Chapter 2- Annabeth's P.O.V.

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I inhaled deeply and then glanced at Thalia, she nodded and smiled at me. I took a look in the mirror, one last time and had to hold back the tears, and hold myself together. I always had day dreamed about this day but, I never realised how good it felt to be about to walk down the aisle to the man of your dreams. It's indescribable.

I Opened the door of the house we would be having our reception in and starded down the steps, one by one, I came closer to the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. The man I had known for 10 years and had been dating for 7 years. Percy Jackson.

As I neared the aisle everyone stood up and I saw the beaming faces of everyone I loved. My Dad, Sally, My Step-mom. But the one person who made me smile the most, was my mom, Athena. Gods and Godesses were supossed to stay out of the lives of their Demigod children, and I was amazed that Posieden and Athena had made it.

And I saw Aphrodite too, I was glad to see her but, I was afraid that the wedding might not be up to her standards. I did not want her to comment on my day.

But then, I finally saw Percy. His Dashing Black Tuxeedo made his hair look Handsome and his eyes Amazing. He smiled at me and I made it to where he was standing, An Arch with Roses Weaved in above our heads.

"We are gathered here today in the sight of God and angels, and the presence of friends and loved ones, to celebrate one of life’s greatest moments, to give recognition to the worth and beauty of love, and to add our best wishes and blessings to the words which shall unite Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson in Marriage." The Priest said

"Marriage is a most honorable estate, created and Instituted by God, signifying unto us the mystical union, which also rests between Christ and the Church; so too may this marriage be adorned by true and abiding love." He Continued

"Today truly is a glorious day the Lord has made – as today both of you are blessed with God’s greatest of all gifts – the gift of abiding love and devotion between a man and a woman. All present here today – and those here in heart – wish both of you all the joy, happiness and success and the world has to offer."

"Would you please face each other and Hold Hands?" The Preacher asked us.

I turned towards Percy and smiled, He squeezed my hand and I looked in his eyes, waiting to become his wife.

"Percy Jackson, Do you take Annabeth Chase to be your wife? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect her, forsaking all others and holding only to her forevermore?" The Priest asked

"I do" Percy said looking straight at me

"Annabeth Chase do you take Percy Jackson to be your husband? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect her, forsaking all others and holding only to her forevermore?" The Priest asked me

"I Do" I said strongly

"You may read the vows you have chosen." The priest told us

"I Percy Jackson Take you Annabeth Chase to be my wife. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, and I promise my love to you forevermore."

I smiled as he said the words that were going to bind me to him, for forever.

"I Annabeth Chase take you, Percy Jackson to be my Husband. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, and I promise my love to you forevermore."

Nico Gave us the rings and I put Percy's gold band on his finger and he put the Diamond ring on my hand, that Tyson had nicely made for me, when Percy requested it. Tyson had designed the band so it had a blue stripe curving around it that was resembling the sea.

"Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson,  as the two of you come into this marriage uniting you as husband and wife, and as you this day affirm your faith and love for one another, I would ask that you always remember to cherish each other as special and unique individuals, that you respect the thoughts, ideas and suggestions of one another. Be able to forgive, do not hold grudges, and live each day that you may share it together – as from this day forward you shall be each other’s home, comfort and refuge, your marriage strengthened by your love and respect."

"Annabeth and Percy, in so much as the two of you have agreed to live together in Matrimony, have promised your love for each other by these vows, the giving of these rings and the joining of your hands, I now declare you to be husband and wife."

"I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, Percy You may kiss the bride."

Percy Wrapped his hands around my waist and I wrapped my hand around his neck, he kissed me with such passion and love, I knew that this was the beginning of our life together. Finally we had been united as one.

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