Chapter 21

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*hayes pov*

When magcon finishes and all the fans leave I go upfront to try and get better signal.
"Hey Hayes" I hear and turn around
"What do you want Jordan" I say and roll my eyes
"You" she says
"I have a girlfriend and I don't like you" I say
"So. We both know you still have feelings for me. I'm way better than that other girl" she says getting way to close for comfort
"That other girl is named hailey and I'm not about to throw away two years of my life because you won't leave me alone." I say
She then kisses me. I try to pull away but she won't let me
"Hayes?!" I hear and Jordan let's go
I see Hailey standing their with tears falling down her cheeks.
"Hailey it's not what it looks like" I say
"He doesn't love you anymore" Jordan says
"I can't believe you would do this to me!" Hailey says and runs outside
"Leave me alone Jordan! I don't like you and I want you to leave hailey and me alone! I love her and you can't ruin our relationship!" I say
"I already did" she says with an evil smirk
"Just leave us alone!" I yell and run after hailey
Hailey runs into the hotel and gets on the elevator. The elevator closes before I can get to it. Luckily the other elevator opens.
When the elevator gets to our floor it feels like it took 20 minutes for the doors to open. When they finally opened I ran to our room.
"Hailey please open the door" I say while knocking
"Leave me alone!" She says
I can hear her crying
"It's not what you think!" I say
The door then opens.
"Then what was it?! I could have sworn I saw you sucking her face off! You know that I hate Jordan!" She yells
"She kissed me and wouldn't let me go! I would never do anything to hurt you." I say
"How am I supposed to know that?" She says as her phone rings

*hailey pov*

My phone rings.
"We're at the hotel" I say
"Don't run off like that again without telling anyone" Cameron says
"I'm sorry" I say
"Are you crying?" He asks
"No" I say
"Yall want to go eat?" He asks
"No we're good" I say
"Ok. Love you" he say
"Love you" I say and hang up

"Hailey, I love you. I would never do anything to ruin our relationship. You're my world. Jordan is nothing but a jealous ex. I don't like her. You're all I care about" Hayes says
"You promise" I say
"I would never hurt you ever" he says
I smile. Jordan would pull something like this.
Hayes kisses me and we spend the night watching movies.
I post a picture of us on Instagram and say:
"Oh how I love Benjamin Hayes Grier"

*the next day*

Cameron and I are going home for a few hours to get a few things and then heading to New York.

*skip plane ride*

When we get off the plane fans are screaming and yelling. We spend like 30 minutes taking pictures with them before getting in our uber. I don't want to go home. I don't want the memories.
When we get home I get out and cameron pays. I unlock the door and walk inside. I go up to my room and change from my white vans to my black ones. I grab one of my Jan sport book sacks and put in long sleeved t-shirts. I finish in my room and put the bag at the door. Cameron is in his room packing a bag. I go downstairs into the basement. This is where most of my beatings happened. This is where my parents spent their drunken days. I've been pushed down these stairs countless times. I go to their bar area. I grab my dads precious whiskey. If I ever touched it, even to put it up I was beaten. I open the bottle and take a sip. It burns the back of my throat. When my parents aren't home I have a few drinks. It eases the pain. My mind is going crazy. All I see is flashbacks of beatings. After like 5 big sips I look at the bottle. What am I doing. I am not going to become like them.
This is what caused all the beatings. This bottle caused all my pain.
I get mad. I didn't deserve this. I didn't deserve all the pain they put me through. All because of their precious drinks. I put the bottle of whiskey down on the counter. I look at the tv. My dad spent every moment in front of this thing when he got laid off. I see a bat. I go over to the bat and pick it up. My dad hit me with this bat so many times. I see blood splatters on it. I tighten my grip on the bat and go over to the tv.
"This is for all the pain y'all caused me!" I say and swing the bat into the tv
I do that over and over and over again.

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