Chapter 35

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"Hailey get over here!" I hear so
I go downstairs. Where am I?
When I get downstairs I see someone standing by the couch. Who is that? I can't see his face.
"Who are you?" I ask
"I'm your-" he says but I couldn't hear the last part
"What?" I ask
"Can you not hear?!" He yells
I know his voice, I've heard it plenty of times before. I just can't think of who it is.
"Who are you?!" I ask
"Stop asking dumb questions you worthless piece of garbage!" The man yells
"I didn't even do anything, why are you yelling at me and being so rude?!" I ask
All of a sudden I am thrown to the ground.
"Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!" I yell while he starts kicking me
"Hailey, wake up!" I hear
"Who is saying that?" I ask
"No one is talking to you!" The man says while continuing to kick me
"Hailey. Wake up. It's okay" I hear
I'm in so much pain and I'm so tired. I close my eyes.

*end of dream*

"Hailey, hailey, hailey!" I hear and open my eyes.
Cameron is shaking me to get me awake.
"Can you not do that?" I say jokingly
"You must of had a nightmare" he says
"Do I have nightmares a lot? You seem pretty used to waking me up." I say
"Yeah. You have them quite frequently" he says
"Why?" I ask
"Let's not talk about that right now" he says
"Do you have nightmares?" I ask

*cameron pov*

I woke up to hailey shaking me and yelling at me.
"What's wrong?!" I ask hoping nothing is wrong
"I remember!" She says enthusiastically
"What do you remember?!" I ask
"You! You're my brother! You were in magcon!" She says
"Really!" I ask excited
"Yes!" She says and I can tell she's happy with finally actually knowing one person
I pull her into a hug.
"You'll remember everyone sooner or later" I say and we fall asleep
I wake up at midnight to my phone going off. Who would be calling me at twelve in the morning? I pick it up and of course it's Jessica.
"What?" I ask
"Where are you?" She asks and I can tell she's drunk
"Why?" I ask
"I want to see you" she says
"But I don't want to see you" I say
"You know you want to" she slurs
"No no I don't. I broke up with you a week ago. Did you forget?" I say
"You didn't really break up with me" she says
"Yes yes I did. Don't come in between my sister and I. You did her wrong and I know it" I say
"I did not! She did me wrong!" She yells
"Good bye Jessica" I say and hang up
I put my phone down and go back to sleep.
"Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!" I hear and wake up
Hailey is tossing and turning in her sleep. I look at my phone and it's 9 o'clock.
"Hailey wake up" I say and she is still sleeping
"Hailey, wake up, it's okay" I say
"Who are you?" She says in her sleep
"Hailey, hailey, hailey!" I say while shaking her and she finally wakes up
"Can you not do that?" She says jokingly
"You must of had a nightmare" I say
"Do I have nightmares a lot? You seem pretty used to waking me up." She says
"Yeah. You have them quite frequently" I say standing up
"Why?" She asks
"Let's not talk about that right now" I say
"Do you have nightmares?" She asks
I stop dead in my tracks and turn back to her.
"Sometimes" I say
"What about?" She asks
"I can't ever remember when I wake up" I lie
"Oh" she says
"Cmon let's go eat" I say
"Okay" she says and goes down
I go and take a shower. I couldn't tell hailey the truth about my nightmares because then she would find out about mom and dad and I don't want her to know just yet. I sometimes have nightmares about hailey. My fear in life is loosing her and I could never continue on with life if I lost her.

*flashback of nightmare*

"Hailey?!" I say opening the front door "I'm home"
"Hailey?!" I say again and get no response
I see Nash sitting on the couch.
"Where's hailey?" I ask and he gives me a weird look
"What?" Nash asks
"Where's hailey?" I ask
"Cameron are you okay?" He asks standing up
"I'm fine. Where's my sister?" I ask
"Cameron, she, she died." He says
"No she didn't. That's not funny" I say and go upstairs
I go up to Hailey's room and Jaxx follows. I open her door and Jaxx runs and jumps onto her bed and lays down.
"Hailey" I say
"Cameron. She's gone" Nash says
"No she can't be. She can't be!" I say

*flashback over*

When I finally come back to reality I shudder.
I try hope hailey gets the good memories of mom and dad back but I hope she doesn't get the bad memories back.

*hailey pov*

After we go eat we go back to the house. I open the door and go inside.
"Hailey!" I hear and look up and see JJ
"JJ!" I yell and run to him
I hug him and look at cameron and he's staring at me in disbelief. I realize that I remember JJ.
"I remember you. I remember!" I say and hug him again
"You scared me their hails. You scared me" he says talking about the crash
"I scared myself" I say and let him go
I see Hayes looking disappointed and he goes upstairs. Nash looks at him and starts to follow him.
"Can I talk to him please?" I ask Nash
"Go right ahead hails" he says
I go upstairs and to his room. I knock on his door but I get no answer. I knock again and when I don't get an answer I open it slowly. I see his window is open and I look out it. I see him sitting on the roof. He looks upset. He finally sees me.
"Hailey, what's up?" He asks standing up
"Can we talk?" I ask getting onto the roof and sitting next to him
"Sure" he says

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