Chapter 50- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 1 month old!

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Hey everyone! I'm so sorry for the time skip, I started writing the chapter for three weeks and was almost done with it, when my little brother accidently exited out of wattpad, and it didn't save, so that's why there is a time skip! So, I apologize for the time skip and I hope you enjoy the chapter!

I set Melody down on her pink princess play-mat, the doctor had said that at one month old she was finally ready for "tummy-time". I could not believe that Melody was one month old, it was crazy! Percy had taken the day off and we were all at home, it was hard to believe that one month ago my daughter was about to be born, time had gone by so fast! I sat down beside Melody and smiled, Percy walked over to me and joined us.

Her one month appoitment had gone great, there were no abnormalities and she was at the average rate for everything. Melody was wearing a grey dress, with white polka-dots; it had two pockets that had pink bows on the top of each of them, it made her look even more adorable.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I leaned against him, "Melody." I cooed and smiled, then grabbed her pink butterfly ratlle and shook it, smiling playfully as I did.

And then she did something that I had never heard her do before, I heard shrill giggling laughter fill the room. And it wasn't mine and it certaintly wasn't Percy's so that meant that it was...

"Percy!" I almost screamed, "Oh my gods Percy! That was Melody's laugh! This is the first time that she's laughed!"

Percy had a proud grin stretched across his face, and his green eyes gleamed with happiness. "The doctor said that it would be happening soon." I said and leaned down, closer to my excellent daughter. "I love you so much Melody Anne."

She gazed at me with her small eyes, looking over every single one of my facial features. I wondered if she knew who I was, I wondered if she knew how immense my love for her was, I wondered if she knew that I would die for her. But how could she know all of that, when she was barely a month old?

I heard the doorbell ring, and wondered who it was, we weren't expecting anyone. I left Melody with Percy as he played with her, and headed over to open the door. I was surprised and shocked at whom I saw-- It was Cailin.

OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! I can't believe that I decided to do that! I never thought I would use her character again, but apparantly I changed my mind! Sorry for the very short chapter and the cliffhanger but I was at Carowinds yesterday and I am exhausted. I promise I'll make the next chapter worth chapter 50's length!

So question of the chapter: what do you think is going to happen with Cailin's character??? Leave your answer in the comments :).

Ugh, I am literally about to fall asleep so I'd better get going! I'll try to have a new chapter up by this weekend!!!

:) Meg

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