Chapter 41- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 30 weeks

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Hey guys, so this is the second chapter (and the last) Chapter I have written today and I just wanted to say that I am going to start putting pictures to the right again of what the baby looks like. Go ahead and read on and I will talk to you at the end of the chapter!

I felt Percy lightly tap my shoulder and I let my eyes open, today was my 30 week appoitment, I was so close to having our baby, again it was unbelieveable. Percy lightly kissed my forehead and I felt his breath against my ear.

"Good morning." He whispered and I smiled and sat up.

"Hey." I whispered softly and noticed that he was already dressed and was holding a plate of pancakes out to me, I gladly took them from him and smiled. "Thanks." I said and took a bite of the delicious food.

Percy pressed his hand against my big belly and I felt Lillie kick. I smiled up at him and he grinned back, I felt Lillie move some more and it actually felt a little bit uncomfterable, She was running out of space in there. I finished chewing and swallowed and then looked up at Percy once more.

"I can tell she's getting bigger," I said and then Percy smiled, "I can't believe we have just a little over two months until she gets here."

"Me neither."  He whispered, "What color do you want to paint the nursery?" He asked and I realised that I hadn't thought of this at all, "I mean since you're pregnant you're not supossed to be around the chemicals so I will have to paint it and I want you to chose the color."

"I really like the color Pink, but I think it's too original." I said, trying to think of a better color, "Light green, It's used a lot but it's pretty and if we have more children they could use that color too, so things would kind of match."

"Light green," He said okay, "Okay, I'll be in the living room, come and get me when you're ready." he finished and I quickly finished the rest of the pancakes, for some reason I had a major appitite this morning. He gently took the plate from my hands and I smiled up at him as he left our room.

I got up and off of our bed slowly, taking my time and getting used to this knew feeling of being so... huge. I walked slowly over to our closet and chose a light blue short sleeved maternity tee shirt and a pair of capris, I pulled them on slowly; and reminded myself to shower when we got back. I pulled my hair back in a ponytail and chose to avoid make-up. Once I was finished with all of that I walked back out and saw Percy loading the dishwasher, he looked up and smiled when I walked in.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked and I nodded.

We walked out to the car and I gazed out the window as he drove and took everything in. I was going to be a mom soon, It could happen anytime now; the doctor said that I could go into pre-mature labor and my chances were higher because of everything that had happened earlier on in my pregnancy, but I hadn't really worried about that. I didn't want to worry about that. I still couldn't believe that I was going to be a mother, and honestly I hadn't decided anything. I still was confused about if I was going to Formula feed, pump, or breastfeed and I didn't know if we were actually going to use her bassinet or if we were going to co-sleep at first. I was so new to this and I felt like every decision I made would be huge and would have such impact. We didn't even know what color we were going to be painting the nursery yet.

We arrived at the hospital and Percy got out of the car and then walked over to the passenger's side and opened the door for me. I walked out and Percy gently shut the door behind me. We walked into the hospital and then into the Maternity ward and I realised how in about 10 weeks I would probably be walking through here with Percy, and I would be about to give birth to our baby girl Lillie.

We made it into the office and checked in and then We were called to go back into the office, as we walked back I realised this appoitment was the one when I would make my official decision on my birth plan. I was glad that I had brought the packet, which was tucked under my shoulder. We walked into the room and I sat down in the chair beside the ultrasound machine and Percy sat down beside me.

"Hi, Ms. Jackson how have you been this week?" The nurse asked and I smiled.

"Wonderful," I answered, "I have the birth plan, should I give it to you or Dr. Kaylor?" I asked and gestured to the stapled stack of paper that I was holding.

"No," She said, "You and your doctor will go over that." She said and I nodded, "Dr. Kaylor will be with you shortly."

She left the room and Percy walked over to me and took my hand in his and smiled, we heard a knock at the door and then Dr. Kaylor entered, Holding a file folder and smiling. He set the file folder down on the cabinet and smiled, sanitizing his hands as he walked over to me.

"I heard that you have your birth plan ready." The doctor said and I passed him the small packet as he read it over. I basically had just written that I planned to go all natural and that Percy and I were going to be the only people in the room, I was very surprised when he handed it back to me.

"Aren't you going to keep it?" I asked.

"No, this is for the day that you have your daughter you'll be giving copies to multiple people. The doctor who delivers you and your nurse also anyone else that you think needs one." he said.

"Are you going to be delivering me?" I asked, surprised that I hadn't thought about this question before.

"If I'm here the day that you are in labor, yes." He said, "But there would be multiple people helping." I nodded and he continued, "Also because you're getting closer to being full term and you lost a baby earlier on, we're going to have you come in every two weeks for check ups like these and ultrasounds."

"Are you going to be preforming an ultrasound today?" Percy asked and Dr. Kaylor nodded.

"That was just what I was getting to." He said and walked over to me as I got ready for the procedure.

I rolled my shirt up and the doctor put the clear, and cold gel on my belly as he put his little roller on my stomach and moved it around as we saw an image of our little girl on the screen. The doctor told us that she had a great heart rate but honestly, I was barely listening. She looked so much bigger and different from the last time I had seen her, she looked so much more like a baby. After the ultrasound the doctor printed out a roll of photos for us and We carried them out to our car to but in our Photo album.

We came home and  the rest of the day was pretty slow, I just knew that I was going to be a mom and it was the best feeling in the world.

Hey guys, so I decided to update twice today since I skipped yesterday's update and I am so excited about Lillie's arival! I can't believe that in just a few more chapters I will be done writing about Annabeth's pregnancy and I will be writing about their new life as a family!

I have decided how long I'm going to be writing about Percy, Annabeth and their Family (Spoiler alert: yes there will be more children) I'm going to write about them until they are done having children, and I might write about their last child for a little while as well. I honestly haven't decided that much yet.

That really is all of the news so I guess I will go ahead and give you your question of the chapter:

Q: When do you think Annabeth is going to have Lillie?

1) When she's 35-37 weeks (Anywhere in that time)

2) when she's 38 weeks

3) When she's 39 weeks

4) When she's 40 weeks

Thanks for reading and I will talk to you later!

:) Meg

P.S.- Sorry for the horrible quality in the photo on the right, it was the best that I could get!

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