Chapter 43

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"Did you get the tests?" I ask
"Yep." She says holding the plastic bag up.
"Thank you so much!" I say and put my laptop on my bed
I go to my door and close it while also locking it. Madison goes to my bed and takes out the two pregnancy tests she got.
"Here you go" she says handing them to me.
I grab them and go into the bathroom. When I finish I set them on the counter by my other two.
Madison and I wait an excruciating 5 minutes.
"It's time" Madison says looking at my phone
We go into the bathroom and I see four positive signs.
"Hailey." She says and I feel the hot tears stream down my cold face wishing they would just stop
She hugs me tightly. I can feel that she cares. I need this.
"It's going to be okay. You and Hayes are so strong and nothing can break you twos relationship. This baby is only going to make it stronger" she says

*hayes pov*

Something is wrong with Hailey and it's obvious but she won't tell me what's wrong. When we get home she goes straight upstairs. I want to follow her so bad but I know I should probably leave her be for a bit.
I hear the door open and I look up from my phone and see the jacks along with Madison. Madison tells everyone hey then she runs upstairs. She was carrying a plastic bag. I wonder what was in it.
The jacks come and sit on the couch. I can tell by Gilinsky's face that he is worried about something.
He sits next to me and he runs his fingers threw his hair.
"What's the matter bro?" I ask
"Madison bought pregnancy tests. She was trying to keep them a secret from me but I saw them when she was getting out the car. I can't have a kid yet I'm too young. It's not the time." He says
"Have you talked to her about it yet?" Nash asks
"I just found out Nash" jack says
"It's going to be okay bud" Cameron says as Madison and Hailey come down the stairs. Hailey looks as if she was crying.
Hailey goes to the fridge and gets a water. She looks at me and she looks upset. She goes and sits next to Cameron on the arm of the chair he's in.
"Hailey do you have your charger. I lost mine?" Cameron says
"Yeah. It's in my bathroom" she says
Cameron gets up and goes upstairs.

*cameron pov*

I go upstairs. I don't know where my charger went. I think I might of left it back at the hotel. I go into Hailey's room and into the bathroom.
"Ah-ha" I say and grab the white charger that's in the socket.
When I grab it I accidentally knock down some trash that's on her counter.
"Gosh dang it Hailey" I say
Why can't she pick up after herself? We don't live in a barn.
I squat down and pick up the used makeup wipes and throw them into her small trash can. As I throw them in I notice a baby blue box. My curiosity gets the best of me and I pick it up. I can't believe my eyes. I look in the cabinet and find 4 white tests with each having two bright red lines on them. Jack is not going to believe it that Madison is pregnant. At least he won't have to worry and he'll know.
I go down stairs.
"Hey jack come see" I say
Jack gets up and follows me to my room.
"What's up?" He asks
"I found this in Hailey's bathroom" I say handing him the baby blue box along with the tests.
His face drops
"Madison is pregnant. I'm going to be a dad?" He says examining the tests
"Congrats bro" I say
"I have to talk to Madison. I can't believe she would keep this from me" he says
He goes downstairs.

*hailey pov*

I am sitting in the chair in the living room, Madison standing next to me. I don't know what I would do without her right now. I look up and see jack coming downstairs with a blue box in his hands. I look away then look back at him. It's the small blue box the pregnancy tests came in that Madison got me!
"Mad" I whisper
"What?" She asks and I motion to jack
She looks at him then her eyes widen and I know she saw what I was talking about.
"Mad can I talk to you?" Jack asks
"Uh sure" Madison says
They go over to the corner and talk quietly.
"Jack I'm not pregnant" Madison says
"Then what are these Madison?!" I hear jack say
"Jack just drop it." she says trying to stop him
I have to tell
"If you're not pregnant then why are the tests positive?" He asks not stopping
"I don't know jack!" She says and they start arguing
"Just stop!" I say standing up and everyone looks at me
Jack stops arguing and Madison looks at me sorrily.
"Stop arguing!" I say
"What's wrong hails" jj asks
"Those aren't her tests. She's not pregnant" I say starting to get nervous
"Well whose tests are they?!" Jack asks still thinking Madison is lying to him.
I feel warm liquid start flowing down my cheek. I look around. Hayes is staring at me. I think he knows what's going on.
"I'm sorry. I really am" I say as the warm liquid hits the floor
"No" Hayes says quietly as he stands up
"Yes" I say nodding
"Hailey Paige what is going on?!" Cameron says
"I didn't mean to Cameron. It was an accident. We got carried away one day. I regret it, I really do. I'm so sorry" I say as the tears flow.
"Y-You're pregnant?!" Hayes says
"I'm sorry" I say feeling nauseous
I can feel my breakfast coming up. I cover my mouth and run upstairs and go my room. I run into my bathroom and kneel at the toilet. All my breakfast spills out of me. I feel someone grab my hair and rub my back.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He says
"I didn't know how Hayes" I say and get sick again
When I finish I flush the toilet and go over to the sink and brush the grossness out of my mouth.
"How long have you known?" He asks
"Yesterday morning" I say
"You should've told me!" He says
"I didn't know how you would react! We had to go to a meet and greet" I say
"I'm going to be a dad. We are going to have a baby. Of course I'd be happy" he says and kisses me
"Hailey!" I hear Cameron yell and he comes into the bathroom looking pissed

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