Chapter 48

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"I'll get it" Hayes says
"It's probably Mom" Nash says running down the stairs
Hayes goes over and opens the door.
"Hayes!" I hear a young voice say and I know it's sky
"Hey sky!" Hayes says and picks her up and brings in
"Baby!" She says and Hayes puts her down
She runs over to me.
"Skylnn be gentle" Elizabeth says hugging Nash
"Meet your nephew" Hayes says squatting down to her level
"Can I hold him?" She asks
"After he eats. He may throw up on you" I say
"Ew that's yuck" she says and Nash grabs her
"Ah nashhhh!!" She yells laughing
"Sky soft voice" Elizabeth says coming over to me
I laugh.
"Let me see my grand baby" she says sitting next to me.
"Here you go" I say and pass him to her
"Hey! You said after he eats!" Sky says
"I don't want him to throw up on you" Elizabeth says
"Hey guys" Cameron says coming down the stairs
"Cam!" Sky says and runs to him
"He's so precious" Elizabeth says
"He looks just like Hayes" I say
"He definitely has your long eyelashes" she says
"He is definitely a cutie" I say
"I love his outfit" she says
"I know right! Bryant is gong to be here any minute to take a few pictures of him." I say


I'm sitting on the couch while Hayes helps Sky hold Colton.
"He's so cute" she says
"Just like you" Hayes says and I smile
I hear a knock at the door and cameron gets up and opens the door.
"Hey Bryant" Cameron says and hugs him
"Where's my model" he asks coming inside
"Right here" sky says
Hayes grabs Colton and goes over to Bryant. Bryant puts his stuff on the table and Hayes hands him to him.

*skip photoshoot*

Bryant left a few moments ago. Shawn should be here any minute. Shawn flew into town because he has an award show to go to tomorrow. Colton is asleep in his rocker on the rug. Hopefully he stays asleep for a little bit. Babies are tiresome. Hayes goes upstairs to take a shower. Elizabeth and sky are only staying for three days and then they are going back to North Carolina. I hear a knock at the door.
"I'll get it" I say getting up from the couch and going to the door
I open the door and see Shawn.
"Shawn!" I say and jump onto him
"Hello there hay" he says spinning me around
"It's been forever" I say
"Too long" he says coming in
He has a baby blue gift bag in his hand.
"Here you go" he says coming inside
"Awe you shouldn't have" I say closing the door behind him
"Of course I had too" he says
"Hey Shawn" Nash says and hugs him

*the next day*

I wake up to crying. Ugh. It's only 5 in the morning.
"I'll go fix the bottle" Hayes says getting up and going downstairs.
I rub my eyes and pull the warm covers off of me. I sit up and my feet touch the cold floor and I shiver. I stand up and go to coltons room, which is next to ours. I walk inside into his grey and blue color schemed nursery. I walk over to his grey crib.
"It's okay baby" I say and go pick him up
"Sh sh sh" I say trying to get him to stop crying.
He wakes up every three hours it gets pretty overwhelming after a while.
I go and sit in the grey rocking chair.
"Here ya go" Hayes says handing me the bottle
We take turns feeding him. He finally falls asleep at 6:30 in the morning. We go back to our room and pass out on the bed.
When I open my eyes sunlight fills my room. I grab my phone from my bedside table.
"Hayes!" I say sitting up quickly
"Whats wrong?!" He asks shooting up from his dead sleep
"It's 11 and Colton hasn't cried!" I say
We both look at each other and jump out of bed. We run into coltons room and he's not in his crib. We make eye contact.
"Cameron!" I yell and run downstairs "cam-"
I run smack into him.
"Woah now hails" he says
"Colton. Where's Colton?" I ask panicking and I stand up
"He's right here silly" Sky says and I look up and see Colton laying in his little swing
Hayes let's out a deep breath.
"What did you two think happened to him?" Nash asks laughing
"I don't know" Hayes says picking Colton up
"I thought you two should get as much sleep as possible while you can" Elizabeth says
"Thank you so much" I say
I go upstairs and change into a pair of grey joggers and a maroon ivory Ella shirt.
I go get Colton from downstairs and bring him up to his nursery. Today Shawn is up for an award so I decided little colt can encourage him. I put Colton in a Shawn mendes onesie, a Shawn mendes hat, and Shawn mendes socks. I take a picture of him and put it on his Instagram saying:
"Go uncle Shawn! @shawnmendes"

Hayes comes into the room. He stands behind me and wraps his arms around me.
"I love you two so much" he says
"We love you too" I say and he kisses my cheek
I couldn't be any happier in life. I have the man of my dreams and my precious little one. Even though we are only 16 I know we are going to last forever.

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