Chapter 36

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Why'd you look so upset a minute ago?" I ask
"I wasn't" he says obviously lying
"Hayes" I say
"Hailey" he says and looks at me
"I may not remember you that well but I can tell when someone is upset and when they are lying. You can't fool me" I say
"Hailey-" he says
"Tell me what's wrong" I say
"It's just that when you got your memory back of Johnson I guess I got jealous." He says
"Jealous how?" I ask
"I guess I wish instead of you getting your memory of Johnson back you would get your memory back of me. I miss you so much." He says
"I'm sorry. I'm trying really hard" I say tearing up
"No please. I didn't mean it like that. I know you are trying. I'm just jealous and impatient that's all." He says wiping the tears from my checks
"I want to remember you so bad. I want to remember everyone." I say
"Please don't cry" he says pulling me to him.
I look up at him and we make eye contact. All of a sudden our lips connect and then I get a flash of memories.
"Hayes" I say
"I'm sorry hailey. I didn't mean t-" he says but I kiss him cutting him off
"What was that for?" He asks
"We've been dating for 2 years. You gave me this ring while I was in the hospital last time!" I say and his eyes widen
"You remember?!" He says joyfully
"I remember!" I say and he hugs me and gives me a kiss
We go downstairs hand in hand.
"She remembers me!" Hayes yells
Cameron smiles.
"Soon you'll remember everything" Nash says

*three days later*

I've gotten most of my memory back. I don't know what I did in the days before my accident or anything else but I remember the guys and memories with the guys.
It's one in the morning so I get ready for bed, I take my brace thing off because it's uncomfortable. When I go to lay down my mind goes nuts. I remember some things. Like how Cameron wasn't their for me during when I was sent back home after the accident. He wasn't their for me when they were hurting me while he was in magcon. I get angry. How could he leave me like that and not answer my calls or texts. I go into the hallway and go to Cameron's room. I open the door and he's plugging his phone in.
"How could you?!" I say hurt and angrily
"How could I what?" He asks
"How could you leave me with them?!" I yell

*cameron pov*

It's one in the morning so I start getting into bed. Right as I plug my phone into the charger hailey comes barging in.
"How could you?!" She asks looking mad
Uh oh. This can't be good.
"How could I what?" I ask walking  towards her
"How could you leave me with them?" She yells
"With who?" I ask trying to calm her down
"Stop playing dumb with me!" She says
"What are you talking about?" I ask utterly confused.
"Mom and dad" she says and I freeze
"You, you remember?" I ask
"Yes I freaking remember cameron!" She yells
"What do you remember?" I ask
"You leaving me with them and ignoring all my calls and texts! You let them hurt me! Last week, when I was hit, Mom and dad came back! I tried calling you but you never answered! Why would you leave your baby sister like that?! What is wrong with you?!" She yells starting to cry
"Hailey I'm sorry. I truly am, you have to believe me" I say starting to tear up
"Now I have flashbacks and panic attacks because of you!" She yells
"I'm sorry hailey!" I say feeling a tear fall
It breaks my heart when she blames me for all this because I know I should've been their for her.
I look and see Nash and Hayes at the door way.
"You freaking hurt me!" She yells and starts hitting me "you ruined my life!"
I get a glimpse of her eyes and they are black. She's loosing it. Her anger is taking control of her body.
"Hailey stop!" I say trying to hold her still
"Let me go!" She yells tears falling down her face and onto the ground
"Calm down!" I yell as she continues to punch at my chest
"You. Ruined. My. Life." She yells as Hayes runs over to us
"Babe, babe" Hayes says pulling her arms to him
"He ruined my life Hayes" she says falling into his arms and he walks her out the room
"She hates me Nash" I say teary eyed
"She doesn't remember everything Cameron. She doesn't hate you at all" he says 
"Did you not just hear and see what just happened Nash?!" I say heartbroken
"She doesn't remember everything can you got to remember that. She loves you and you know it." He says
"It breaks me every time she has a panic attack or flashback because if I was home and not in magcon none of this would be happening" I say sitting on the edge of my bed
"You know how much magcon meant to you and her. She loved coming to the shows and without magcon you both wouldn't be anywhere near as far in life, and you know it. So don't say that stuff." He says
Hailey just coming in here saying all those things unexpectedly really shocked me.

*hayes pov*

"Babe, babe" I say pulling hailey to me
"He ruined my life Hayes!" She cries and fall into me and I walk her to my room
"They hurt me Hayes. They hurt me real bad" she says and breaks my heart
I want all this to go away. I want her to not have another breakdown, flashback, or panic attack ever again!
"I know baby, I know" I say
She goes to my bed and sits down so I sit next to her.
"He didn't help me when he was in magcon and he didn't help me when they became alive again" she cries into my chest
"Alive again?" I ask confused
"After the crash I went back home and they kept hitting me. He wouldn't answer my calls or my texts!" She cries
What is she talking about?

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