Chapter 24

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*that night*

It's like 9pm. I still haven't done any school work. I've been trying to get this book done but I can't figure it out. I know what I want the book to be about but I can transfer that into words.
"Babeeee" Hayes says jumping onto my bed
"Yessss" I say and he gives me a kiss
"Let's go out" he says
"But the book" I say
He slowly closes my laptop.
"What book?" He asks and I smile
He puts his hand out and I grab it. He helps me stand up and I put on my shoes.
I grab my phone and wallet and go downstairs.
"Ready?" Nash asks
"Where we going?" I ask
"Surprise" he says and hands me my vlogging camera
We get in the car and within ten minutes we pull up to a building.
Hayes and I are in the back seat.
My eyes widen and I look at him.
"Mini golf?!" I say and he laughs
I know he's snapchatting me.
We park and I open the door.
"I suck at this game but I'm still gonna cream yall!" I say
We play mini golf for like two hours and go inside and play in the arcade.
When we get home it's past midnight. I go in my room and Jaxx follows. I go to my desk and start school work.
I open my eyes and see my laptop infront of me.
"Dangit" I say and turn my laptop back on
It's 3am. By 7 I finish three lessons.
That's hardly anything. I have to make up this whole semester before Christmas and take my exams.
I get up and go to my bathroom. I take a shower and change into grey joggers and a maroon long sleeved t-shirt. I dry my hair and put it up in a messy ponytail. I do a little bit of makeup and put on my maroon vans.
Sarah texted me saying she's gonna be here soon. It's only Tuesday, ugh.
I go downstairs and Nash is surprisingly up.
"You're leaving already?" He asks
"Yeah. Sarah is waiting outside. It gonna try to finish recording today hopefully." I say
"Alright. Be safe" he says
"Bye nashy" I say and go outside
I spend the whole day in the studio.
I finally get home at midnight.
"Look whose finally home" Nash says
"I didn't even freaking finish" I say
"How much more do you have to do?" He asks
"Two more songs" I say
"That's not bad" he says
"Ehhhhh" I say and go upstairs.

*the next day*

I got no sleep at all. None. Zip. Zero. But I'm used to it. I haven't gotten a full nights sleep since the accident.
At 8 I go and change into jeans and a long sleeved shirt. I'm not going to even bother with my hair or makeup since I'm going to shoot a commercial and they are going to do my hair and makeup. The commercial is for beats headphones and they are giving me a pair of headphones along with becoming a sponsor of mine.

*after commercial*

"Cmon hailey we are gonna be late for the photoshoot" Sarah says rushing me
"I'm coming. Thanks guys!" I say and walk out the door
We go to the photoshoot and theirs models modeling my merchandise.
I have to be here to see what stuff I want to keep or not. I really don't know why I can't just be home.

*after photoshoot*

I finally get home at 8pm.
"Hiya Jaxx" I say petting him.
I sit in the living room with Hayes and Nash for a bit
I then get a call from Brittani so I go to my room
"When are you coming home?!" She asks
"I want to come now!" I say
"Well come!" She says
I grab my laptop and look up flights.
"Brittani!" I say
"What?!" She asks
"Guess whose coming home Friday!!!" I say
"Omg omg omg!" She says
I book the flight. I leave Friday and I get home Monday. It's a short trip but anything will do.
When I finish talking with her Hayes and I film a YouTube video. I then film a Q&A for my other channel. Hayes falls asleep at midnight so I stay up all night editing those videos and my vlog till the sun came up.


"Whatcha doin today?" Hayes asks coming into my room while I'm doing my hair
"Studio" I say
"When do you get a break?" He asks
"I'm going home Friday" I say
"Are you really?" He asks
"Yep" I say putting on my blue vans
"Does cam know?" He asks
"Babe, do you think he knows" I say
He looks at me and smiles while shaking his head.
"When you coming home?" He asks
"Monday" I say
"Dang" he says with a disappointed face
"What's wrong?" I ask
"I'm gong home for the week Monday" he says
"Noooooo" I say and hug him "you can't leave me"
"I have to go" he says
"Sky must miss you. She'll be so happy" I say
Hayes ends up coming with me to the studio. Of course two of the four songs I recorded the other day didn't save so I have to redo them.
We finally get home at 9pm and hang out all night.


Hayes and I watch the sun rise from the roof. For the rest of the day I try and work on the book and my school work.
I ended up getting 1/3 of my school work done and I get to chapter 8 of my book.
I go downstairs and grab something to eat. I end up being pulled into one of Nash's YouTube videos. After we finish I grab Jaxx's collar and Hayes and I bring him for a walk.
"I want a blue pit bull" I say
"Get one" Hayes says
"I really want to" I say
"Just get one" he says
"Cam will be ticked" I say
"It would be your dog, so cam wouldn't have to worry about it" he says
"That's true" I say
"I know" he says
"You so smart" I say and tap his nose and he gives me a faint smile
"What's wrong?" I ask
"Nothing" he says
"Mmhmm" I say
"We don't spend time together anymore" he says
"Yes we do." I say
"Not like we used too" he says
"Because we are busy. We still hang out" I say
"Yeah" he says and walks inside
Something is clearly wrong with Hayes.
I go inside and take Jaxx off his leash. I go to my room and pack. When I finish it's 6pm. I go downstairs and get something to eat. Hayes doesn't come in his room at all that night.
After I take a shower and dry my hair and stuff I go into Nash's room.
"Hey hails" he says
"Hola" I say as Jaxx jumps on his bed
"What's up?" He asks as I sit on his bed
"What's up with Hayes?" I ask
"What you mean?" He asks
"He said that me and him never hangout anymore and when I said we do he said yeah and went to his room. He hasn't come out since" I say
"I think he's just stressed out with his movie and he's ready to go home" he says
"I guess" I say "so Nash"
"What" he asks
"I'm going home tomorrow" I say
"Cam know?" He asks
"What you think" I say
"You're gonna get in trouble" he says
"I need a break" I say
"Cam is still gonna be mad" he says
"Oh whale" I say


I only get like three hours of sleep last night. I kept waking up from night mares and panic attacks. Sometimes I wish cameron was here with me.
I change and do my hair and little makeup. I grab my suitcase and carry on and go downstairs.

*in Louisiana*

"Hailey! Hailey! Hailey!" Fans yell
I meet a bunch of fans and finally get to Brittani.
"Brittani!" I yell
"Hailey!" She yells and we run to each other and I hug her
"Please don't leave me ever again!" She says
I'm staying at her house. I can't go to my house. I'll end up losing it.

We hang out all weekend. We go to the zoo and the mall. We dodge fans and have a blast. I miss being home. I can't believe it's been so long since I've seen her.


"You better come home soon" she says at my gate
"I promise I will. You need to come to California" I say
I really don't want to leave.

*skips plane ride*

Cameron landed a few hours before me so when I got off the plane I get texts and calls from him.
I get an uber and go to the house.
Oh I'm gonna be in so much trouble. Plus i'm so tired and stressed out. Tyler called me saying that they need the book by the middle of October.
The middle of freaking October. Luckily Sarah found a writer who is willing to help me and I'm meeting with him tomorrow. So hopefully I can finish this book within a few weeks
When we arrive to the house and take a deep breath. I open the door and get out.
"Thank you" I say and grab my bag.
"Welcome" the guy says
I go inside and Jaxx comes to me. I pet him and go to my room.
"Hailey Paige" I hear
Uh oh.

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