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"Mommy! Daddy!" I hear a small voice say
"Wake up!" I hear again
I am then smushed by a 5 year old. I open my eyes and see Colton jumping on the bed.
"Colt, what are you doing?" I ask
"It's time to play!" He says
"Little man, it's 7 in the morning" Hayes says pulling him to him and starts tickling him.
I then hear cries. I stand up and go to the room next to me.
"Good morning my angel" I say and pick up the newborn from her crib
I bring her back into my room.
"Hello there my little princess" Hayes says taking her
"Presley" Colton says and kisses her
"You're a good big brother" Hayes says
"I'm the very best" he says
"You sure are" I say as blue comes and jumps onto the bed
"Bu!" Colton says while blue kisses him
Hayes and I laugh. Blue runs off.
"Bu! Bu! Wait!" Colton yells running after him
I smile at my once tiny baby who is now 5 years old. Hayes wraps his arm around me.
"We've come far in 8 years" he says
"Wouldn't trade it for the world" I say and he kisses me
"Mommy! Daddy! I'm hungry. Let's make pancakes!" I hear Colton yell from downstairs
"I'll go help him with the food before blue and storm get a breakfast" Hayes says handing me Presley
"I'll be right down. I just need to change her" I say
"Love you" Hayes says pecking my lips
"Love you too" I say as he walks out the room
"Come on baby girl, let's get you changed" I say as I stand up and walk out the room
I quickly glance at the photos next to the sign that says "Mr. and Mrs. Grier." I notice my ring is crooked so I fix it. I change Presley and go downstairs. As I make my way down I can see into the kitchen and see Colton throw some flour at Hayes and Hayes doing the same. Colton and Hayes's laugh fill the house. I smile and go downstairs. I walk over to them and stand next to Hayes.
"I got this" Colton says stirring the flour and eggs.
I smile and Hayes puts flour on my nose. I do the same back and he kisses me. I wouldn't change this for anything. My fourth album just released and I just reached 11 million YouTube subscribers. My life is perfect. It was definitely worth the up and downs Hayes and I had to get to this point. Now we have two precious babies and a house all to our selves and it's only a few houses down from Cameron's new house. I'm finally happy.

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