Chapter 6

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"Hails?" I say and look on the roof and there she is
"Hey" I say and sit next to her
"Hi" she says
"I have some news" I say
"What's up?" She asks
"You need to promise me you won't get mad. Just try it before exploding" I say
"Sure" she says
"Okay good. Well since all this stuff is going on I've decided that I'm gonna put you in online school and that your coming on tour with us" I say
"What!! No way Cameron!!" She yells
"Hails you promised you wouldn't explode" I say
"Well guess what, screw the promise! I am not leaving my friends!!" She yells
"Hailey just think about it" I say
"Okay.... I thought about it and I'm not going so I'm done with that" she says
"Hailey your going" I say
"No. I. Am. Not." She says
"Your going if you like it or not." I say
"Nice to know I have say so in my own life" she says and gets up
"Hailey you do" I say
"No I don't Cameron you are making me be in online school and go away from my friends!! How is that me being able to have say in my life?!" She yells
"Hailey I think it's best for your safety and well being" I say
"You know what Cameron.. I can make my own choices. Your not getting me on that plane." She says standing up
"Your going whether you like it or not" I say sternly
She laughs
"Yeah no" she says and jumps onto the tree and onto the ground
"Hailey get back here!" I yell
"My life Cameron!!" She yells and starts walking away
"Hailey Paige Dallas!!" I yell and stand up
"My life!!!" She yells
I run inside and go downstairs
"Where you going?!" Nash asks
"Hailey didn't like the news very much so she jumped down and is walking around." I say
"Oh" he says
"I'll be back soon" I say
"I'll be here" he says
*hailey pov*

I can't believe Cameron is gonna make me do online school and go on tour with him! I knew it was coming but I don't wanna do it right now! He thinks he can control my life but he has got another thing coming!
I am walking down the road. When I look back Cameron isn't on the roof anymore. I run back and grab my maroon penny board that I hide in the bushes when I sneak out. I put it on the ground and skate away.
"Hailey!!" I hear and look back and see Cameron
"My life!!!!" I yell
I skate faster and faster. I look back and see that he got his penny board! Great!! He is catching up faster and faster. No! I don't wanna talk to him! I keep skating.
"Hailey talk to me!!" He yells
It's starting to get dark outside.
"Leave me alone!" I yell
I skate faster and faster. I start getting tired but he is right behind me.
"Stop please!" He begs
"No stop trying to control my life!" I yell
This goes on for like 5 more minutes. I keep going until I am picked up. Cameron lets me down and stops my board. I grab his board and right when I was going to go on it he grabbed me.
"Let me go!" I yell
"No Hailey" he says
"It's my life!!" I yell
"How many times are you gonna say that?!" He yells
"As many times as I want cause get this Cameron.. It's my life!" I say
"Hailey I know your mad but please just realize I'm doing what I think is best for you!" He says and puts me down
"You don't know what's best for me!" I yell
"Stop yelling!" He says
"It's my life!" I yell
"Hailey your being so fucking immature! Shutup and listen! I wish I didn't come home so I didn't have to deal with you!!" He yells madly and his face drops. Like he immediately regrets what he said.
I feel two tears fall down my face. I feel like my heart just shattered into a jillion small little pieces.
"Nice to know how you feel about me" I say
"Hailey I didn't mean it" he says
"Just get out of my life!" I yell and another tear slips. I don't mean what I just said and I can tell he was upset when I said that.
I turn around and try and run but after a few steps, he grabs my arm.

Is this story even good?

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