Chapter 22

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"We need to talk" Cameron says
He can't know. He can never know.
"About what?" I say trying to play it off
"Hailey please. You can't hide this any longer" Cameron says
"Hide what. I'm not hiding anything. If anything you're hiding something" I say stressing out
"Cmon hailey" Cameron says
"I'm not talking about anything. I have nothing to say" I say looking at the sky
"Hailey something is obviously on your mind. I don't understand why you can't tell me. I've tried talking to you over and over again. We've both been through the same thing so I don't understand why you won't talk to me?!" He says and I feel my cheeks redden
I turn around.
"We've been through the same thing?!" I say
"I-I didn't mean it like that hailey." He says trying to take it back
"You never mean it like that" I say and go into the hotel.
"Hailey wait" he says grabbing my wrists
"Ow!" I say pulling my arm back in pain
"What's wrong?!" Cameron asks
"N-nothing" I say and turn around and go to the elevator
I press the button and get inside the elevator and cameron follows.
It's silent until I feel cameron grab my arm and pull my sleeve up before I could do anything about it.
I look at Cameron and his face drops.
"Hailey" he says softly
"You don't know me" I say and snatch my arm back as the elevator doors open
"I do know you used to never do this" he says following me off the elevator
"That was 2 years ago" I say getting to our door
I try to go in but I realize I don't have my key.
"Can you please open the door" I say not making eye contact cause then I will break
"Not until you talk to me" he says
"You will never know what I've been put through! You will never know how I felt!" I say as tears fill my eyes
"Let me know hailey. Let me know the pain you put yourself in. Let me help you" he says
"You don't want to know" I say
"Hailey, tell me!" He says
"I-I can't" I say
"It couldn't be that bad" he says
He said it on purpose to get me mad. He said it knowing I'd break. But it worked.
"I tried to kill myself cameron! Okay! I tried to overdose so many times! I've cut hundred of times. You will never know what I felt like. You will never know!" I say as a tear falls
"Hailey, I never knew. I'm so sorry" he says
"Of course you are" I say and go to Taylor and Aaron's room
"Let's go to the room and talk, please" he says
"I can't right now" I say and knock on the door
"Hailey please" he says as the door finally opens
"Hailey.. what's wrong?" Taylor asks
"Nothing" I say and go inside
"What's going on?" He asks Cameron.
I grabs the back of Taylor's shirt and pull him into the room and close the door
"What's wrong?" Aaron asks waking up and seeing me
I break down and tell them. They comfort me for an hour or so. I end up falling asleep on Taylor's bed.

*cameron pov*

Hailey takes Taylor inside and closes the door. What did I do wrong?
I can't believe my baby sister would try to kill herself. I can't believe she tried to harm herself. What did I do?
I go back to the room. Hailey is leaving tomorrow afternoon to go back to California and work. There is no way I can go with her either. I sit down on the edge of the bed and run my fingers through my hair.
"I have to help her" I say
I call Nash and he finally answers. I tell him everything.
Nash has been their for hailey since I can remember. I'm going to make sure he is watching her closely.
Hailey is going to be ticked when she finds out I told Nash but it's for her own good

*that morning*

When I wake up hailey is packing.
"Hailey" I say
"Yeah" she says
I sit up and go over to her.

*hailey pov*

Cameron comes over to me and hugs me. That's it. He just hugs me. Whatever about that breaks me. I cant hold it in anymore.
"I'm so sorry" I say as the tears fall
"Don't be. They are the only ones that should be sorry. Along with me" he says
"You didn't do anything. They hurt me. I tried so many times cameron. I took so many different pills and every night I would be scared and happy to go to bed. Some parts of me hoped to wake up but others never wanted to see the light of day again. I'd wake up disappointed and happy at the same time." I cry
"Shhhhh. It's over now. It's over now" he says
"It's never over though" I say and get out of his hug
I go over to my bed and sit on the edge.
"What are you talking about?" He says sitting next to me
"They always appear. Whether it be in my dreams or a flashback. Or even in the streets" I say
"In the streets?" Cameron asks
"I see people and then they transform into them. It really sucks cameron. It really sucks" I say and he hugs me
"I know hail. I know" he says
"I'm sick, aren't I" I say
"No you're not. You just need help. We just need to get you in therapy" he says
"It's not gonna help but okay" I say
"Give it a shot" he says
"Okay" I say

I finish packing and cameron calls an uber and we go to the airport.
"Remember to go your school work. You haven't even started yet and exams are soon" cameron says as I get to my gate and they call us
"I promise" I say
"Bye. Love you" he says
"Bye. I love you too!" I say and get on the plane.
Little did I know this is going to be one hectic week of work.

Ahhhhh. I'm still ticked that all my notes were deleted. But oh well. It's 2:30 in the morning and all I could do was write, so you're welcome. I guess. Idk bye.

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