Chapter 33- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 19 weeks

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Hey Everyone! I'm sorry I missed updating last night but I'm very busy!! I wanted to just let you know before you start reading that there is going to be a sad twist towards the end of this chapter. So go ahead and start reading and I'll talk to you again at the end of the chapter! Enjoy!

We walked into the Doctor's office that Piper used for her appointments and sat in the waiting room, I had been allowed to do this (I called my doctor in advance). I walkled over to a chair and sat down as Piper checked in. I thought about how next week I would know if I was having a boy or a girl, and how exciting that would be.

Piper came over and sat down next to me, holding a People Magazine and two bottles of water. She handed me a water bottle and I took a long sip.

"Thanks." I said and she smiled.

A few minutes later the nurse called Piper's name and I walked back with her, Jason sadly wasn't able to be here for the ultrasound but we were going to FaceTime Jason as soon as they found the baby, Piper also was going to videotape it.

We walked back into a hallway and into a room that was painted a creamy color. Piper sat in the bed like chair that was beside the ultrasound machine and I sat in a chair that was also close to the ultrasound machine.

The Doctor asked some questions and then right before he was going to start the ultrasound, Piper handed me her iPhone and asked me to face time Jason. I tapped his name on her phone and he picked up a little after it started ringing.

"Hey." I said and he smiled.

"Hi, Is Piper about to have the ultrasound?" He asked and I flipped the camera to show him Piper, who was getting the clear liquid/gel getting rubbed on her belly.

"Hey Honey," He whispered and Piper smiled looking pleased.

"Are you ready to see our baby?" She asked and I knew that so many emotions must be going through her head.

"Yes." He chocked out and the doctor pulled up the screen and Piper looked onto it with such a happy face. The doctor Scowled and then smiled, trying to look optimistic.

"Is our baby okay?" I heard Jason say from Piper's iPhone.

"I'm pretty sure they are." The doctor said, "I'll look for a heartbeat, sometimes babies at this stage are a little hard to find."

More time passed and the doctor started to look for a heartbeat. There was nothing. "What's going on?" Piper asked sounding broken.

"I'm so sorry." The doctor said sounding very sad for Piper and Jason. "I think you must have miscarried somehow. Maybe you didn't notice but I'm certain there's not a baby inside of you. I'm sorry for your loss."

Piper covered her mouth and I saw tears sliding down her cheeks and I knew Jason was sad too, even if I couldn't hear him. How could this have happened? Piper was healthy just a little while ago. This had to be a mistake.

"Piper" I whispered, "I'm so sorry."

She nodded, "Can you just tell Jason that I'll call him later?" Piper asked and I nodded and turned the camera back to me, and immediatly saw Jason's face; that was full of pain and loss.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered, "Piper wanted to know if she could call you back."

He nodded and I ended the FaceTime and the doctor turned to me, "We're going to have Piper spend the night here, just to make sure that nothing's wrong, do you have a way to get home?" He asked and I nodded, and thought of how Percy was at home. I walked out of the room and out of the Doctor's office.

I took my cell-phone and dialed Percy, He picked up on the second ring "Annabeth?" He answered

"Something very bad has happened." I said softly.

"What?" He asked Nervously, "Are you okay Annabeth."

"Yes, I'm fine." I said and took a deep breath, "Piper lost her baby."

"What?" He gasped.

"She's spending the night at the hospital and I need a ride home, can you please come and pick me up?" I asked.

"Of course." He said, "I'm so sorry."

"I can't believe this happened." I whispered, "Piper's baby and our baby would have been such good friends."

"I'll be right there." He said and I nodded even though he couldn't see it and hung up the phone.

My Best friend had lost her baby, I couldn't believe this. I wanted to break down and start to cry. This wasn't supposed to happen. Why did life have to be so cruel? Piper never had done anything to anyone, she was so nice and was looking forward to having a baby and now she won't have one for a while. I sat down and waited for Percy to come and pick me up, I sent prayers Jason and Piper's way.

Wasn't that sad? Can you believe I did that! I told anyone who asked that Leo (the baby) was going to die, because I wanted this to be a secret. What do you think is going to happen to Piper and Jason? Will they ever try to have children again? I'm sorry that that was a little short and didn't have many details, but atleast you have something to look forward too!

Next chapter is the big reveal of the gender of the baby! Also in Week 22 Annabeth and Percy will be having the memorial service for the lost baby. I would tell you what's going to be happening in Week 21 but it's  a surprise! I'll try to update tomorrow but my trip is getting closer and closer so I apologize if I don't.

Also my trip has been extended but I don't know for how long so I'm sorry if this story is postponed for a week or two! Thanks for reading I'll be updating soon!


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