Chapter 21- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 11 weeks

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I woke up and stretched and then quickly rushed over to our mirror, this was becoming a part of my daily routine; checking to see if my belly hand grown! It didn't look any different from when I checked yesterday, but it did look different from last week.

It was now getting easier to tell that I was pregnant, but you would have to know that I was pregnant to notice a baby bump. I opened the door to our closet, which was now full of Maternity clothes and tried to decide on what to wear.

I peeled off my camp half-blood tee (which was getting harder and harder to fit into) and took my Pajama pants off and tossed it on the floor, I grabbed a scoop neck white and dark blue striped shirt that also worked for the earlier months of pregnancy and pulled it over my head, it was very loose so you couldn't even tell that I was pregnant.

I then grabbed a pair of white maternity shorts that went down to my knees and got into those, even though I really didn't need Maternity pants yet, I was so small. I hurried out of our room and into the Living room and saw Percy waiting with his keys in his hands, we were taking his grey Camry.

"You ready?" He asked, and then smiled; "You look beautiful."

"Thanks," I said and then answered his question, "Yeah, I just need to grab my purse." I  said as I walked over to the closet where I kept my small black bag and retrieved it.

We walked out of the door and out to Percy's Camry, He opened the door for me and I got inside as he walked over to the passenger side. I turned on the radio and we started the hour journey to the hospital.

When we were finally at the hospital, we rushed to the Maternity ward; trying to make our 10:30 appoitment. We practically ran through the hospital and checked into the Office at 10:23 a.m.; we sat down and I caught my breath and let my heart rate get back to normal.

I looked over and smiled at Percy, "That was interesting." I whispered and he smiled.

"Maybe we'll leave earlier next time," He whispered a gleam in his beautiful green eyes and squeezed my hand.

"Mr. and Mrs. Jackson." We heard the nurse call, we stood up and walked over to the door where the nurse was standing, she led us to a room and I sat down beside the ultrasound machine was. 

"How are you feeling, Mrs. Jackson?" The nurse asked as she pulled out a file folder.

"Great," I answered

"Any more bleeding?" She asked and I wondered if they'd keep on asking this through out my whole pregnancy.

"None." I answered.

"That's great," She answered as she jotted something down, "Dr. Kaylor will see you shortly." She walked out of the room and I looked over at Percy, who was reading a parenting magazine, he was going to be such a great dad.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door and I saw Dr. Kaylor walk in smiling. "Hi," He said to Percy and I, "How are you feeling today, Annabeth?"

"I'm great." I said.

"How have your pregnancy symptoms been this week?" He asked, rubbing his hands with some hand sanitizer and then walking over to me, he pulled out a stethascope and checked my heart and breathing.

"They've gotten a little easier," I answered, "I haven't had as much morning sickness as I had."

"That's good," he said, "Have you decided on a birth-plan yet?" He asked, changing the sunject. But, I had thought a little about what I wanted to do, I just wasn't sure yet.

"I've thought a little about it." I answered, "I would love to go natural, I just don't know If I want to use a hospital or a birthing center."

"It's good that you're thinking about that," Dr. Kaylor said, "But don't stress; you have a lot of time to decide what you want to do."

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