Chapter 33

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"Beep beep beep" I hear and I slowly open my eyes
My eyes are blinded by the brightness. When they finally adjust to light I see two people standing in the corner by my bed.
"Look who is finally up" dad says
"No. No. No!" I say
"Yes yes yes" Mom says
"No! Leave me alone. Leave me alone!" I yell
The beeping gets faster and I see doctors come and rush in.
"Miss calm down." The doctor says
I get a quick glance of his name and it says Dr. Smith
"They're here!" I say with tears in my eyes
"Who is here?" He asks looking around
"My parents. Get them away!" I beg and plead
"Miss they are not here. From what we were told they died a couple months ago" he says
I look at my parents and they wave at me.
"They are right their. Please help me" I beg
"Let's put her to sleep" he says and I see a nurse get a syringe
"No. Please don't. I want my brother! Don't hurt me!" I yell
The nurses hold me down as they put something in my iv.
"Please, I just want my brother. Please" I say and slowly loose consciousness

*cameron pov*

All I can do is pray and have hope that my baby sister is going to be okay. This is all my fault. If I wouldn't of pushed her out of my life we wouldn't be in this mess. She wouldn't be close to death, again.
The memories come flooding back.


"Hailey stop!" I yell trying to get her to come back
I'm sick of her attitude.
"What" she yells stopping in the road
I notice the car coming towards her.
"Hailey!" I yell
I hear screeching and honking. Then bam.
"Hailey!" I yell while watching my sister get flung up into the air and land on the ground with a thud.
"Hailey!" I yell again and run to her lifeless body
"Hailey!" I say trying to shake her awake
I put her in my lap. The driver is on the phone with 911 so I call Nash knowing he's like 2 minutes away.
"Hey" he says
"Nash come to the McDonald's!" I say frantically
"What's going on?" He asks
"Hailey got hit by a car! Please hurry Nash!" I say tears falling
"Okay. I'm coming." He says
I hang up and try to get hailey to wake up.
"Hails please wake up, please. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry" I say hugging her
I hear the ambulance. Within seconds the ambulance is hear and they are surrounding me.
"Sir what happened?" They ask taking her from my arms and putting her on the ground
"She got hit" I say still not able to process what just happened
"We are going to need you to back up" a paramedic says
I take a few steps back still being able to see hailey.
"We've got a weak pulse. We need to get her to the hospital stat!" someone says
"Cameron!" I hear and turn around and see Nash running to me
"It's bad Nash. It's bad!" I say and Nash hugs me
"It's all going to be okay." He says
"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry" the man who hit her says while coming over
"You hit my sister!" I yell and Nash holds me back
Nash talks to the guy for a quick second and then we follow the ambulance

*flashback over*

I look up and see the doctor coming towards me. I stand up and he stops in front of me.
"How's hailey?" I ask
"She made progress today. She woke up" he says
"She woke up?!" I say getting excited
"Just for a minute but we had to sedate her" he says
"Why would you sedate her if she finally woke up after five days?!" I ask getting angry
"She woke up and immediately started hallucinating." He says
"Hallucinating?" I ask
"Yes, she was seeing things and screaming and crying" he says
"What was she seeing?" I say already knowing the answer
"Her parents. She said that they were in the room with her and she seemed scared for her life. She would not calm down. It was in her best interest so sedate her so she would not calm harm to herself or to you or the staff." He says
"Did she ask for me?" I ask
"Yes" he says
"When will she wake up?" I ask
"Within the next few hours" he says
"Okay. Thank you" I say
The doctor leaves and I sit back down
"Is she awake?" Matt asks
"She was awake" I say
"Why didn't they tell us?" Jack asks
"She was hallucinating and they had to sedate her for her and everyone else's safety" I say
"When is she going to wake up?" Nash asks
"A few hours maybe." I say
Hayes is sitting in the waiting room dead silent. He is sitting by himself and he hasn't moved in hours nor gotten anything to eat. I get up and go over and sit next to him. He doesn't even look at me.
"What did the doctor say?" He asks  I can tell he is mad
"She woke up" I say
"Can we go see her?!" He asks standing up and I can see a spark of excitement build inside him only for me to put out that spark.
"They had to sedate her" I say
"What? Why?!" He says sitting back down the spark out
"She was hallucinating and it wasn't safe. She was a danger to herself and others" I say
I see Hayes ball up his fists.
"It's all your fault cameron!" He says raising his voice.
He's mad.

"If you would t of been ignoring her she wouldn't be here!" He yells
"It's not my fault she went into the middle of the road!" I yell getting angry for some reason.
"If you wouldn't of put Jessica before hailey she would still be alive, now she's fighting for her life in their because of you!" He yells standing up
"She is alive Hayes! They sedated her! Don't blame this on me!" I yell standing up also
"It's all your fault!"  He yells and pushes me back
I push him back and we get into a fight.
Before anything serious could happen the guys split us up.

*hayes pov*

"It's all your fault!" I yell when Nash and Taylor come over and grab me away from cameron 
Nash stands in front of me while the jacks stand in front of cameron holding each of us back.
"It's not my fault! Stop saying that!" Cameron yells
"She called me crying every single day last week. She kept saying how you wouldn't speak to her nor answer her calls or texts. She needed you cameron! You don't push aside your sister! She did all that so you'd notice her and talk to her!" I yell
"Hayes calm down. Let's go" Nash says trying to grab my arm and pull me away
"No!" I yell and push him away
"Mr. Dallas" the doctor says
Cameron walks over to him and the doctor says something. His face enlightens. He turns to us.
"She's awake!" He says I pass Nash and follow the doctor and cameron to her room in the icu.

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