Chapter 7- Annabeth's P.O.V.

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I ran out in the pouring rain grasping my bag's handels so tight that there were red marks on my hand and opened the passenger door of my Blue Honda, I threw the bag in the seat and ran around to the drivers side.

I threw my keys in the car and quickly sat down holding the wheel tight in my hands trying to decide what to do as thoughts raced through my head

It can't be true

It's just because of the excitement

You're Just Paranoid Annabeth! Calm down

Do you really need to go to Piper's, what if she's not available? Then what will you do?

You have to tell him!

I took a deep breath and let my mind clear the thoughts away. I picked up my cell and dialed Piper's number. Even though demigod's really shouldn't carry cell phones I carry this one for emergencies like this.

On the 3rd ring she answered "Hello?"

"Piper it's Annabeth I need your help..." I told her

"Oh, okay" She said "What can I help you with?"

"I know this sounds crazy." I said anxiously

"Annabeth, you can tell me anything... what's going on?"

"I'm 3 days late... on my period." I answered, shakily "I could be pregnant..."

"I doubt you're pregnant" She said "I bet you'll get it within the week, don't worry." She reassured me

"Piper, I'm one of those girls who never misses her period, I don't really think I've ever missed it!" I exclaimed

She sighed and I continued, "Is it okay if I come over?" I asked "And take a test... I don't want to tell Percy until I know it's true..." I trailed off

"Yeah it's fine." She said "Jason's flying tonight and I'm all alone but, you need to wait to take a test, If you still have missed your period next week; then we'll go out to the store to buy one but it's probably to early to tell anyways"

"No Piper, I need to know... now!"

"How late are you again?"

"Three days almost four!"

"Fine but even if you are pregnant it'll probably be negative and you're supposed to take them in the morning."

"Okay whatever I'll see you in a minute." I said and hung up the phone I looked up and saw Percy looking out of the window at me he walks out of the house and taps on my window, of course he doesn't care that he should be getting drenched in rain, but he's totally dry.

I start the car and roll down the window looking into his beautiful green eyes, "Is everything Okay?" he asks anxiously

"Yeah, I'm fine." I answer "I just had to call Piper and ask her if she wanted me to pickup some snacks for the movie we plan on watching." I answered quickly and then felt like a jerk for lying to him.

"Oh, okay." He answered not looking fully convinced.

I looked up at him and leaned my head out of the window and kissed his lips passionately. "I love you." I whispered "I promise I'm okay, I just need a girls night. Besided Piper needs company, Jason's out of town. Why don't you invite Nico or Leo over?" I asked calmly

"Sounds like a good idea" he said and planted a quick kiss on my forehead

"Bye." He whispered "I love you, Annabeth."

"Bye, I love you more" I looked up and smiled at him and he walked back towards the house. I inhaled deeply and drove off towards Piper's.

Before Driving away I opened Google on my phone and looked up "Pregnancy" I got thousands of results but the first thing that came up was "What to expect when you're expecting" I tapped it and made myself an account "AnnabethJackson" I smiled and thought to my self: What to expect when you're expecting a Demigod.

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