Chapter 45

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*9 months later*

I can't believe what's happening right now. I'm about to be a mommy. I've been preparing for this moment for 9 months basically.
"Want something to eat?" Brittani asks sitting on the couch in my hospital room
Brittani's dad got a job transfer here and somehow she ended up moving two houses down from mine. So she has basically stayed at my house or I've stayed at hers since she moved.
She's helped me so much with going shopping and everything.
"How are you doing babe?" Hayes asks coming in the room.
"Great since the epidural" I say and laugh
I'm 5 centimeters dilated. I've been in here for over 12 hours. Nash, Cameron, the jacks, Madison, and matt are all here.
A nurse comes in and checks me.
"It's baby time" she says
My eyes widen.
"Hayes" I say getting worried.
"I'm right here babe" he says
Cameron and Brittani are staying in while I have the baby.
Cameron is filming our reactions and Brittani is here for support because I don't think I could have done it without my best friend.
"Ready?" The doctor asks coming in
He snaps his gloves on.
"I-I guess" I say
"Push on the count of three... 1,2,3" he says and I push as hard as I can
I squeeze Hayes's hand
I push 5 more times.
"The heads out. Push" he says
I push with all my might.
"He's out! Congrats on your baby boy" he says and I hear the baby cry.
They place the baby on my chest.
"We did it" I say
"We have a baby" Hayes says and puts his forehead on mine
"Do y'all have a name?" The doctor asks
"Colton Alexander Grier" we say and Cameron smiles and hugs me
We just cry. It's been a rough ride. We were always in the spotlight with publicity and fans.
They take the baby away and they clean me up.


When they bring the baby back I get a picture of him with Hayes and I. I put it on Instagram saying:
"Welcome to the world Colton Alexander Grier. 6lbs 5ozs. April 10 will always be a day to remember"

"Lemme see my precious nephew" Nash says walking in with a balloon and a present.
I smile and hand baby Colton wrapped in a baby blue blanket over.
"Nash meet Colton Alexander Grier. Colton meet Nash" Hayes says
"Look at his eyes" Nash says
"He definitely has yalls eyes" I say
Coltons eyes are a bluish grayish color and they are so gorgeous.
"Mom is getting on a flight tomorrow and she'll be here late tomorrow night." He says as Matt comes in
"Hailey gets released tomorrow luckily." Cameron says
"I'm ready to get out of here" I say
Nash passes Colton to Matt.
"Where's jj and jack?" I ask
"They all went to eat. They wanted to give everyone a moment before coming in" Matt says
"Congrats you two" Matt says kissing my forehead
"Thanks Matt". I say
I get a notification from Instagram. Nash posted a picture of him holding Colton saying:
"Welcome to the world my little nephew. Congrats you two"

I like the picture and commented:
"Thanks uncle Nash"

Colton starts crying and Matt gives a startled face.
"I think I'm done holding him" he says handing him off to Hayes
I laugh.
"You can't handle the crying?" I say
"Heck no" he says sitting on the couch
Cameron hands me a bottle and Hayes hands me Colton. I feed Colton and he falls fast asleep. I hand him off to Hayes and he puts him in the carrier thingy. Cameron has been so excited since colt was born. He put on Instagram a picture that I took of him holding Colton while looking down at him saying:
"This is the best thing that's happened to me"

I'm ready for the jacks and Madison to see Colt. I'm actually ready for Elizabeth to see her grand baby and sky to see her nephew. This is the happiest moment of my life. I never knew you could love someone so freaking much.
"Knock knock" I hear someone say opening the door
"Hey!" Matt says as Madison moves the curtain separating the door and the room
"Hi y'all" I say
"Hey hails" jack says
Madison runs over to Colton.
"Congrats babe." She says putting her finger in coltons hand.
"You can hold him mad. Don't be afraid." I say
The jacks hover around Madison and look at Colton.
"Here ya go" Brittani says walking in with coffee
"I don't know what I would do without you" I say
"You would prolly be dead" she says and I laugh

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