Chapter 18

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*hailey pov*

After a week I'm finally getting out of the hospital! They said I had blood clots that made the blood flow to my heart lessen. I'm so ready to get out of here.
"Ready?" Cameron asks coming inside
"Yep" I say putting on my shoes and stand up


"I'm so happy to be out of there!" I say and jump onto my bed
"Hailey be care-" Cameron says as I jump onto it
"Ouch!" I say in pain
"You okay?" He asks coming over to me
"I forgot that I'm still sore from the surgery" I say
"You're so smart" he says
I stick my tongue out at him and he mocks me.
We are flying to California today and are leaving in a few minutes.
"You ready?" Cameron asks
"Yep" I say popping the p
"Leggo" he says

*skips plane ride cause I'm lazy*

When we finally get to the house I go inside and into my room. I lay on my bed. I'm so freaking tired.
"Hailey, you want to go eat?" Nash asks
"Sure" I say
"Be ready in 30 minutes" he says
"Okay" I say
I just need to close my eyes for a second.

*cameron pov*

"Hailey! Let's go!" I yell from downstairs
"I can't believe you're making me come up these stairs. You better be ready!" I say entering her room
"Hailey?" I say
I walk over to hailey who is sound asleep on her bed.
"Hailey." I say nudging her
"5 more minutes" she says still half asleep
"Do you want me to bring you something back?" I ask
"Shhhh" she says
"Goodnight" I say
"Mmhmm" she says
"She ready?" Nash asks
"She's dead sleeping" I say
"Does she want anything?" He asks
"No" I say and we go out to eat

*the next day*

"Hailey" I say knocking on Hailey's door
I get no answer
"Hailey, get your lazy butt up-" I say walking into her room
I stop what I'm saying when I notice she's not in her room
"Hailey?" I say looking in her bathroom
No one.
I then notice that her window is open.
"Hailey?" I say sticking my head out the window
"Nash!" I Yell running downstairs
"What?" Nash asks
"Have you seen hailey today?" I ask trying to catch my breath from running down the stairs
"No. isn't she in her room though?" He asks
"Her window is open" I say
"She probably just went for a walk or something" Nash says
"She snuck out Nash. That's one of my only rules here" I say
"Don't sweat it cam, she'll be back" he says
I try and call her and she doesn't answer. 10 minutes later I go into her room.

*hailey pov*

I open my eyes and it's dark.
Wait a minute, it was just light. I look at my phone and it's 1:30 am. So much for a 5 minute rest. I try to go back to sleep but I can't stop thinking about my parents and having flashbacks.
I get up and change into grey joggers and a long sleeved maroon shirt with Cameron's logo on it. I put on my maroon vans and grab my phone.
I open the window and climb onto the roof. I climb down the tree and grab my penny board.
I end up in the streets of Los angelos. I just ride around the whole night. I climb up to the top of an abandoned building and watch the sunrise. I take a picture and put it on snapchat saying
I sit up their and think about my parents. They abused me from the time cameron left to when they died. I still love them but I'm kinda glad they're gone. Every day when I'd get home from school my mom would be home, usually drunk. I'd get beaten at least once a week. Sometimes they'd beat me so hard that I get knocked out and I wake up hours later on the ground and surround by my blood.
I wipe away my tears and check my phone. It's 8am and Cameron is probably going to be waking up soon. I rush home.
When I get home I put my penny board up and climb up the tree. I'm praying cameron isn't up. I get on the roof and go into my window.
"Hailey Paige dallas!" I hear
I just messed up.
I go back onto the roof hoping maybe he didn't see me.
"Hailey get back in here!" He yells
"Ugh!" I yell and throw my head back
I climb back into my room.
"Hey cammy!" I say and smile hoping he won't be too mad
"Where were you?" He asks and I can see the anger on his face
"You know, around" I say
"Where?!" He says
"Los angeles" I say
"That's like an hour away!" He yells
"I know" I say
"You know?!" He yells
"Yeah I know" I say going to sit on my bed
"One of my main rules for you living here is that you are not allowed to sneak out!" He says madly
"Geez I'm sorry" I say
"That's all you have to say! I was worried sick" he says
"Why are you overreacting. It's not such a big deal." I say opening my laptop
"I'm over reacting?!" He says
"Yeah, you kinda are" I say looking at my laptop
He then grabs my laptop.
"Hey! Give me that back" I say standing up and trying to get it from his hands
"No. Maybe you'll learn why I'm "over reacting" so much" he says while grabbing my phone from the charger.
"Cameron stop" I say
"My house my rules" he says
"Maybe I don't have to live here" I say
"Yeah. Where are you gonna go?!" He says laughing
"Home" I say
"You can't do that" he says
"Bet" I say
"You'll get sent to a foster home if they think I'm not taking care of you" he says
"This is bull" I say
"Sorry sis" he says turning around and walking out
"What about my stuff?!" I say
"Maybe once you start following the rules" he says
"Cmon!" I yell
"Nope" he says
"I hate you!" I yell and slam my door
I'm getting my stuff back one way or another.

I don't know how I feel about this chapter.... or this book. Idk anymore

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