Chapter 7

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"I'm only gonna warn you once Cameron, let me go or else" I say sternly
"No" he says
I slap him. He lets me go out of shock and I get on my penny board and go as fast and far as I can. When I get awhile away I stop and just start crying. I can't believe I slapped him! I didn't mean to! He probably hates me! I walk around for a bit and when I get to the house it's 10pm.
I already called the guys and told them I have to do online school and they kinda cheered me up.
I go up the tree and into my room and put my penny board down. My phone rings and it's a notification from Twitter:
@tigerbeat: turns out famous siblings fight just like regular siblings do #dallasfight

I click the link and it's a video of me and Cameron fighting and it shows where I slapped him! I go on Twitter and tweet:
"He deserved it so don't start rioting against me"

My door opens and Cameron comes in.
"Talk to me please" he says
I don't say anything

*cameron pov*

"Talk to me please" I say to Hailey
She doesn't say anything or even look at me.
"Hailey I know your mad. You probably want nothing to do with me but you have to realize I'm doing this for you. You've literally called me everyday last week crying in the middle of the night. I'm not gonna leave you here when you obviously need me. So I know you don't understand but it's for your own good. We leave tomorrow afternoon for California, and I got you in online school." I say
She doesn't even look or speak to me. She is acting like I'm not here.
"Whatever Hailey" I say
I go out the door and to my room. I lay down and go on Twitter and spend a while on social media. I think I fall asleep around 11ish.

September 23

"Cameron!!! Get up!!!" I hear.
I open my eyes and Nash is there looking frantic
"What's wrong?!" I ask
"Hailey is having a panic attack" he says
I get up and go into haileys room. I see her sitting in the corner, her knees to her chest and she is crying. I go over to her and sit I front of her.
"Hails" I say
"I don't wanna go" she cries
"But it's for your own good hails" I say
"I know" she says
"It's not gonna be as bad as you think" I say
"I'll give it a shot" she says
"You've been on tour with me before hails it's not gonna be bad" I say
"I'm sorry for today" she says
"Same" I say and wipe away her the tear on her face.
*at airport*

Fans are everywhere. I'm holding onto haileys hand and I can feel her shaking. It's weird, Hailey is never like this around fans. She went with me on tour during magcon a lot and loved meeting fans at airports and everything. I think it's just that when mom and dad died she lost a lot of herself in that crash.
"Cameron!!!!! Nash!!!!! Hailey!!!" People are telling all around us
We stop and take some pictures with fans. After a while I look for Hailey and I don't see her.
"Nash where's Hailey?!" I ask
"She was just right here" Nash says
I go over to where the fans aren't and call Hailey.

"Yep?" She says
"Where are you?" I ask
"At our gate, it's time to board the plane" she says
"How long have you been over there?" I ask
"10 minutes maybe." She says
"We'll be right there" I say
"Okay" she says
I end the call and get Nash and we go over to the gate. Hailey walks up to us and we give them our tickets and get on the plane.
"Hey I want the window seat!" Nash says
"Too bad too sad" Hailey says
"Cameron!" Nash says
"Don't know what to tell you bro" I say
Hailey sits down at the window seat and I sit on middle seat and Nash at aisle seat.
I'm pretty sure Hailey will fall asleep cause she didn't get much sleep after her panic attack last night and we are gonna land at 3am. 
"Good night" Hailey says
"Night sis" I say and she rests her head on my shoulder and I put my arm around her
"Ready for a challenge" I say to Nash about an hour after Hailey fell asleep
"Whatcha mean?" He asks
"Hailey is gonna be a trouble maker. Before mom and dad died they said Hailey changed and started sneaking out and stuff. She is going through all this stuff so I know it's gonna be hard" I say
"We are all gonna be here for her cam. All the guys." He says
"I know. Nothing can happen to her" I say
"Nothing will" he says

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