Chapter 20

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*that morning*

I get up at like 10am. I get dressed and go downstairs. I'm a wreck. All I did was think and cry last night. I can't believe hailey never told me about this.
"Cam, your phone is ringing!" Nash yells from upstairs
I run upstairs and answer it.
"Hey cam!" Bart says
"Hey Bart" I say
"Just calling to see if you're ready for the tour" he says
"The tour?" I ask
"Magcon? You said you'll start touring again tomorrow?" He says
"Oh crap. I totally forgot!" I say
"Are you still up for it?" He asks
"Yeah" I say holding me and Hailey's plane ticket in my hand
"Can't wait to see you!" He says
"Same" I say and hang up

Ugh. I can't believe I forgot. I'm definitely not leaving hailey here. I need to know she is always okay.

*hailey pov*

I wake up at 10am to my phone buzzing. I look at it and my alarm goes off saying:
"Tour tomorrow! Start packing"

I slide my hand down my face. I totally forgot about magcon. I turn my phone off and get up.
I feel like I've been crying. I then remember something. How did I get in bed. I'm pretty sure I was sitting on the roof. I shrug my shoulders. Maybe I went to bed, I was just so tired that I don't remember.
I change into a different pair of maroon joggers and a blue Hayes Grier long sleeved shirt.
(If you don't already know, I wear long sleeved shirts everyday. I hate short sleeved shirts)
Hayes is coming in town and Im not doing anything so I'm gonna dress comfy. I pack my bag which takes me half an hour. Hayes facetimes me before he gets on the plane so I talk to him till he has to board. I can't wait to see him.
I straighten my hair and do my makeup. I grab a black baseball hat with an H on it, it's from Hayes's clothing line.
I put on my maroon vans and take my phone from the charger. Hopefully Cameron doesn't say anything about me taking my stuff back.
I walk downstairs and go to the fridge. I grab a bottle of water. I feel two idiots staring at me. I turn around and Nash and Cameron are sitting on the couch looking at me.
"If you look anymore at me you're neck will snap" I say and they turn around
I go and sit on the chair and watch tv. I can still feel them staring at me.
"What?!" I say laughing
"Do you remember what happen last night?" Cameron asks
"I'm sorry but I had to get my phone back. I had work to do" I say hoping I don't get yelled at
"You really don't remember what happened?" Nash says
"What happened?" I ask
"You had a huge breakdown" Nash says
"What? No I didn't" I say
"Yes you did" he says
"I don't remember that happening" I say
"Well it sure did happen" he says
"Oh well I don't remember" I say and go upstairs.
I go into my room.
"Think hailey, think! What did you say?!" I say trying to remember
I really hope I didn't say anything I didn't mean too.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I hear and see Cameron standing at my door
He looks like he's about to cry.
"Tell you what?" I ask putting my suitcase on my bed
"About mom and dad" he says
"What about them?" I say trying to play it off cool
"Hailey. You should've called me saying they were hurting you" he says walking in my room
"They didn't hurt me" I say putting my shoes in my suitcase
"You told me hailey. Stop hiding this from me" he says walking to me
I'm trying not to make eye contact with him or I'll prolly cry.
"They didn't hurt me so you must've heard me wrong" I say closing my suitcase and putting it on the ground
"Hailey. You already confessed that they did. I know already. Talk to me about it, please" he says
I grab my carry on and put it on my bed.
"Cameron I need to pack" I say grabbing my laptop and charger along with my cameras and their chargers
"Why won't you talk to me about it?" He asks getting mad
"Because it never happened!" I say closing my carry on.
I set it on the ground and go to my desk
"Hailey. I don't know why you won't talk to me about it. It's nothing to be ashamed of" he says
"I'm not going to be ashamed of something that didn't happen" I say trying to set my picture frames up the way I want them to be

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