Chapter 28- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 14 weeks

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Hi Everyone!! I have no clue what is going to happen after this chapter so I'm sorry If I have to wait a while to update, If you have ideas Please leave them in the comments!!! I'll try to update as often as I normally do but the chapters may start to get a little boring so I'm sorry if they do. Here it goes, hope you enjoy!

The doctor rushed back into the room as soon as Percy called him. I moaned as another cramp hit me, these were so much worse, Could I be miscarrying a baby? I hadn't believed at it first but now I was starting to think that this was maybe what was happening.

"Are you having cramping again Annabeth?" The doctor asked and I instantly nodded, "Okay how severe are the cramps on a scale from one to ten, one being the lowest and ten being the highest?" Dr. Kaylor asked and looked over at the monitor that was monitoring our baby.

"7." I answered and gasped as another one hit me. "Make that 8"

"Okay," He answered and turned towards Percy, "If she's miscarrying, I think she is now. We need to move her to another room I'll get someone to help push the bed, you can join us but your friend will have to wait in the waiting room."

Piper nodded and looked at Percy, "Of Course." She said, "I understand." Piper walked over to me and smiled, "I'll see you when all of this is over, Be strong, Okay?" I nodded and she left the room.

I was rolled to another room and Percy walked behind us, when we got to the room they hooked me up to another machine to monitor the baby and When I looked over at the monitor everything looked fine to me, there was nothing abnormal. I was hit with another cramp and this one had to be the worst one so far I took a deep breath and tried to focus on how atleast one of the babies had survived this and looked fine. But I felt like I should be in tears since I was probably losing a baby.

 I took a deep breath as another one hit me, I suddenly felt very nauseous and just knew I was going to vomit. I grabbed the trash can and vomitted terribley into it, I just felt worse after that. Percy came over to me and patted me on my shoulder, I looked up to him.

"Are you okay?" Percy asked, and the doctor spread my legs revealing my lower half in the night gown that I had been hastily changed into a moment ago.

"What's going on?" I asked as my heart rised in my throght, had something gone wrong with the baby that was alive could I lose them too, I couldn't. I took a deep breath and prepared for the worst.

"I'm just waiting for you to miscarry, because right now I'm almost Positive you are." He said, "You're going to have more cramping and probably some more vomitting, you're baby will probably be miscarried soon." I nodded and felt another huge cramp, I yelled during this one, It was so painful.

"It's okay." Percy whispered, "Everything's going to be alright."

"How is everything going to be akright? We're probably losing a baby." I snapped and then instantly felt guilty, "I'm sorry you're right atleast one of the babies is going to survive and have a life, we have to focus on that right now." But I didn't know if I was trying to convince him, or myself I knew we were lucky that we weren't losing two but it still broke my heart that one of my children was not going to have a life and was either dying or dead. It broke my heart.

Another cramp hit me and I started panting this was so darn painful! "I think that your baby is going to be here in just a minute." The doctor said as I reached for the trash can witch's bag had been changed and vomitted horribley again.

"Will we be able to have the baby?" Percy asked and I knew instantainiously that if we were able to have our baby we would have him/her buried or cremated and have a memorial service, I didn't care if we didn't know if they were male or female, and we didn't have a name for them. An innocent live had been lost and our baby deserved to be honored.

I felt another huge cramp and I moaned again this one had to be the worst and I knew I'd said that many times but this time I meant it I yelled a few words that were not in my vocabulary normally and felt something leave my body. Could it be the miscarried baby?

I looked over and saw the doctor holding something very smally, my dead baby. "Is my baby that we saw alive?" I asked  hoping that they were.

"They appear to be fine." The doctor said.

"Can I see my baby?" I asked the doctor hoping that we would be able to take him/her home.

"We're going to run some tests," The doctor said placing what appeared to be my baby in a plastic container, "And then you'll be able to take them home when you leave," The doctor wrote something down, "I'm sorry for your loss Mr. and Mrs. Jackson." He then turned towards me, "Call me if you have anymore cramping." He exited the room, taking what was left of my baby with him.

I felt terrible, one of my children had been miscarried. My other baby appeared to be fine and I prayed that from this moment on I'd have a normal pregnancy, no more hospital visits (at least not before the baby was born.) and no more cramping or bleeding. This was insane I hadn't even known that I was expecting twins. I looked up at Percy who also looked heart broken.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

"Me too." I said because I felt like if I said anything else I'd start crying, and I didn't need that on top of everything else.

He stroked a piece of my hair and we both said nothing, right now I didn't care that we weren't talking, when I normally would all I cared about right now was the fact that I'd lost a child, and it broke my heart.

Hi Everyone! So that was a little dramatic and I would go on but It's 8 pm and I haven't eaten dinner yet! I have a couple of ideas and I probably will add them in soon, but I promise you none of them have anything to do with this much drama or hospital stays. I know it gets a little boring since we still have about 26 chapters to go until she gives birth but we'll make it work! Thanks for reading this far and I know some of my chapters are a little boring or lousy but I want to thank you for reading and it means a lot to me!

I also have a smal/big announcement to make.... I've decided the release date of my new book on wattpad!! On August 24, 2013 you will be getting a new book along with this one! I haven't decided the title yet but when I do you will be the first to know, I'm probably going to draft it soon so the cover and description will be up before the date above but the first chapter will come out on that date!

Again thanks for reading and I'll be updating soon!

:) Meg

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