Chapter 6- Percy's P.O.V.

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The rest of the vacation flew by, before we knew it a week later Annabeth and I were standing in the door of the house that we had moved into a month ago. I put my keys down on the counter and Annabeth rolled her suitcase from the kitchen, into the bedroom. I turned and walked to the pantry to get some coffee.

Annabeth walked back into the kitchen and sat down twiddling her thumbs. "Piper invited me over to spend the night, is that okay with you?" She asked

"Yeah, is something wrong?" I answered, Annabeth never acted like this.

"No, nothing." She answered

She dashed off and grabbed her duffel bag and came back with a jacket on and her keys in her hand. She walked by me and kissed me on the cheek and then whispered "Sorry Percy."

She grabbed her keys and walked out of the door.

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