Chapter 30

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When I finally regain consciousness I am laying on a cold hard floor. I am surrounded by my own blood. I sit up and my head immediately starts to ache. I look around. I know this place. Wait. It can't be. I stand up and I go up the stairs to my room. I can't be here. It's not possible.
"Cameron!" I yell going from room to room
"Cameron please come out, this isn't funny!" I yell
I see my phone laying close to the stairs.
I pick it up and unlock it. Its October 20 so I've only been asleep the night of the crash.
This has to be a prank. It has to be. It's a pretty sick prank and I'm gonna kill Cameron.
I try and try and try calling cameron but he doesn't answer.
What the frick is going on. I hear the front door open and I hear 2 voices one which sounded like Cameron. I'm ticked.
I go downstairs.
"This wasn't funny cameron!" I say and look up
My eyes widen and I stop dead in my tracks.
"Look who finally woke up" dad says coming to me
I start backing up.
"Y'all are dead" I say confused
"Well we're right here" mom says
"This can't be happening" I say and run to my room. 
I slam my door fast and lock it. I start having a panic attack.
What is going on?!
I grab my phone and try to call cameron. But he doesn't answer. I go on my YouTube channel and notice that I don't have as many subscribers as I used too. I call Hayes.
"Hey" he says
"Hayes!" I say
"What's wrong?!" He asks concerned
"My parents!" I say
"What about them?" He asks
"Theyre alive!" I say
"Why wouldn't they be alive" he says
"They died in a car crash 2 and a half months ago!" I say
"No, yall got into a car accident but no one died" he says
"What?" I say confused
"Is something wrong. Did you fall?" He asks
"I was living with Cameron, I was doing so good. Then I got hit by a car I think" I say trying to remember
"Hit by a car?" He says
"Yeah" I say
"I think you just had a bad dream" he says
"Maybe" I say on the verge of tears
"I've gotta get back to my meeting. I'll call you when I'm done" he says
"Okay. Love you" I say
"Hailey." He says
"What?" I ask
"We broke up, remember" he says
"What?" I ask
"We were becoming distant and we decided to break up. Why are you saying you love me?" He asks
"What?! W-We broke up? When?" I ask
"A month ago" he says
"I don't remember" I say
"Hailey, are you feeling alright?" He asks
"Yes. No. I mean yes. I don't know" I say
"How about I call you after my meeting" he says
"Okay" I say
"Bye" he says
"Bye" I say and he hangs up
I'm so confused.
My mind races and all I can remember is when I got hit.


"I wish they were still alive!" I yelled
"Hailey stop!" I hear
"I wish mom and dad were still here!" I yell

*flashback over*

My wish came true for once in my life.
"No. I didn't mean it. I want to go back. I was just mad. Please let me go home. I want to go home." I yell
"Hailey!!" I hear dad yell
Uh oh
I regain my self and walk downstairs.
"Sir?" I ask
"What is this?" He yells holding an empty beer bottle
"A empty bottle" I say
"Why is it on the counter?!" He asks
"Because you left it on the counter" I say without realizing it
"Excuse me" he says
I can see the anger in his eyes.
"I didn't mean it. I swear. I'm sorry" I say
"I'm getting sick of your attitude" he yells and throws the bottle at me
The bottle hits me in the face and the pain knocks me down.
"Let's go!" He yells and he goes into the basement
I can't move. The pain. I can feel the blood dripping from my nose
"I said let's go!" He yells again
All I can do is moan in pain.
He comes back upstairs clearly pissed.
"I said let's go! Can you not hear?!" He yells grabbing my hair and pulling me
"Please don't. Please. Please. Please. Please" I beg
"Shutup!" He yells and I wince in fear
He drags me down the stairs and I yell out in pain. He leaves me in the middle of the room and when I think it's over it just began.
He comes back with a bat. Not just any bat, the bat.
"Please! Please! Please don't. Please!" I yell
"Shutup!" He yells and hits me with it
I yell in pain
"I said shut up!" He yells and swings the bat and it hits me in the leg
I whine in pain and grab my leg.
"Shut up!!!" He yells again getting even madder
He swings again and again, leaving me broken and battered.
"Maybe next time you'll learn to lose the attitude" he says wiping the bat clean of blood
"I'm so sorry!" I yell and put my hand over my mouth
"Tsk tsk tsk" he says "you'll never learn"
"I'm sorry" I cry
"Maybe one day you'll realize why we beat you. Maybe not though. It's pretty fun" he says and hits me again with the bat
He leaves me lying on the floor bleeding everywhere. I can't move and I can't speak.
I close my eyes and wish I was back home. I don't want to be here any more. I want Cameron. I want Hayes. I want the guys. Someone please help me. I can't live like this again. I can't do it. I need help but no one can help me.
I hear my phone ringing and I see it in the corner of the room. I struggle but I manage to crawl and get it. It's Hayes.
"Hello" I say in pain
"Hailey? Are you okay?" He asks
Just hearing his voice makes me feel a little better.

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