Chapter 39

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"Where are we going?" Hayes asks
"I don't know" I say
"Can I take you somewhere?" He asks
"Of course" I say
I follow Hayes. We go to the city. We enter a Walmart. We grab all kinds of snacks.
"What are these for?" I ask
"A surprise" he says
Hayes calls an uber and he gives them an address or something.
"Hayes, where are we going?" I ask
"Don't worry about it" he says
Okay then. I lay my head on Hayes's shoulder. Hayes phone rings and he looks at it.
"Who is it?" I ask
"Nash" he says
"We've been gone for an hour. They must've found out by now" I say
"Oh well. He can wait" he says declining the call and I give him a smile
The car pulls over at a national park. I look at Hayes weirdly.
"Thank you!" Hayes says and opens the door
I'm so confused.
"You coming Hailey?" He asks
"Um yeah" I say grabbing the back pack we put the food and drinks in.
When I get out Hayes takes the grey Jansport book sack we got at Walmart. He puts the book sack on and grabs my hand and we start walking.
"Thought a hike could calm us both down. Maybe looking at the beauty of nature could ease our minds a bit" he says
"We haven't spent hardly anytime together since the accident" I say
"Because you didn't remember me silly" he says
"You right" I say
"I'm always right" he says and I laugh
"You mean I'm always right" I say
"Hahaha no" he says
"Hahaha yes boo" I say
"Whatever" he says jokingly and I playfully roll my eyes at him
We continue to hike. I'm glad I'm wearing joggers right now because if I was in jeans I'd be so uncomfortable.
After about two hours or so we come across a pathway that leads into the woods.
"Let's go" I say looking for an adventure
"Eh why not. I love adventures" Hayes says
"I know you do. Come on" I say going into the woods
We walk for like 20 minutes and then we start hearing what sounds like a water fall.
"Secret water fall?" Hayes says
"I guess let's go see" I say
We walk for another 5ish minutes and when we turn a corner a water hole with a huge waterfall appears.
"Woah baby" I say
"Woah" Hayes says
We start climbing the little boulders to get to the actual water hole.
"Let's stop here" Hayes says
"You're so smart" I say and he rolls his eyes at me jokingly.
We put the stuff down and Hayes finds a spot where their is no rocks and lays out the blanket. We eat a late lunch.
"I missed this" I say leaning my head on his shoulder
"Me too" he says
"We have to start going on dates more often" I say
"Definitely" he says wrapping his arm around me
We talk for awhile about life and stuff.
"Smile" Hayes says and I can tell he's taking a video of me
"The pooparazi is so bad now a days" I say and he laughs
Hayes literally laughs or smiles at any of my jokes even if they aren't funny. Which I love.
We take a Snapchat of ourselves and one of the water fall and he puts it on instagram saying:
"Unplanned dates are the best"
"Cmon let's go explore!" Hayes says standing up
"Help me up" I say holding my arms out
"Help yourself up you lazy bum" he says
"Please Hayes" I say giving a puppy dog face that he can't resist
"Just because I love you" he says and pulls me up by my arms and gives me a kiss
We go into the rocks and their is a log extending halfway across the hole. Hayes helps me skip across the rocks on the water until we get to the log. Once we get to the log we stand on top.
"We have to come here more often. It's gorgeous" I say
"Watch this" Hayes says
He tries to show of by running across the rock but he looses his balance and falls into the water.
"Hayes!" I say and then see him pop up.
I start dying of laughter.
"It's not funny Hailey" he says shaking his head to get the hair out of his eyes
"It kinda is" I say
"At least I don't have my phone. Help me up" he says extending his arm
I grab his hand and try to help him up when he suddenly pulls me into the water.
"Hayes!" I say when I surface
"Told you it wasn't funny" he says jokingly
"It still is" I say and he splashes me with water
I splash him back and that starts and all out duel between us.
"Okay okay I give up!" I say throwing my hands up as I surrender
I walk over to where I can actually touch the bottom.
Hayes sees something and swims out to the water fall.
"Babe come check this out!" He says
I swim over to him and I see a small cave like hole thing. We swim inside and we can touch the ground. We sit along the edge of the wall and watch the waterfall since we are behind it.
"I want to jump off one of those cliffs" Hayes says
"Go jump. It's deep enough." I say
"If I jump you jump" he says
"No" I say
"Come on babe" he says
"I'll come with you and then see if I want to or not" I say
We get out the water and Hayes checks his phone real quick.
"10 missed calls from Nash and 15 from Cameron" he says
"Oh whale" I say and we take a picture and I log into my Snapchat and post it saying
"This boy is hot stuff"
Hayes takes off his wet shirt and we walk until we get on the the edge of the cliff. I look down and it seems liked are 100 feet high
"Oh no" I say backing up
"Do it with me" he says
"I can't. No way" I say and step onto the edge knowing I shouldn't have done that with Hayes right behind me.
All of a sudden I feel a push and I'm falling.
I hit the water and when I submerge I look up and can see Hayes laughing.
"I hate you!" I yell
He jumps and splashes a few feet from me. When he surfaces I smack him softly against the back of his head
"Hey now. I got you over you fear didn't I" he says
"Whatever" I say and we jump and swim for the rest of the afternoon

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