Chapter 46

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JJ comes over to me.
"Good job little one" he says and messes up my hair
"She's not so little anymore" jack says as Madison passes colt to him
"She will always be little to me" he says as Hayes's phone rings
"Mom is face timing me" he says
"Answer it you idiot" I say and he playfully rolls his eyes
"Hey mom!" Hayes says and Nash runs up behind him and waves
"Hey babies" Elizabeth says
"Where's Colton?" Sky blurts out and I laugh
Hayes goes over to jack and shows them colt. I hear a bunch of aws.
"Let me see hailey" Elizabeth says and Hayes walks over to me
"Hey grandma." I say jokingly
"Hey now" she says and I laugh
"He looks so much like Hayes, it's unbelievable. I can't wait for y'all to get here" I say
"We can't wait either. Sky already packed." She says
"Yep." Sky says
"Sky you're going to love him" I say
"It's like a real life baby doll" she says and I laugh
"It definitely is" I say laughing
I talk to them for a while then Hayes talks to her.
Cameron comes over and sits besides me with my happiness in his arms.
"I still can't believe I'm an uncle" he says tapping colts nose.
"More like a grandpa" I say
"No" he says
"You've been more of a father figure to me then dad ever was." I say staring at my precious bundle of joy
"Awe hails. I'm going to be his uncle. We don't need to confuse the little guy when he's older" he says
"I know I was just saying" I say and look up at Cameron.
We make eye contact and I smile and he does it back.
"Got it!" Brittani says holding up her phone
"Send it to me babe" I say to her
"Hey!" Hayes says jokingly
"Sorry. I saw her first" Brittani says
"Yo Yo Yo" I hear when the door opens.
"Hey you guys" Hayes says and Jc and Kian appear.
They take turns and hug Hayes.
"Congrats bro" they say
"Thanks" Hayes say and they walk over to me
"Look at little miss mommy over here" Jc says jokingly
"Hi yall" I laugh and Jc takes Colton
Kian takes something out of the bag he brought.
"Watch this" he says and takes off the baby blue hat the hospital gave us for Colton and puts on a different one
"Wala" kiam says and Jc holds up colt
"Oh my gosh" I say laughing
"His first fan merchandise" Hayes says
Kian and Jc got colt a hat that says Kian and Jc. I take a picture of colt with it on and put it on Snapchat saying:
"Loving colts first fan merchandise"

Soon Taylor and carter arrive and the room is full of magcon. Shawn is coming over tomorrow so the room won't be too crowded.

*later that day*

By 10 at night everyone has left and the jacks and Madison are leaving.
"We'll be over soon" jj says and kisses my head
"Bye babe" Madison says and hugs me
"Bye miss mommy" jack says hugging me
"Bye y'all" I say
"Call me if you need help at anytime." She says
"I may take you up on that offer" I say and she winks at me
"Brittani do you want me to take you home?" Cameron asks
When I went into labor I was at the house and Brittani was there so she just rode with us
"Yeah" she says and hands me Colton
"Bye little mama, I'll see you bright and early tomorrow" she says and hugs me
"Bye babe" I say
Cameron comes over and hugs me.
"I'll see you tomorrow. Better take care of that baby" he says and smiles
"You're leaving?" I ask
"Yeah they aren't going to let so people stay the night when visiting hours are up and I would think you'd want Hayes to help you" he says
"True." I say
"Bye hails" he says
"Bye cammy. See you tomorrow" I say
That leaves just Hayes and I.
"I can't believe we made this" Hayes says looking down at colt
"We are parents. We are grown ups" I say
"I love you two so much, it's unreal" he says
"We love you too" I say and he puts Colton up in his bed
The nurse comes in and checks up on us.
"How was you twos first day of being parents?" She asks checking Colton
"Tiresome" Hayes and I both say
"Here, how about I take Colton to the nursery so you two can get some well deserved sleep" she says
"Thank you" Hayes and I both say
When she leaves Hayes lays next to me and we fall deep asleep.

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