Chapter 8- Annabeth's P.O.V.

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I quickly drove over to Piper's Apartment in the city, As I was about to drive past a Walgreens I changed lanes and decided to turn towards it. I decide quickly that I'm going to buy the Pregnancy test myself, but take it with Piper so we don't have to go back out in the horrible weather. I pulled into the parking lot of Walgreens and chose a spot close to the enterance and pulled my wallet out of my bag in the passenger seat, I also looked in the back and grabbed out the black umbrella I keep for emergencies.

I opened the door and quickly opened the umbrella, immediatly hearing all of the rain splatter down, I almost run to the enterance and as I do, I run into a couple holding hands and I look down, and notice that the woman is pregnant. Could that be me in 5 months? I quickly ask myself

"Oh I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, wondering if I could have possibly hurt her baby

"It's fine" She answered smiling

I smile back at her and then walk inside, I lower my umbrella and close it, as raindrops fall off of it and onto the floor. Since I know this Walgreens (thankfully) I know exactly where to go for the pregnancy tests and won't be that late to Piper's. As I walk down the aisle I see a few people, couples, one teenager but the person who strikes me the most is a girl who looks like she's in the same position as me. She looks in her early twenties and looks scared out of her mind, as she frantically looks at the different brands of tests.

"Hi." I said to the girl "I'm Annabeth."

"Hi," She quietly said, "Um, I'm Liz" She reached out with her hand and I took it and shook it.

"I'm looking for a pregnancy test, do you know what the best brand is?" I asked her nicely

"Look! If you're trying to insult me or make fun of me, it's not going to work!" She exclaimed and ran away. I felt like a complete jerk, I honestly just needed advice and wanted a friend who was going through the same thing.

I sighed and looked at the brands of tests. After a minute of silentlu debating which one would be the most accurate I chose the EPT brand, 2 pack. I walked up to the check out lane and also grabbed a water bottle and a candy bar. When the women at the cash register was ready for me, I gave her my items and payed with cash. The woman didn't even speak to me. She handed me my change and a bag with my items in it. I took the bag and smiled at her.

"Have a wonderful evening." I calmly said

I walk out to my car and throw my things in the passenger seat and open my water bottle, I take a long drink and then open the candy bar and quickly devour it. I then start my car and realize the time, 8:10 p.m., I'm almost 20 minutes behind! I quickly start my car and head over to Piper's Place.

When I reach her apartment it has finally stopped raining so I can leave the unbrella in the car and can just walk up to her apartment without hovering under an umbrella. I reach the elevator and press the button labeled "3" when the elevator reaches the floor I speed walk to her apartment door and quickly knock, less than 2 seconds later Piper comes and answers the door.

"Oh my gosh! I was so worried about you!" She exclaims "Come on, I have my keys, lets go ahead and get this pregnancy test. What took you so long?" She steps out of her door while talking and takes my bag and throws it in her apartment

"Wait Piper," I laugh as I say this "I already bought a pregnancy test, on my way here. So we wouldn't have to go back out in the rain."

"Oh." She says and opens the door again "To my bathroom I guess."

We walk towards her bathroom and I unwrap the pregnancy test out of the Walgreens bag and glance down nervously at it.

"Piper," I say "I really don't know how to do this." I sigh and shakily laugh

"I've never done it, but I have seen movies it's really not that hard." She says

"Go on" I say

"Are you really making me say this Annabeth?" She asks, and I nod "All you do is pee on the stick, and you're supossed to take the test in the morning when your HCG levels are higher, but knock yourself out, I also suggest taking the other one in the morning just to be sure, but I have to work at Applebee's tomorrow morning so I won't be here, put it on the counter when you're done!"

I open the door to her bathroom and walk in, quickly shutting the door behind me. I take a deep breath and think to myself; all you have to do is pee on a stick, how hard can it be? I take one of the tests out of the box and pee on it and then place it on the counter, like Piper said to and wait a few minutes to let it show up. I then look down at the test and see that it's positive. I open the door and see Piper waiting paitiently.

"Well?" She asks

"I think there's something wrong..." I quickly say

"What do you mean?" She asks nervously

"It's positive..."

"Congratulations!" She sqeeals

"No Piper, I need to take the other one too!" I exclaim

"Go ahead." She says

I shut the door and bury my head in my hands and decide to call Percy as I find myself falling apart on Piper's bathroom floor, he deserves to know the whole story. I grab my cell and dial his number praying that he'll pick up. And he does.

"Hello?" He says

"Percy!" I exclaim, "Oh my gods Percy!"

"Annabeth, Are you alright!" He asks anxiously

"Yes I'm fine, but I need you to listen."

"Okay, what's up." He says

"I missed my period, I'm 3 days late... almost 4 and I thought that it's possible for me to be pregnant... so I took a test and then It showed up positive! Percy we can't be pregnant we can't I have a whole career ahead of me we both have one. I'd love to have a baby but not now! Oh Percy, what are we going to do?" I cried into the line

"It'll be okay Annabeth, do you want me to come and get you so we can talk about this?" He calmly asks

"No, I'm fine at Piper's, I'll be home early tomorrow. I guess we should probably call the doctor's office and schedule an appoitment, gosh Percy I'm scared."

"Don't be honey, everything is going to be okay. We're going to be a family, just a little sooner than we exoected, this is wonderful!"

"Okay I'll talk to you later." I said

"Love you"

"You too"

He hung up the phone and I opened the door to see Piper standing there waiting for me to come out.

"I'm Pregnant!" I exclaimed

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