Chapter 49- Annabeth's P.O.V.- Shopping Expedition

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Hey everyone! Guess what? Vampire's Poison is no longer going to be on hold, as of now (as soon as I update this I'll change it back to normal.) Also, I already started writing another book (multitasker) and I'm not giving anything away but, you can expect to see it withing the next year!

That's it for now and here's your chapter!

"Good Morning, Melody." I cooed into her crib, as I scooped her up into my arms. "Happy 2 week birthday."

Today, she was officially half a month old, which was crazy. She hadn't grown too much, but changes were visable and she was beginning to outgrow the newborn sized clothes that she had, and she hadn't even worn half of them. I smiled at her, as I placed her gently on her back, ontop of the changing table and took her pink sleeper off.

I kept my hand on her as I grabbed a grey dress, that had ruffles going down from the chest. The dress had miniscule pink butterflies scattered around it, and it was adorable. We didn't have anything planned for today, but I was obsessed with her small dresses, and loved how they looked on her! And, she couldn't complain about what she wore yet.

I carried her out of the room, and sat down on the couch with her, and fed her a bottle. Once she was finished drinking her bottle, I put her in her new favorite thing; the bouncer. I watched her as she stared up at the toys above her, and heard the phone ringing shrilly, I knew it was either Percy or Piper.

I paid one last glance at my daughter, and then walked over to the phone, on the hook. I picked it up and put it to my ear, balancing it on my shoulder.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Annabeth!" Piper said, "I'm sorry to call so early, but I'm going to David's Bridal to go dress-looking, and if it isn't obvious I want you to be my maid of honor so I was wondering if you and Melody wanted to come with me."

"Oh," I said, "We aren't doing anything today, but I haven't really taken her out of the house yet; and I kind of want the first time to be with Percy, I'm sorry I feel like a jerk saying that; but call me sentimental I just want it to be special. But you could come over here and we could look online, if you want to of course I don't want to take any expierience away from you."

"That would be fine," She said and laughed, "It's not really a nice day to go out anyways." Outside it was gray and dreary and was drizzling small drops of rain. It was cool for a September day, but it was no weather to go out in.

"Okay," I said, "When would you like to come over?"

"20 minutes?" She asked.

"Sure," I said, "Melody might still be awake when you get hear, the older she gets the more time she is awake."

"Okay," She said, "I'll see you in a bit; bye."

"Bye." I said.

I walked over to the bouncer, and saw her grin. I leaned down to her level and smiled lovingly into her beautiful eyes.

"Melody," I cooed, "Guess who's coming over? It's Piper, are you excited sweetie." I then laughed at myself because it was obvious that she couldn't, I used to think it was silly when parents did things like this. And, now I was doing it myself!

20 minutes later, Piper arrived and had brought her laptop, I got us two mugs of coffee and got Melody; who was still awake out of her bouncer and into my lap. I set the mugs down on the coffee table in front of us and waited as Piper logged into her laptop. She typed her password in and then proceeded to go to she logged into her account on that website as I waited patiently.

"Okay," Piper said slowly, "Before I show you the dresses I've been thinking about I want you to give me your word that you will be completely honest with me for all of these dresses, no matter whar your opinion is."

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