I get inside I see Cameron in the kitchen!

Short chapter!!! They'll get longer soon!!!

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