Chapter 11

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"Yes" I say
"Please go away!" She says
"You need to eat" I say
"Tomorrow" she says
"Please Hailey" I say
"NO!" She says
"Whatever!" I say and leave and go back to Shawn and matts room.
"She up yet?" Hayes asks
"Nope" I say
"Guys I'm going to bed since we have an early flight tomorrow" Nash says
"I'll be there soon" I say
"Hayes lets go" Nash says
"You can't tell me what to do" Hayes says
"Hayes" he says
"Nash" Hayes says
Nash goes to Hayes and grabs the back of his shirt and pulls him along with him.

September 29

*on plane*

"Mom... Dad..." Hailey says and it wakes me up from my light sleep
"Hails." I say
"Daddy...mommy??" She says
"Hails wake up baby" I say lightly shaking her
She opens her eyes and her eyes fill with tears
"No don't cry please" I say and put my arm over her and pull her to me
"When will it get easier?" She whispers
"I don't know baby" I say
"I miss them" she says
"I miss them too but remember they're always here with us" I say
She lifts her head up and looks at me and smiles
I wipe away the tear falling down her face.
"Hailey your burning up!" I whisper/yell
"I'm fine" she says and moves her face away
"No your not" I say
"Yes I am!" She says
"Hailey Paige no your not!" I say
"Just be quiet!" She says
"Don't speak to me like that!" I say
"Woah chill the f**** out" She says and I don't know what to say
"If you cuss one more time I swear hailey!" I say sternly
"Dude chill! What's your problem?!" She says
"Hailey!" I say
"I didn't even do anything Cameron?!" She says
"Whatever" I say
"Whatever!" She says
After like 20 minutes she gets up. I grab her arm.
"Where are you going?" I ask
"To jump out the plane... Where do you think???" She says with sass
I let her go. After like 10 minutes she hasn't come back I go to the bathroom and knock on the door.
"Hails" I say
"What!" She says
"You okay?" I ask
"Yeah" she says
"Come out" I say
"Hold on!!" She says
I hear noise. It sounds kinda like she is throwing up but I can't hear very well.
"Hailey!" I say
After a few seconds she opens the door. She went to walk to the seat.
I grab her arm and pull her back.
"Let me go" she says
"Hailey are you sick?? Tell me the truth!!!" I say
"Nope" she says and yanks her arm back.

*at hotel*

We are staying in Texas for 10 days. When we get to the hotel we all go to our rooms. Hailey goes straight to bed. It's only Nash, me, Hayes and Hailey for the rest of the tour. The other guys just came for that one.

September 30

Bryant flew in yesterday and we are doing a photoshoot.

*hayes pov*

I woke up and Nash was up already and so was Cameron. I look at Cameron and haileys bed and Hailey is fast asleep. I go over to her bed and lay next to her. I take a picture of her sleeping and I put it on Instagram saying:
"She looks so cute!"

"Baby" I say
"Shhh" she says
"Babe wake up" I say
"Not yet" she says
"Yess" I say
"Boo" she says
I stand up and grab her arms and pull her up.
"Hayes" she whines
"Get up Hailey" I laugh

*Hailey pov*

I got up and went into the bathroom. Luckily Nash and Cameron aren't in there. I started feeling nauseous I ran to the toilet and threw up. I brushed my teeth and put on maroon jeans and a flannel shirt.
I put on my maroon vans. I went back into the room and laid on the bed. Their is going to be hair and makeup people there so I didn't even bother with my hair. I am going to have to change anyways for the photoshoot.
"Nash texted me saying they're in the lobby" Hayes says
"Ready?" I ask
"Yep" he says
He grabs my hand and we walk into the elevator. When the door closes Hayes wastes no time to push me against the wall and he kisses me. We had a very short make out session and stopped right before the doors opened.
"There you guys are!" Nash says
We get into the car and Nash drives.
"What are the guys gonna do while we are gone?" Hayes asks
"Prolly go shopping or something" Cameron says

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