Chapter 25

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Hey cammy. How was the tour?" I ask as I finish unpacking my suit case
"Don't try and change the subject" he says mad
"I'm not changing the subject" I say putting my suitcase in my closet
"Where have you been?" He asks
"Home" I say
"So you're saying you've been here the whole time?" He says
"I said I was home" I say
"This is home" Cameron says and that ticks me off
"No. this is not home. Home is where my friends are" I say
"This is home now. We don't live in Louisiana anymore" he says
"You may not live in Louisiana anymore but I do" I say
"I'm not getting into a fight about this. I need to talk to you about something else" he says
"What?" I say squinting my eyes at him with my arms crossed
"How has your school work been?" He asks
My eyes widen. I totally forgot Cameron wanted me to get at least half way done with school work.
"Um its been good" I say passing him and going downstairs
"Oh really now." He says
"Really really" I say
"So your teacher called me this morning saying that you haven't answered any of her skypes. She says you have hardly down anything." He says and I can tell he's mad but he's trying to hide it
"Oh that's nice" I say trying to get my way out this conversation
"Care to explain?" He asks
"No thanks" I say
"Hailey. Why haven't you been doing the only thing I asked you to do?!" He says
"I've been busy" I say
I grab a water from the fridge and sit at the counter.
"With what?!" He says getting frustrated
"What do you mean with what?!" I say getting mad
"What do you have to do that's so much more important than school?!" He says starting to yell
"My career! I got home past 8pm every night when I was here! I haven't slept in four days! I'm trying cameron, I'm freaking trying!" I say
"School comes first. It always comes first. Mom and dad always said that!" He says
"Mom and dad said a lot of things" I say
I see Nash come downstairs.
"I thought I could trust you with one thing!" Cameron says
"Trust me?! You won't let me go anywhere alone anymore! You made sure someone was here before you let me come!" I say/yell
"How can I trust you?! You kept all these secrets away from me and I'm doing it for your best interest" he says
"You finally care. You didn't care to call me but once when I left New York" I say
"I was busy" he says
"Exactly so was I" I say
"That's no excuse. School comes first. It always does. I guess I can't trust you with doing your own school work anymore." He says
"I guess not" I say standing up and starting to go to the stairs
"I enrolled you in public school" he says
I stop dead in my tracks and slowly turn around.
"You did what?" I say
"Oh snap" Nash says watching this whole situation
"I enrolled you in Columbus high, you start Wednesday" he says
"No you didn't" I say hoping he's joking
"Oh but I did" he says
"Cameron. Please I can't." I say
"Oh but you will. You're going whether you like it or not" he says
"I freaking hate you!" I yell and stomp upstairs
I get to my room and slam my door.
I try and call Hayes. Usually Hayes can call me down.
That's weird. He didn't answer me. He always does.
I try texting him
"Cameron is putting me in public school"
"I'm flipping out"

I go and lay on my bed.
I don't want to go to school. I've only ever been to my school. I know no one. I don't want people trying to be my friends just cause they know who I am.

"You've done it now!" My dad yells coming to me
"I'm sorry! I didn't meant to drop your beer. I'm so sorry!" I say hoping he'll know how sorry I am
But he never does. He never cares.
"I'm going to beat the ever living heck out of you!" He says
I try to run to my room. I make it up stairs and I reach my door. I am then pushed hard against the wall.
"Trying to run away from me!" He yells in my face
I can smell the strong smell of alcohol on his breath. It makes me dizzy.
"N-no sir" I say trembling
"You lying no good brat!" He yells and slaps me across my face, hard.
I scream in pain.
"Shut up you no good, rotten child" he whispers intimidatingly and slaps me again
I can't help but scream.
"I said shutup!" He yells grabbing me by my hair
He starts pulling me into his room.
I can't keep living like this. I need to leave. 
I snatch his arm away from me and I run to the stairs.
Right before I can go down them he grabs my arm.
"Trying to escape now?" He says calmly but evilly
"I-I-I" I try and think of an excuse
"If you want to leave than leave. Here I'll help you" he says and pushes me
I scream and fall down the stairs.
I open my eyes and I am lying on the cold floor. My head is killing me. I lift my head up and blood is dripping from my nose.
"You thought you were actually going to get to leave" he says
I hurt to much to say anything.
"I give you a home and all you can do is try and escape. You ungrateful brat!" He yells and kicks me in the stomach
I grab my stomach in pain.
He keeps kicking and kicking and kicking. I try getting up at first but then I give up. I just really want this to be all over. Maybe he'll kill me this time.

*flashback over*

"Hailey! Hailey!" I hear
I open my eyes and see Cameron.
"I'm fine" I say
"That didn't sound fine" He says
"It was just a flashback." I say
"You want me to stay in here with you?" He asks
"Nope" I say and turn over so my back is towards him
"I know you're mad at me but I'm doing this for your best interest." He says
I don't say anything.
"You'll thank me later" he says and leaves
"Yeah no" I say when he leaves
I grab my phone and am blinded when I turn it on. When my eyes adjust to the brightness I see that it's only 3am.


Hayes still hasn't texted me back. Nash left for North Carolina after the argument.
I try calling Hayes but he won't answer. What is going on?!

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