Chapter 23- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 12 weeks

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Millions of thoughts ran through my head, Piper was pregnant? All of my friends were either pregnant or had a baby; Birtney, Cailin and now Piper? I was shocked.

"Congratulations!" I exclaimed into the phone, "When did you find out?"

"Last night!" She told me, "I took a pregnancy test because my period hasn't come and it's 2 weeks late so I took a test just to be sure, and I found out that I'm pregnant!"

"Wow congratulations, Piper." I told her, "Do you know when you're due yet?"

"No," She said, "But I'm about 6 weeks along so our babies would be very close in age, Annabeth I can't believe this!"

"Have you told Jason yet?" I asked her.

"No, he's flying" She said, "I want to surprise him when he gets home."

"Do you want to come over and spend the night?" I asked, "Just to Moms-to-be talking about babies."

"Sure." She said, "I'll head over right now, see you soon." She said and I hung up the phone and decided to go visit the nursery.

I walked into the room and tried to picture a baby in the crib, it was just too hard. I couldn't picture myself as a mom, I never though I'd be one, atleast for not a while. My life had been changing so much, would the changes ever come to a stop?

I sat down in the grey recliner and looked around at my surroundings, this was really happening; I was going to be having a baby in 28 weeks. I walked out of the baby's future nursery and into the living room, getting ready for Piper to come over.

I pulled out the couch making it into a pull-out bed and put sheets and a blanket on it, I then sat some snacks on the table. I brought my laptop out so we could look at baby things and Pregnancy websites. I was trying to learn everything I could about Pregnancy and babies, ever since Britney gave birth to Leo prematurely.

I heard the doorbell ring and ran over to it and opened the door, I saw Piper standing there with a small duffel bag and her purse in her hands, I moved away from the door.

I quickly embraced her and noticed that she looked like she was in Pajamas, while I was still in the dress that I had been wearing today, I'd have to change in a minute.

"Congratulations!" I exclaimed and pulled away, Piper looked down at my stomach.

"Thanks!" She exclaimed and then pulled out a grey box with a bow on it, "This is for you, Consider it a pre-baby shower gift."

"Oh my gods, Piper!" I said, as I moved over to our smaller sofa and sat down, "Thanks so much!"

I opened the box and saw a beautiful necklace that had crystals that appeared to be green, engraved on a heart were the words; 'Annabeth Jackson, soon to be mother' I gasped, it was beautiful; I loved it.

"Thank you so much Piper," I said, lost for words; "I love it!"

"I saw it in the store and had to get it for you, I still can't wait to go shopping for your babyshower and shopping for my baby! I just can't believe it!"

"Me neither," I said and sighed, "This is crazy."

"You've gotten bigger," She said, "I can't wait until I have a baby bump, It feelis like this pregnancy is going to drag on forever, I just want to meet my baby."

"It goes by a lot faster than you think it will," I told her, "I can't believe I'm almost out of the first trimester, It feels like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant." I took a deep breath, "And I know my child is going to grow up even faster, this is crazy."

"When I tell Jason we're probably going to change the date of the wedding, I don't want to walk down the aisle with a Baby bump." She smiled as she was talking, "We might even postpone it until after the baby is born."

"I'm going to get changed into some PJ's, I'll be right back, Okay?" I said and got up as Piper nodded.

I walked into our Bedroom and looked in the closet for a pair of my new Maternity Pajamas that Percy had bought for me recently, I chose a grey tanktop and pair of grey pajama pants I out them on and reminded myself to take a shower tomorrow.

I walked back into the living room and heard my cell-phone ringing, I walked over to it and looked at the caller ID, it was the hospital. Why were they calling? Probably to change the date of my next appoitment. I picked the phone up.

"Hi, It's Annabeth speaking, how may I help you?" I asked having no idea why I added on the 'how may I help you?'

"Mrs. Jackson?" I heard a female voice ask anxiously.

I knew something was wrong istantly. Was it about the baby, was it about my blood test, did I have to be on bed rest? Why was the hospital calling at almost 10 pm at night?

"Yes." I answered

"Your husband Percy Jackson has been in an accident, We need you to come down to the hospital immediatly." The nurse said

"Okay I'll be right there." I answered and hung up my phone feeling more scared than I ever had been in my entire life. 

"What's going on?" Piper asked, turning her head towards me.

"I don't know." I stammered, "Percy's been in an accident, they didn't say what; I have to come to the hospital."

"Oh my gods Annabeth," Piper said and walked over to me as I stood there in fear, "Do you mind if I come with you?"

"No, of course you can come." I said, "I hope the hospital also called Sally because I don't think I have it in me to call her, what if he's in critical condition?" I asked.

"All we can do right now is hope for the best." Piper said and patted my shoulder.

How had such a wonderful day gone so bad, so quickly.

Sorrry, I left you with another Cliffhanger! I hope you're enjoying the story and I'll try to update ASAP! I don't know what injuries Percy's going to have yet and I don't know if he'll be critical. I'm going to stop writing because a new episode of Rizzoli and Isles is coming on in 10 minutes and I want to see it! I'll update soon!


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