Chapter 8

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September 24

When we land it's 2:55am. Nash gets the carry ons, which is like two small jansport book sacks. I pick up Hailey and we got off the plane. We were waiting for our bags when some fans came up. Hailey ended up waking up and I put her down.

September 25

*hailey pov*

I woke up at 10am. I sat up and immediately felt dizzy. My head is killing me and I feel cold but I'm burning up. I can't let Cameron find out. A meet and greet is today and I have to go record a final song for my cd. I get up and slowly get myself ready. I change into grey jeans and a Cameron Dallas sweatshirt. I left my hair natural and did my makeup. I have lots of clothes here and vans so I didn't bring any clothes from home except a few sweatshirts. I put on my purple vans and grabbed my phone. I then remembered I have a secret stash of alcohol and medicine here! I went into my closet and grabbed the fever pills and grabbed the vodka and swallowed the pills and put up the bottle. I brushed my teeth and went downstairs.
I see JJ(jack Johnson) and jack.
"Guys!" I yell and run and give them a hug
"Hailey!" They yell and hug me
"Can't.. Breathe.." I say
"Guys let my sister go before you kill her" Cameron says and they let me go and Cameron hugs me
"Guys we are leaving!!" Chad(Nash, will, and hayes dad) says
"Let's go!" JJ yells
Jack, JJ and Chad leave. Cameron is still hugging me from behind
"Coming?" Nash asks
"Yeah" I say
"We will be right there" Cameron says
I am confused.
"K guys." Nash says
Nash leaves and Cameron lets go of me and I face him.
"Hailey your burning up" he says
"I'm fine" I say
"Hailey" he says
"Gosh I'm fine!" I yell and go out to the car.
*at meet and greet*

We are finishing up meeting fans and I have one more. She comes up and I can tell she is gonna be a pain
"Hi" I say
"Let's cut to the chase" she says
"Huh?" I say
"Just smile" she says
"Confused" I say
"Okay first off you and hayes need to break up. He doesn't love you, why would he love and ugly troll like you? Secondly can you just stop?! Stop distracting the guys you freak. No one cares about your problems so shutup about them and the only reason the guys are here for you is cause without them you would be nothing. Just and ugly piece of shit!" She says harshly
Usually I would just laugh at this but my mental state is so low i just wanna cry.
I go backstage and go outside. I end up getting an uber to bring me to the recording studio and I recorded my song. When I finished I went outside I turned my phone on and I had 7 miss calls from Cameron. It's only been an hour so there still gonna be on stage for like 2 hours. I get an uber to bring me back to the meet and greet. I use my pass and go back stage. Cameron and Nash are sitting back stage while jack and jack sing.
"Hails where were you?!" Cameron asks
"I just recorded my final song for the cd. Sorry" I say
"It's okay. Just don't ever leave without me knowing again." He says and hugs me
"I won't." I lie
"Hailey your really burning up!" He says
"I'm. Fine" I say
"Okay." He says
They go back on stage and finish up the show. I go outside and get and uber, which is like a taxi, to bring me back to the house. I text Cameron to let him know I went home.
When I got home I went into my room and changed into sweatpants and my Cameron Dallas sweatshirt. I started feeling really sick. I ran over to the toilet and threw up everything I ate that day. Great. I brush my teeth and go downstairs and get a water. I try to go back upstairs but the room starts to spin. I go lay on the couch and fall asleep.

*cameron pov*

"Love you guys!" I yell to the crowd and go backstage.
I notice Hailey isn't there and start to freak I grab my phone and see she texted me saying she went home.
"Where's hay?" Johnson asks
"She went home" I say
"She is acting different" jack says
"She is gonna be doing that for a while along with being a trouble maker, so be ready for that, and I am pretty sure she is sick." I say
"You guys we need to get home so we can get some sleep. Plane leaves at 2am for New York." Chad says
"Okay" we say
We go back to the house and I open the door. Hailey is sleeping on the couch. She looks very pale.
"I think she is sick" Nash says
"Yeah" I say
I go and put down my phone and stuff and walk over to her. I pick her up and carry her upstairs. I bring her to her room and put her in her bed. She is already packed for the trips so I am not gonna bother waking her up early. I cover her up and start heading out the room.
"Cameron" she says
"Yes baby?" I ask
"It's hot in here" she says
I go over to her.
"Hails your shivering though" I say
"But it is" she whines
"Okay baby, I'll turn the heat down." I say
"Thank you" she says
"Goodnight" I say
"Good night" she says and falls asleep.
I go into my room and pack.
I get into bed at 10pm, and right when I lay my head on the pillow I hear noise
coming from the kitchen. Nash and the jacks already went to bed and Chad fell asleep along time ago. I get up and head downstairs. I see Hailey.
"Hails what are you doing?" I ask
"I woke up from a flashback and couldn't fall back asleep" she says
"Hails you need to sleep, I know your sick" I say
"But I'm not" she says
"But you are" I say
"I'll go to sleep in a bit. You should go to sleep." She says
"Please try and get some sleep" I say
"Okay" she says
I go back to bed

September 26

I wake up at 11:30pm and start getting ready. I only got an hour and a half worth of sleep but hey that's better than nothing. I bring my stuff downstairs and Hailey is already ready. The guys come downstairs also.
"Ready guys?" Chad asks
"Yep" we all say
I grab one of haileys carry on and head to the car while she had her luggage.
We get into the car and Hailey sits by Nash in the very back. When we get to the airport I notice Hailey is asleep. Nash wakes her up and she gets out. She stays up till we get past security. I swear she is sick but she won't let me help her. We go and sit at our gate and Hailey is sitting by Johnson. I play on phone for a bit. I look over to check on Hailey and she is asleep laying her head on Johnson's lap.

*jj pov*

Hailey sat next to me when we sat waiting for the plane. Jack sits next to me. He pulls out his laptop and starts working on some of our new songs. I can tell Hailey hasn't gotten really any asleep. I put my arm around her and let her lay her head on my lap and she falls asleep within ten minutes.
"I think something is wrong with Hailey" jack says
"She has been different since the accident. Hopefully she starts being her original self." I say
"I see her original self when she is doing a video or meeting fans but then she changes" he says
"She is gonna be alright." I say
"Yeah" he says
They call our plane.
"Hailey." I say and shake her gently
"Noooo" she says
"I got her" cam says
He picks her up and goes on the plane. He puts her in her seat by the window and buckles her.

Longer chapter!!

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