Chapter 36- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 25 Weeks

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Hey everyone, so today I'm working on Chapter 4 of Cold as Ice as well so I'm sorry if this is a late update! Also it's finally time to see the baby in the 4D ultrasound! Are you excited? Do you think the baby's going to look more like Percy or Annabeth? Go ahead and read on, I'll talk to you at the end of the chapter! Hope you enjoy! :)

I walked into the clinic with Percy, Dragging him behind me. I had told him that there was a check up I had to get to before our appoitment next week, he didn't question me but I knew that he was suspicious, this was an ultrasound clinic and there were picture of 4D ultrasounds everywhere, I hoped that he didn't suspect anything.

I told Percy to go sit down while I checked in and he didn't object. I walked over to the Check-in Desk and wrote 'Annabeth Jackson' on the sheet of paper that was attatched to a clipboard. I had signed us up for a forty minute session with a DVD of the whole thing and some pictures. It took all of the money in my savings account to pay for it, but I knew it would be worth it, we would actually be able to see our baby!

I sat down in a chair beside Percy and Percy turned to me, smiling, "Are you going to tell me what this is really about?" He asked and I took a deep breath, we were here I might as well tell him what's going on.

"I got us an appoitment for a 4D ultrasound." I confessed and he smiled, "I used the money out of my savings account."

"Annabeth," He said, "You didn't have to do this."

"I know I didn't have to," I said and smiled, "But I did it anyways."

 "Annabeth Jackson?" We heard a nurse call. I got up and walked over to the doorway, Putting my hand over my baby bump which had grown a lot.

"Hi," She said, "I'm Liz,"

"I'm Annabeth and this is my husband Percy." I said smiling, "Are you preforming the ultrasound?"

"No," She said, "Dr. Martin will be doing that."

I nodded and we headed into a room and as soon as I saw the inside I gasped. This was so much nicer that the doctors' office where I normally had my ultrasounds. The room was painted green and there was a very comfterable looking bed beside the ultrasound chair and a big screen to see the baby on, I noticed that there was a row of chairs and I saw Sally sitting in a chair smiling at Percy and I. She had remembered my invitation so long ago.

"Sally!" I gasped and Percy smiled.

"Mom!" He said, "How are you here?"

"Annabeth Invited me." She said.

"Dr. Martin will see you shortly." The nurse said and left the room.

I got onto the bed and waited Patiently for the doctor to come in while Percy and Sally caught up. I wished my Dad and Step-mom were able to be here, I'd told them that I was Pregnant and they could make it to the baby shower sadly but said that they were sending a gift. I missed seeing them, I wondered if they would ever meet our baby.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Martin and I'm going to be preforming your ultrasound today." A young looking woman with blonde hair said as she walked in.

"Hi, I'm Annabeth." I said and smiled as she shook my hand, "This is my husband Percy and my mother in-law Sally."

"Hi," She said and turned back to me, "You have a forty minute session, Correct?" She asked and I nodded, "Okay that's great, would you mind rolling your shirt up for me?" She asked and I rolled my shirt up as she put some of the clear gel on my stomach.

She turned the Ultrasound Machine on, and I gasped as I saw the most beautiful picture I had ever seen. My baby. It was so clear, the picture was in yellow but you could clearly see her facial figures, you could tell thatshe had Percy's eyes and my nose, her lips looked like a little bow and she appeared to be sleeping.

"Let's see if we can wake her up." The nurse said and put her hand on my stomach and moved my belly around a little.

Our baby opened her eyes and I saw the cutest thing that I had ever seen, our little girl rubbed her eyes and opened her mouth, like she was yawning. I gasped and wiped tears from the corners of my eyes: This was my baby girl, my beautiful baby girl. I looked over at Percy and saw him beaming, This was amazing, I was so glad that I had chosen to do this other than buy a grill set for him. I turned my attention back to the screen- not wanting to miss a single moment and payed close attention to what was going on.

A few seconds later I felt our baby kick, and saw it on the screen at the same time. She appeared to have woked up and was doing many cute things, while we were here I decided I wanted to try something that I had heard about online, I waited for her to kick again and about 3 minutes later she did so I pressed my hand into the spot where she had kicked. A few seconds later she kicked in that same spot again. It was like we were playing a little game. I pressed my hand somewhere else and she kicked back, I couldn't believe this was happening. I had never planned on becoming pregnant and now that I was pregnant, I realized how I would go back and do everything again. This baby was everything to me already.

The forty minutes went by fast and before we knew it, the gel was getting wiped off of my belly and we were walking back out into the lobby to get the DVD and pictures of our wonderful baby, I was looking forward to going home because Percy and I had said that we were going to decide on a name for our baby.

When we got home, I walked into a Bedroom where I had a notebook that was open, I had written names down that I like the names I had were: Maura, Lillie, Eva, Milada, Ariana, Belle, Alana, Heidi, and Kiara.

Percy walked into the room and sat down on our bed, "So what names do you like?" He asked and I smiled, I knew he would let me go first.

"I'll tell you a name and you tell me what you think of it, Okay?" I told him and he nodded, "Maura."

"Not really feeling that one." He said and I moved on.


"It's okay." He said and I put a check beside Lillie.

"Eva." I said

"I don't like that one."


"Too Foriegn."


"Not feeling it."


"Doesn't match our last names."







So her name was going to be Lillie, Alana, Heidi or, Kiara. "Which one do you like best?" I asked.

"I really like the names Lillie and Alana."

"What about Lillie Alana Chase-Jackson?" I asked and he nodded.

"That sounds beautiful."

So our little angel's name was going to be; Lillie Alana Chase-Jackson, that sounded beautiful, I had always loved the name Lillie. We were so close to having our baby it was unbelievable.

Hey everyone! Thanks so much for reading this chapter and Chapter 4 of Cold as Ice should be up later tonight! Also I have another book coming out (It's currently on hold) and as soon as I finish this book that will be coming out! Cold as Ice gets updated as soon as I finish updating the chapter of this book (Just in case you're interested.) and I try to update them both almost everyday!

Tomorrow I'm leaving for my trip and honestly I have no idea when I'm coming back so I'm sorry if this isn't updated soon! I'll try to get it updated again today but I have no idea if I'll be able to! I'm sorry if I don't!

Okay guys I'll talk to you later :)


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