Chapter 12

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*at photoshoot*

"Guys!" Bryant says
"Bryant!" We say
Bryant hugs me and I hug him back.
"Hair and makeup is that way he says and points me to a room. I go inside and a lady sits me down. In a record amount of time she finishes my hair and makeup. She hands me a blue long sleeve shirt that has a white collar and a maroon skater skirt. I put all that on along with my maroon vans.
"You look so cute" the lady says
"Thank you" I say

We do all kinds of photos. Bryant takes a lot of me and a lot with me and the guys. Hayes and I take a few cute ones too.

*back home*

I go and change into sweatpants and a sweatshirt and go to bed. It's only 5pm but I really don't care. I'm freaking tired.

*cameron pov*

At like 8ish I grab some pizza for Hailey. We were in chads room so I went into our room.
"Hailey it's time to eat" I say and turn on the lamp and she doesn't answer
I put down the food and go over to her.
"Hailey?" I say
"Go away!" She says sounding like she just woke up
"Eat then you can sleep" I say
"No" she says
"Hailey!" I say
"Leave me alone. Please." She says
"No it's time to eat" I say
She pulls the covers over her head.
"Hailey come on" I say getting frustrated
She doesn't answer. That's it I've had enough! I pull the covers off her head and their is a tear or two going down her face.
"Hailey what's wrong?" I asked concerned
"N-nothing."she says
"Hailey what's wrong?!" I ask more sternly
"I'm fine!" She yells and she breaks
Tears start falling and I go and sit next to her.
"What's wrong?" I ask her
"I just don't feel good" she says and I can tell she is very weak
"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask
"I-I don't know. I didn't wanna mess up the tour" she says
I hug her. She pulls away and looks very sick.
"What's wrong?" I ask
"I-I'm gonna be sick!" She says and I grab the ice bucket and she snatches it and starts throwing up.
I hold her hair with one hand and I rub her back with my other hand. When she finishes I grab her some mouth wash then I go down to the lobby to find a thermometer and luckily the front desk lady finds me one. I head upstairs and go back to the room and take her temperature. When it beeps I grab it out her mouth.
"Holy sh**!!" I say concerned
Her temperature is 104!
"I think you need to go to the doctor baby" I say
"No. Please Cameron. I'm fine!" She says trying to hide her sickness
"Hailey you have a temperature of 104" I say
"Maybe it will go down" she says
"Hailey" I say
She starts crying and I'm confused. I put her in my lap.
"Why are you crying hails?" I ask
"I don't wanna g-go!!" She cries
"Why?" I ask
"They can't do anything" she says
"Why do you think that?" I ask
"They couldn't do anything to mom and dad! They didn't even try! Why would they be able to help me?!" She says
"Hailey. Mom and dad died in the accident. Their was nothing anyone could have done" I say
"They could have tried though, cam!They could have tried" she says
I hug her. I need to get her help.

*Hailey pov*

Cameron hugs me and I feel very sick again.
"I'm gonna be sick" I say and he grabs the bucket and I throw up again!
When I finish I wash out my mouth, I feel very lightheaded and tired. I lay down and close my eyes. When I open them Cameron is putting on his vans and also talking on the phone.
"Nash hurry up. We need to bring her to the hospital. She went unconcious!" He says sounding very scared and worried.
He ends the call and with in a few seconds the door opens and Nash, Hayes, and Chad come in.
"Let's go guys" Chad says
"Cameron?" I say confused
He comes over to me and picks me up.
"What's wrong?" He asks
"Where are we going?" I ask confused
"To the emergency room" he says
I don't say anything. I close my eyes. My eyelids are too heavy and I'm too tired. I just want to sleep.
I open my eyes slowly. I feel 10 times worse! What's going on?! I am laying down with my head on Cameron's lap.

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