Chapter 16

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*one week later*

"Beep, beep, beep" I hear
I open my eyes and reach for my phone. I turn my alarm off and sit up. I can feel the dried up tears on my cheeks. I stretch and notice pictures falling onto the bed. I look down and grab a random picture. It's a picture of Hailey and I laughing. My mind is flooded with memories of that day.


"Bryant! Just take the gosh dang picture!" Hailey says
"Hailey it's the last shoot of the day!" Bryant says
"Ugh!!" Hailey says
Hailey is at a photoshoot and it's been over two hours of her doing different poses and whatnot.
"Ok you're good" Bryant says finally
"Yes!" Hailey says
I sneak up behind hailey.
"Boo!" I yell and jump in front of her
"Benjamin Hayes Grier!" She yells
"Scared you" I say
"Scared you" she mocks
"Don't mock me" I say
"Don't mock me" she says
I grab her and hug her from behind. I start tickling her
"No, Hayes stop!" She laughs
I can hear Bryant's camera clicking.
I finally stop tickling her and she kisses me.
"Hayes. Earth to Hayes" I hear

*flashback over*

"Huh?" I ask coming back to reality
"You need to start getting ready" Nash says looking solemn
"For what?" I ask
"Hayes" Nash says and it hits me
"Oh... yeah." I say
"How are you doing?" Nash says
"Good I guess" I say
"Don't be sad. She wouldn't want that" he says
"Thanks bro" I say
"Love you" he says walking out the room
"Love you too" I say.
Oh how I wish I could go back to that day.
I put the picture on the bed and stand up. I must have fallen asleep in her room last night while I was looking at pictures of us.
I go over to her wall of pictures. I smile and grab one of me kissing her cheek.
"Hayes" I hear and snap back to reality again
"Hey mom" I say
"Here's your suit" she says and I grab it
"Thanks" I say
"Her smile was contagious" she says looking at the picture I'm holding
"It sure was" I say and put it back
"I love you" she says and kisses my cheek
"Love you too" I say and she leaves
I go into her bathroom and take a shower. When I got out I dried off and put on my suit. I dried my hair and styled it. I look in the mirror and put on the maroon tie. I sit on her bed and pick up another picture of me and her sitting on the beach. I smile. Then a drop of water falls on the picture. I notice I'm crying.
No be strong Hayes, she wouldn't want you to cry.
I grab my maroon vans and put them on.
"Hayes are you ready?" Mom says knocking on the door
"Yeah mom" I say
I grab my necklace that has the promise ring I gave hailey on it.
I go downstairs and mom pins the maroon rose onto my jacket.
"Where's cam?" I ask
"He already left." She says
"Oh" I say and we get in the car
When we get to the place we all get out. There's so many people here. Hailey affected so many lives. There's fans lined up and security is keeping them out. We only wanted this to be family and friends. I grab my phone and tweet:
"Today is going to be hard. I'll always love you, my princess"

I go inside and am bombarded by people telling me how sorry they are. I finally get through. I don't have the courage to go up to the front and see her, not yet.
I look for Cameron and he's surrounded by people.
"He's not taking this well" Taylor says
"Oh, hey Taylor" I say
"Are you okay?" He asks
"I'm fine" I say
"Hayes!" Skylnn says and hugs me
"Hey baby" I say and hug her
"Let's go see her!" She says pulling my hand
"Sky stop it" mom says
"But I want to go see her" she says
"Ok, me and you can go" mom says
"Ok" she says and grabs her hand
"You want to go?" Mom asks
"Not yet" I say
"Ok" she says
I go and talk to more people. The guys are all here and they all looked like they have cried.
"Hey" I hear and turn around and see Cameron
"Hey" I say and he hugs me
"Have you gone up their?" He asks
"No. I haven't gotten the strength and courage up yet" I say
"Me either" he says
"I guess I should" I say
"Me too" he says
We both walk up their and stop at her casket.
She looks so happy. She's so beautiful. I can't believe she's gone.
I feel the tears fall. Why did the world have to take her?! Of all people they chose hailey! She was my pride and joy! She's the reason I woke up everyday smiling. Now I'm never gonna get a text or call from her! Why couldn't it have been me?! I sit down and cry.

"Hayes. Wake up" I hear and open my eyes

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