Chapter 34

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hailey pov*

I slowly open my eyes and look around. Wh-Where am I?
I see a doctor come in so I pretend to be asleep. He comes to the side of my bed and messes with the machines.
"You need to wake up now hailey" he says ever so quietly.
"Where am I?" I ask and it scares him
"Dr. Chad can you go get the family" the doctor says opening the door and sticking his head out
"You're at the hospital" he says coming back over to me
"Why?" I ask
"You were in a car accident a few nights ago" he says
"Oh" I say
"Do you know your name?" He asks
My mind races. Why can't I remember my name. I start crying.
"No. Why can't I remember my name?!" I cry
"Do you know what month we are in?" He asks
"October I think" I say
"Good. I think you may have some memory loss. This memory will come back but only over time" he says
"O-okay" I say
The door opens and I see these two guys. The doctor stops them and goes out into the hall to talk to them.
My whole body aches.

*cameron pov*

"Hailey is awake" the doctor says to me
"She's awake!" I say delighted
I follow the doctor and Hayes follows me. I think we were both stressed and angry and we needed to let it out.
When we get to Hailey's room the doctor opens the door. I see Hailey and another doctor talking, he stops us before we could enter.
"Can I have a word with you two?" He asks
"Sure" I say
"Is she okay?" Hayes asks
"She has sustained a great amount of memory loss. She knows what things are but she doesn't remember her own life." He says
"So she isn't gonna know who we are?" I ask
"Probably not. This isn't uncommon for car accident victims to suffer amnesia. She just has a great amount of it." He says
"Will she gain her memory back?" Hayes asks
"Overtime yes" he says
"How long does overtime mean?" I ask
"It could be anywhere from a week to a month to a couple of months." He says
"A couple months?!" I say
"Everyone's minds work differently. She could regain some if all her memory by next week. It's just a waiting game" he says
"Can we go see her?" Hayes asks
"Yes, but I only want two people in their at a time and I would like if you were in their at all times" he says to me
"Why?" I ask
"Incase she remembers something." He says
"Okay" I say
He finally lets us go inside.
When we walk in I see a battered and broken hailey. She looks up at us as we enter and I can see she is trying as hard as she can to remember us.
"Hey hails" I say
"Is that me?" She says her voice ever so weak
"Yes baby" I say trying to hold my emotions in
"My name is hails? I thought it was hailey?" She asks very confused
"Hails is your nickname" I say

*hailey pov*

So my name is Hailey Dallas. That's a cool name. The door opens and two guys walk in. One of whom looks kind of like me, that's weird. Maybe he's my brother. The other guy is a little shorter than the other one. He's got bright blue eyes and he's cute. I wonder what color my eyes are? I feel like I know these people. They look so familiar.
"Hey hails" the taller one says
Hails? Who's hails? I'm hailey, right?
"Is that me?" I ask
"Yes baby" he says
"My name is hails? I thought it was hailey?" I ask very confused
"Hails is your nickname" he says
"Oh that's cute" I say
"How are you feeling?" The other guy asks
"Good I guess. Who are y'all?" I ask and they look sad
"You don't remember?" The cute one asks
"I'm sorry" I say on the verge of tears
"My name is Cameron and I'm your brother. That's Hayes" Cameron says
"I'm your boyfriend" he says
"I knew y'all looked familiar" I say
After a little bit Hayes leaves and another boy with bright blue eyes walks in.
"Hey hailey" he says sweetly
"Hi" I say and smile at him
"This is nash" Cameron says
Nash gives Cameron a weird look.
"I don't remember anything." I say
"Nothing?" He asks
"I didn't even remember my name" I say

*two days later*

I met all the guys. Their is so many of them, I don't know how I'm going to remember their names. Hopefully I get my memory back soon.
When we leave Nash drives us to our house. I have a broken leg, broken ribs, and I broke my back so I have to use a back brace. When we get home I get out. I'm not the best at using these crutches yet. Cameron opens the door and all of a sudden a dog jumps onto me.
"No Jaxx down!" Cameron says sternly and down Jaxx goes
"Hi puppy" I say and pet him
"Here let me help you upstairs to your room." Cameron says
"I can do it" I say
"Hailey" he says
"Cameron" I say
"Let me help you please" he says
"I'm an independent person" I say and slowly but surely make my way up the stairs.
"See I did it" I say
"She definitely didn't forget her stubbornness" Nash says
"I heard that Nash" I say
"You were supposed to" he say
"Shut up" I say
I go into the hallway and see four doors.
"Um" I say
"First door on your right" Hayes whispers while opening it
"Thank you" I say while smiling at him
"No problem" he says
I go in my room and look around. My room is huge and theirs lots of drawings on the walls and I have a lot of shoes. I go to my and Hayes puts my crutches against the wall next to my bed. I don't really need the crutches, I can walk just fine on the boot.
I fall asleep. I have so many flashbacks of Cameron. So many memories come flooding back.
When I wake up the memories are still replaying.
"Cameron, cam, cammy" I say to myself 
My eyes widen and I get excited. I remember Cameron!
I go into the hallway and go to Cameron's room and he's sleeping. He didn't get much sleep while I was in the hospital. I jump onto his bed but immediately regret that.
"Cameron!" I say and shake him
"Huh? Are you okay?" He asks
"I remember!" I say excitedly
"What do you remember?" He asks
"You!" I say
"Really?!" He asks and I can tell he's so excited
"Yes!" I say
"Yay" he says and hugs me
We end up falling asleep.

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