Chapter 23

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When I get on the plane I notice I have a window seat.
"Yes" I say to my self and sit down.
About 20 minutes later everyone is on the plane and I somehow got the row to myself.
I grab my laptop and connect to the wifi. I edit a YouTube video and upload it. I then edit and upload a video for my second channel. I post
Q&A's on their and fan mail videos. I finally edit my blog and post it on my vlogging channel.
When it's all said and done I still have 3 hours left. I should be using this time to start on my school work but of course I don't. I reply to a few dms and like people's pictures. I then work on a few songs. My second album should be finished in a few weeks. I go and work on my clothing line coming up and work on my merchandise.
Through the whole flight I was vlogging and some points. I need to step up my vlogging channel.
When we finally land I grab my carryon and get off the plane. I meet a lot of fans and go get my suitcase. Nash is supposed to come get me.
"Boo!" I am startled by Hayes jumping out infront of me
"Oh my gosh. Hayes!" I say and he starts laughing
"Scared you" he says
"Nooooo" I say and he hugs me
"Yesssss" he says
We meet Nash in the car and go to the house.
When we get home I go upstairs and FaceTime my best friend.
I miss my friends so much. I miss my town and I miss everything. I need to go home like right now.
I talk to Brittani for like 2 hours while I unpack. She's been their for me before anyone has. She pushed me into singing and helped me with my parents.
"Hey hey hey" Hayes says coming in my room
"Hey boo" I say and he kisses my cheek
"Whatcha doin?" He asks
"Finally finished unpacking" I say
"You would've been way done if you weren't talking to Brittani" he says
"Shutup" I say playfully
"What you doin this week?" He asks
"I have so much to dooooo!!!" I say falling onto my bed
"Like???" He asks
"I have a meeting for the book and for my clothing line tomorrow, then I have to go to the studio and finish these songs this freaking week so the album can be released by Christmas. Then I have photoshoots for my merchandise. I have to go shoot a commercial." I say dreading it
"Woah" Hayes says
"I know" I say

*the next day*

I wake up and put on skinny jeans and a long sleeved t-shirt. I put my hair up into a messy bun and do my makeup. I grab my maroon vans and put them on.
"Ready?" Nash asks poking his head in my room
"Yep" I say grabbing my phone,wallet, and vlogging camera.

"So Sarah is going to bring you to the other meeting?" Nash asks when we get their
"Yep" I say
"Alrighty." He says as I get out the car
"Bye nashy!" I say
"Adios amiga" he says
"Hey" I say when I walk inside the building and see Sarah
"Omg hey!" She says hugging me
She rushes me into a room and we sit down.
A few minutes later the guy that is helping me publish my book comes in. We start discussing it. Sarah and him start talking and I zone out.
"We need it out on the shelves by Christmas" he says and I snap back into reality
"Wait what?!" I blurt out
"We need to get this book out by Christmas" he says
"Next Christmas?" I ask
"No this Christmas" he says
"You mean the Christmas in 3 months?" I say
"Yeah" he says
"You're joking, right" I say
"No" Sarah says
"Yall have to be losing it" I say and laugh
"We're serious hailey" she says
"Lol no. That's not happening. I'm still on chapter 3. I'm not even half way done yet!" I say
"Make it your top priority" Tyler says
"I have other things to do!" I say
"We'll figure it out" Sarah says as she checks her watch
"Figure it out?! It's not gonna happen!" I say
"Cmon hailey, we have to get to the other meeting" she says
"I'm not going to meet that deadline" I say
"We have to try. They want it ready for Christmas. We could lose the book" she says driving
"Lose the book?!" I say shocked, I'm getting really worried.
"They may not want to print it if we don't reach the deadline" she says
"I'm only on chapter three! Their is supposed to be like 25 chapters!" I say
"It's a book about you and your life. I'm pretty sure we can get it done. Stop stressing about it. We have so much going on right now" she says
"This is just great" I say to myself
We go to my clothing line meeting. I was stressing about my book the whole time. My clothing line will also be out for Christmas. So I'm going to have to rush through everything.
Sarah drops me off at the house.
"See you tomorrow" she says
"Alright" I say and go inside
I am bombarded by Jaxx. I pet him and grab something to eat.
"How was the meetings?" Hayes asks coming down stairs along with Nash
"Yall I'm mad" I say
"Why?!" Hayes asks
"They want me to finish my book for Christmas. It needs to be done in early November and it's mid September." I say stressed out
"How do they expect you to finish it in that short amount of time?" Nash asks
"They told me to make it my top priority" I say using air quotes around top priority because it was already my top priority
"What happens if you don't meet the goal?" Hayes asks
"They are threatening to not publish it" I say and Nash chokes on his water
"They can do that!" He says
"I guess" I say
I go upstairs and try and work on my book. I get through one more chapter before cameron facetimes me
"Hey" I say
"I heard about your book" he says
"They can't be serious, can they?" I ask
"They are dead serious. Sarah called me and updated me" he says
"I just finished the fourth chapter. I have so much to do cam! How are they expecting me to finish this in less than two months?!" I say/yell
"Just don't stress about it. If you don't meet the deadline other publishing companies would love to hire you." He says
"I'm just stressed out" I say
"Have you started your school work?" He asks
"I'm about to" I say lying
"Hailey" he says staring at me
"Yes" I say
"School is way more important than all this other stuff" he says
"I know, I know, I know" I say
"You better have a lot of it done when I come home Monday" he says
"I will" I say lying
"I gotta go sis" he says
"Okay" I say and he hangs up
"Love you too" I say to myself and throw my phone next to me on the bed.

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